Title: MRX has received significantly stronger DOE support
1Experimental Study of Two-Fluid Physics of
Magnetic Reconnection In Laboratory and Space
Masaaki Yamada Princeton Plasma Physics
In collaboration with Hantao Ji, Russell Kulsrud,
Stefan Gerhardt, Alex Kuritsyn, and Yang Ren
at IPELS 2005, July 5, 2005 Tromso, Norway
- Goal -Highlight the recent measurements of
two-fluid effects during magnetic reconnection in
MRX and compare them with space observations - 1. Local vs global issues
- Global boundary conditions influence or determine
local reconnection dynamics -gt driven
reconnection - Local sheet physics influences global topology
evolution -gt spontaneous reconnection - 2. Two-fluid dynamics of local reconnection layer
- Fine structure of the neutral sheet
- Hall term effects
- Classical collisions vs non-classical collisions
3Magnetic Reconnection in Solar flares
- We see clear global reconnection through topology
changes. - It is not easy to identify local reconnection
4Identification of a local reconnection
region Two-Fluid Hall effects were documented in
the current sheet of the magnetopause
d c/wpi
Mozer et al., PRL 2002
POLAR satellite
5Two Fluid Physics Issues been addressed in
dedicated lab experiments
- Current sheet profiles
- ? c/?pi, consistent with theory MRX, SSX,
TS-3, Space data - B ? tanh(x/?), in MRX, VTF, Polar Geotail etc
- Reconnection rate
- - Enhanced in less collisional MRX, TS-3 and
collisionless VTF regimes - Focus of this talk gtTwo-fluid effects in MRX
- Hall Effects
- Out-of-plane quadrupole field
- Fluctuations
- Detected by electrostatic and magnetic probes.
- Magnetic fluctuations around Lower Hybrid
frequency and the waves correlate well with the
resistivity enhancement MRX ltgt WIND, GEOTAIL,
6MRX upgraded in 2004
- Relocated the PF and TF power supplies, increased
stored energy (500 kJ) - Extended vacuum vessel to allow greater flux-core
7Study of Reconnection Rate vs Boundary Conditions
(Z0 scan)
- Z0 scan
- Changing the distance between the flux cores
- Collisional regime (Resistive MHD)
- Low collisional regime (Non-classical)
8Current Sheet Length Becomes Longer at Larger
Flux Core Separation
9Reconnection speed in MRX does not agree with
classical Sweet-Parker theory
10Outflow Speed Measured by Mach Probe
Downstream pressure impedes the outflow
11(No Transcript)
12Resistivity is Determined by Local Plasma
Without guide field Kuritsyn, 05
Local reconnection model works Resistivity is
enhanced in low collisional plasmas for ?mfp gt
13Comparison of Resistivity With and Without Guide
Kuritsyn 2005
- The results are in consistent with Spitzer
resistivity - gt Local reconnection model is working
14Approach to Physics of Magnetic Reconnection
Layer (I)
One Fluid MHD
Sweet-Parker model Petchek model
If not satisfied, instability would enhance ?
If not satisfied, electrons motion
decouples from ions
15Approach to Physics of Magnetic Reconnection
Layer (II) Hall Term is dominant in most of the
reconnection experiments
Generalized Ohms law
gtgt 1
16Two competing models to explain fast reconnection
Generalized Sweet-Parker model
2-Fluids MHD Model
We observe both!
17Hall term should play a major role in force
balance in y direction (Breslau)
E v ? B
(j ? B)/nee
?2?10-3 ?10-2 c/?pi2.277?10-2
18Very Fast Electron Flow
flux contours
ion flow
electron flow
symmetry axes
Max ion speed is 1.084 vA at (.464, 0) and
(.735, 0).
Max electron speed is 3.302 vA at (.562, 0) and
(.631, 0).
?2?10-3 ?10-2 c/?pi2.277?10-2
19A wide array of magnetic probes allow
reconstruction of the reconnecting current sheet
New fine structure probe 71 channels
Profile of the neutral sheet has been measured d
0.4 c/wpi.
20The Fine Structure Probe allows measurements
within the current sheet with 1.25 mm resolution
5 cm
c/?pi 2-10 cm. c/?pe .5-2.5 mm.
1.25 mm
21Out-of-plane Quadrupole has been predicted by
numerical simulations
From Drake et al.
22Toroidal quadupole field is found in off axis
locations demonstrating 2 Fluid MHD effects
Probe at z -7 cm
Probe at z 7 cm
Fine Structure Probe ? 1mm
232-D display of Hall toroidal field contours (in
colors)with reconnecting field vectors(? x4cm,
? z1cm)
Movie is available
24Experimentally measured 3-D field line features
in MRX
- Manifestation of Hall effects in MRX
- Electrons would pull magnetic field lines with
their flow
25Self-made quadru-pole field size versus fill
pressure Collisions reduce the Hall effects
Bz is the shoulder value of reconnecting field.
26Identification of a local reconnection
region Two-Fluid Hall effects were documented in
the current sheet of the magnetopause
d c/wpi
Mozer et al., PRL 2002
POLAR satellite
27Cluster Observation of Hall Effects
Vaivads et al. PRL04
Quadrupole signature was observed in current
sheet in high latitude magnetopause
28Fast Reconnection ltgt Enhanced Resistivity
- Main question
- What is the cause of the observed enhanced
resistivity? - Collisional effects are not dominant in low
density regime (Te gt 6 eV, ne lt 5x1013 cm-3)
- Hall MHD Effects
- Electromagnetic Fluctuations
- Both Observed in MRX
29Magnetic Fluctuations Measured in Current Sheet
(Ji et al. PRL, 04)
- Comparable amplitudes in all components
- Waves wereidentified as a branch of Whistler
30Magnetic Fluctuations Peak Near the Current Sheet
gt R. Kulsruds Talk
31Global Stability Analysis of Harris Sheet
(Huba, Drake, Gladd, 80) (Yoon, Lui, Sitnov,
02) (Daughton, 03)
2-fluid treatment (Yoon et al, 02)
Full kinetic treatment (Daughton 03)
EM component at center and ES component at edge
32Similar Observation by Spacecraft at Earths
(Phan et al. 03)
(Bale et al. 04)
high b
low b
high b
low b
low b
33Amplitudes of whistler waves correlate well with
resistivity enhancement in MRX
Ji et al., To be published in PRL, 03
34 Linkage between space and lab scales on
Indicates importance of 2-fluid effects
35 How do 2-fluid effects come into play?
MRX scaling of reconnection rate w.r.t.
Normalized ion skin depth
- Significant progress has been made in laboratory
reconnection experiments and space observations
gt joint study of local physics mechanisms - Important progress In lab experiments for local
physics issues, - Transition from collisional to collisionless
regime documented - Hall MHD effects identified through measurement
of out-of-plane quadrupole field - Electromagnetic fluctuations with w wlh have
been observed in the MRX current sheet and
correlate with resistivity enhancement - Relative drift of electrons seems to be a
dominant driving force- modified two stream
instability - Significant commonality found between lab results
and space observations - Analytical study of local reconnection physics is
now essential