Title: Kinetic-Fluid Model for Modeling Fast Ion Driven Instabilities
1Kinetic-Fluid Model for Modeling Fast Ion Driven
- C. Z. Cheng, N. Gorelenkov and E. Belova
- Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory
- Princeton University
- 45th Annual Meeting of the Division of Plasma
Physics October 27-31, 2003Albuquerque, New
- Energetic Particle Physics Issues
- Kinetic-MHD Model
- Advantages
- Limitations
- Linear and Nonlinear Kinetic-MHD codes
- Particle Characteristics and Kinetic Effects
- Nonlinear Kinetic-Fluid Model
- Summary
3Modeling Energetic Particle Physics
- The Modeling difficulty stems from disparate
scales which are traditionally analyzed
separately global-scale phenomena are studied
using MHD model, while microscale phenomena are
described by kinetic theories. - The kinetic-MHD model was developed by treating
thermal particles as MHD fluid and fast particles
by kinetic theories, on which all present
energetic particle codes are based. - Kinetic physics of both thermal and fast
particles involve small spatial scale and fast
temporal scale, and can strongly affect the
global structure and long time behavior of
thermal plasmas and fast particles. - ? A kinetic-fluid model has been developed to
treat kinetic physics of both thermal and fast
particles, but also retains the framework of
kinetic-MHD model.
4Kinetic-MHD Model
- Momentum Equation (Pc Ph)
- r / t Vr V rPc rPh J B
- Continuity Equation (n ' nc, nh nc)
- / t Vr r rrV 0
- Maxwell's Equations
- B/ t rE, J rB , rB 0
- Ohm's Law E VB 0, EB 0
- Adiabatic Pressure Law / t Vr (Pc/r5/3)
0 - Hot Particle Pressure Tensor
- Ph mh/2 s d3v vv fh(x,v)
- where fh is governed by gyrokinetic or Vlasov
5Advantages of Kinetic-MHD Model
- Retains properly global geometrical effects such
as gradients in P, B, etc. - Covers most low-frequency waves and
instabilities 3 Branches of waves and
instabilities - -- Fast Magnetosonic Branch compressional
wvaes, mirror modes, etc. - -- Shear Alfven Branch shear Alfven waves,
ballooning, tearing, K-H instabilities, etc. - -- Slow Magnetosonic Branch sound waves, drift
wave instabilities, etc. - Retains energetic particle kinetic physics.
6Limitations of Kinetic-MHD Model
- Assumes that fast particle density is negligible.
- Thermal particle dynamics is governed by MHD
model. - -- Ohm's law plasma is frozen in B and moves
with EB drift velocity and Ek 0. - -- Adiabatic pressure law thermal plasma
pressure changes adiabatically through plasma
convection and compression. - -- Gyroviscosity (contains ion gyroradius
effects) and pressure anisotropy are ignored. - -- Thermal particle kinetic effects of
gyroradii, trapped particle dynamics (transit,
bounce and magnetic drift motions), and
wave-particle resonances are ignored. - Kinetic-MHD model for thermal plasmas is valid
only when - (a) wci À w À wt, wb, w, wd for all particle
species - (b) kL gt 1 and kri 1
7PPPL Kinetic-MHD Codes
- Linear Stability Codes
- -- NOVA-K code global TAE stability code with
perturbative treatment of non-MHD physics of
thermal and fast particles - -- NOVA-2 code global stability code with
non-perturbative treatment of fast particle
kinetic effects - -- HINST code high-n stability code with
non-perturbative treatment of fast particle
kinetic effects - Nonlinear Simulation Codes
- -- M3D-K code global simulation code with fast
particle kinetic physics determined by
gyrokinetic equation. - -- HYM-1 code global simulation code with fast
particle kinetic physics determined by full
equation of motion. - -- HYM-2 code global hybrid simulation code
with ions treated by full equation of motion
and electrons treated as massless fluid.
8Kinetic-Fluid Model Cheng Johnson, J.
Geophys. Res., 104, 413 (1999)
- Consider high-b multi-ion species plasmas
- Consider w lt wci, k?ri O(1)
- Mass Density Continuity Equation
- / t Vr r rrV 0
- Momentum Equation
- (/t Vr) V J B r åj Pjcm
- Pjcm mj s d3v (v V)(v V) fj
- Particle distribution functions f F(x, e, m, t)
?f, - ?f (q/m)F/eF (q/mB)F/m (1 J02)(F
vkAk) (v? J1/2k?) dBk g0 eiL and g0 is
determined from gyrokinetic equation - ?/?t (vk vd)r g0 (q/m)F/e ?/?t
(B/B2)r(F g0)r J0(F vkAk) (v? J1 /2k?)
dBk or ?f can be solved by particle code. - Maxwell's equations in magnetostatic limit are
9- Pressure Tensor and Gyroviscosity
- P P? (I - bb) Pk bb P
- where I is the unit dyadic and b B/B.
- Pk m s d3v vk2 f, P? (m/2) s d3v v?2
f -
- For k? À kk, gyroviscosity tensor contribution
- rP ¼ b (rdPc b) b r?dPs
- dPc dPc1 dPc2 , dPc1 sd3v (m v?2/2) g0
(J0 2 J10) - dPc2 s d3v (m v?2 /2) (q/mB) F/m
- (F vk Ak)(2J0J10 J02) (v?d Bk
/k?)(J0 J1 2 J1 J10) - dPs s d3v (i mv?2 /l2)
- (qF/T)(w0 - wT) /wc (q/mB) (w- kk vk -
wd) F/m /wc - (l J0 J1 J02 - 1)(F vkAk)
- l(1 2 J12) 2 J0 J1(v?dBk/2k?)
- w0 - (Tw/m) ln F/e, l k?v?/wc,
- F(x, e, m, t) ltfgt averaged over fluctuation
scales when necessary, - ?/?t -i? and r ik operate on perturbed
10- Low-Frequency Ohm's Law
- E VB
- (1/nee) JB r( Pecm åi (qi me/e mi)
Picm) - åi (mi/rqi 1/nee)(B/B) (r Pi0 B/B)
- (me/nee2) J/ t r(JV VJ) hJ
- where Pi0 mi s d3v vv fi
- Main Features
- -- The kinetic-fluid model retains most
essential particle kinetic effects in low
frequency phenomena (w lt wci) for all particle
species - -- Gyroviscosity is included so that ion Larmor
radius effects are properly retained - -- A new Ohm's law for multi-ion species
- -- No assumption on nh/nc ratio
- -- Nonlinear
11Kinetic-Fluid Codes
- Based on Kinetic-Fluid Model we will extend
existing PPPL codes to include both thermal and
fast particle kinetic effects - Linear Stability Codes
- -- non-perturbative global NOVA-2 code
- -- high-n HINST code
- Nonlinear Global Simulation Codes
- -- M3D-K and HYM codes
12Integration of Burning Plasmas Physics
a interaction with thermal plasmas is a strongly
nonlinear process.
P(r), n(r), q(r)
Confinement, Disruption Control MHD Stability
Fusion Output
a-Heating a-CD
Auxiliary Heating Fueling Current Drive
Heating Power Pa gt Paux
Fast Ion Driven Instabilities Alpha Transport
Must develop efficient methods to control
profiles for burn control! ? Need nonlinear
kinetic-fluid simulation codes!
- A nonlinear kinetic-fluid model has been
developed for high-b plasmas with multi-ion
species for w lt wci. - Physics of wave-particle interaction and
geometrical effects are properly included, and
the kinetic-fluid model includes kinetic effects
of both thermal and fast particles. - Eigenmode equations for dispersive shear Alfven
waves and kinetic ballooning modes derived from
kinetic-fluid model are verified with those
derived from full kinetic equations for w lt wci.
- Based on kinetic-MHD model global and high-n
linear stability codes (e.g., NOVA-K, NOVA-2,
HINST, etc.) and nonlinear simulation codes
(e.g., M3D-K, HYM codes) have been developed to
study effects of energetic particles on MHD modes
such as TAEs, internal kinks, etc. - Linear stability and nonlinear simulation codes
based on kinetic-fluid model can be constructed
by extending these existing kinetic-MHD codes.