Title: Differential Equation of Addition: Theory and Practice
1 Differential Equation of Addition Theory and
- Speaker Souradyuti Paul
- (work jointly with Bart Preneel)
- Computer Security and Industrial Cryptography
(COSIC) - Department of Electrical Engineering
- Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium
- Email
- Motivation What is DEA
- Satisfiability of DEA
- Solving DEA
- Solving DEA with batch queries
- Solving DEA with adaptive queries
- Applications in Cryptography
- Conclusions and Remarks
- Motivation What is DEA
- Satisfiability of DEA
- Solving DEA
- Solving DEA with batch queries
- Solving DEA with adaptive queries
- Applications in Cryptography
- Conclusions and Remarks
4 Motivation Mixing Diff. Group
Operations (I)
- Addition () Integer addition over Z2n abc
a, b, c are n-bit integers - XOR Addition in characteristic 2 over (Z2)n
- ab XOR c a, b, c are n-bit integers
- Combination of Addition and XOR is one of the
most used symmetric cipher components
5 Motivation Why Addition and XOR (II)
- Extremely fast on all modern machines
- Generates nonlinear equations over GF(2)
6Examples of Addition and XOR
- RC6
- Motivation
- What is DEA
- Satisfiability of DEA
- Solving DEA
- Solving DEA with queries
- Applications in Cryptography
- Conclusions and Remarks
8 DEADifferential Eqn. of
- Investigating Addition under Differential
Cryptanalysis - Inputs (a, b), (a , b ) Outputs c, c
- a b c
- a b c
- Known differences as XORs m, n, p
- ma XOR a
- n b XOR b
- p c XOR c
- DEA p(ab) XOR ((a XOR m)(b XOR n))
9 DEA Whats the big deal?
- DEA p(ab) XOR ((a XOR m)(b XOR n))
- an-1 an-2 an-3 ai1 ai
a1 a0 - bn-1 bn-2 bn-3 bi1 bi
b1 b0 - cn-1 cn-2 cn-3 ci1 ci
c1 0 Carry bits - mn-1 mn-2 mn-3 mi1 mi m1
m0 - nn-1 nn-2 nn-3 ni1 ni
n1 n0 - --------------------------------------------------
--------------------------------------------- - pn-1 pn-2 pn-3 pi1 pi
p1 0 -
- Motivation
- What is DEA
- Satisfiability of DEA
- Solving DEA
- Solving DEA with queries
- Applications in Cryptography
- Conclusions and Remarks
11The Problem DEA-sat
- Consider an arbitrary set of DEA
- pi(a b) XOR ((a XOR mi) (b XOR ni))
i 0,1,2, k - Secret (a, b)
- Known pi, mi, ni for all i0,1,2,k
- kO(nl), l is a constant
- DEA-Sat Contains all satisfiable sets of DEA
- Question Verify membership in DEA-Sat
12DEA-sat is in P
- In 1992, Berson observed that it is hard to
analyze addition, for large n, when differences
are expressed as XORs Berson, Eurocrypt 1992
- DEA-Sat by trivial exhaustive search requires
time O(nl.22n) - We verified membership in DEA-Sat in
13DEA-sat is in P How?
Whether there exists a solution (ai, bi, ci) for
(mi ,ni ,pi ,pi1 )
- Clue 1 Equivalence of two eqn.
- p (a b) XOR ((a XOR m) (b XOR n))
- p(a b) XOR ((a XOR m) (b XOR n)) XOR m XOR
n - There are k such equations
- Clue 2 Dependence among bits of a, b, m, n, p
- an-1 an-2 an-3 ai1 ai a1
a0 - bn-1 bn-2 bn-3 bi1 bi
b1 b0 - cn-1 cn-2 cn-3 ci1 ci
c1 0 Carry bits - mn-1 mn-2 mn-3 mi1 mi m1
m0 - nn-1 nn-2 nn-3 ni1 ni
n1 n0 - --------------------------------------------------
--------------------------------------------- - pn-1 pn-2 pn-3 pi1 pi
p1 0 -
14Tabulating pi1
mi, ni, pi
(ai, bi, ci)
0, 0, 0
0, 0, 1
0, 1, 0
0, 1, 1
1, 0, 0
1, 0, 1
1, 1, 0
1, 1, 1
- Motivation
- What is DEA
- Satisfiability of DEA
- Solving DEA
- Solving DEA with adaptive queries
- Applications in Cryptography
- Conclusions and Remarks
16The Problem DEA-comp
- DEA-Comp Compute all solutions to a given set of
DEA - Our algorithm solves DEA-Comp with running time
linear in the number of solutions - Our technique is combinatorial (different from
traditional methods such as Gröbner Bases)
17DEA-comp How
- Consider the eqn.
- p(a b) XOR ((a XOR m) (b XOR n)) XOR m XOR
n - Individual Solution, Si
- an-1 an-2 an-3 ai1 ai a1
a0 - bn-1 bn-2 bn-3 bi1 bi
b1 b0 - cn-1 cn-2 cn-3 ci1 ci
c1 0 Carry bits - mn-1 mn-2 mn-3 mi1 mi m1
m0 - nn-1 nn-2 nn-3 ni1 ni
n1 n0 - --------------------------------------------------
--------------------------------------------- - pn-1 pn-2 pn-3 pi1 pi
p1 0 - All Solutions, S4.Sn-2.Sn-3..SiS1.S0
- Motivation What is DEA
- Satisfiability of DEA
- Solving DEA
- Solving DEA with batch queries
- Solving DEA with adaptive queries
- Applications in Cryptography
- Conclusions and Remarks
19What are Batch Queries (I)
- Consider the following DEA
- p (a b) XOR (a (b XOR n))
- Batch Query
n1, n2, ..
p1, p2, ..
20Contrast with Adaptive Query
21DEA with Batch Queries (I)
- Consider the following DEA
- p (a b) XOR (a (b XOR n))
- Batch Query
- Challenge Obtain (a, b) with a min. number of
n1, n2, ..
p1, p2, ..
22Facts to Remember
- Trivial Method Submit all 2n Queries
- Nontrivial Method the of queries is less than
2n - To ensure soln. set same as that for all 2n
Queries for all (a, b) - Fact of Solutions 2t3 8 if a01
- t is position of least significant 1
of a
23Lower Bound on of Queries
- Condition (n-2)-th bit of some output
- p is 1
- Condition violated of soln. gt 2t38
if a01
24Lower Bound Encode Query and Output in a Binary
A total Of ¾ .2n-2 paths in the subtree
Depth 0
Depth n-2
25Is the Lower Bound Optimal?
- Our algorithm requires 2n-2 queries (see the
paper) - Our Lower bound is optimal up to a constant
factor - Open Question How to close the gap?
26DEA with Batch Queries (I)
- Consider the following DEA
- p (a b) XOR ((a XOR m) (b XOR n))
- Batch Query
- Challenge Obtain (a, b) with a min. number of
(m, n)s
(m, n)
27Lower Bound A few facts
- All possible queries 22n
- A lower bound 3 for all ngt2 (proved)
- Large number of experiments suggests
- lower bound is 4 (conjecture)
- Our algorithm solves it with 6 queries for all
ngt2 (major weakness)
- Motivation
- What is DEA
- Satisfiability of DEA
- Solving DEA
- Solving DEA with adaptive queries
- Applications in Cryptography
- Conclusions and Remarks
29DEA with Adapt. Queries (I)
- Consider the following DEA
- p (a b) XOR ((a XOR m) (b XOR n))
- Adaptive Query
- Challenge Obtain (a, b) with a min. number of
(m, n)s
(m1, n1)
(m2, n2)
30DEA with Adapt. Queries (II)
- Solving all 22n eqn. gives 4 solutions
- Is it possible to obtain all 4 solutions with
less queries? - Lower Bound 3 for all n 3
- L.B Condition Si1 for all 0 i n-2
- Lower bound optimal (see the paper)
- Major weakness of addition under DC
31DEA with Adapt. Queries (III)
- Consider another DEA
- p (a b) XOR (a (b XOR n))
- Adaptive Query
- Challenge Obtain (a, b) with a min. number of
32DEA with Adapt. Queries (I)
- Consider the following DEA
- p (a b) XOR (a (b XOR n))
- Adaptive Query
- Challenge Obtain (a, b) with a min. number of
33DEA with Adapt. Queries (IV)
- Total number of eqn. 2n
- The previous best known algorithm requires 3(n-1)
adaptive queries Muller, FSE 2004 - We showed that a lower bound is (n-t-1), t is the
least significant 1 of a (see paper) - L.B Condition pn-2 1 for all 0 t n-3
- Our lower bound is optimal, weakness
- Motivation
- What is DEA
- Satisfiability of DEA
- Solving DEA
- Solving DEA with adaptive queries
- Applications in Cryptography
- Conclusions and Remarks
35Cryptanalysis of Helix (I)
- Differential attack on Helix Muller, FSE 2004
- Mullers key recovery attack requires 212
adaptive chosen plaintext blocks - We improve the data complexity by a factor of 3
in the worst case - We improve data complexity by a factor of 46.5 in
the best case
36Cryptanalysis of Helix (II)
- No attack so far on Helix with chosen plaintexts
- Chosen messages attacks are more practical to
implement (requires only one oracle) - We, for the first time, show a key recovery
attack on Helix with 235.64 - chosen plaintexts
- Motivation
- What is DEA
- Satisfiability of DEA
- Solving DEA
- Solving DEA with adaptive queries
- Applications in Cryptography
- Conclusions and Remarks
38Conclusions and Remarks
- Behavior of Modular Addition against differential
cryptanalysis - Cryptanalysis of the cipher Helix
- Open questions regarding lower bounds
- What are the other applications?
- Can this be extended to solve more complex
- S. Paul and Bart Preneel, Solving Systems of
Differential Equations of Addition, ACISP 2005,
Full Version IACR ePrint Report 2004/294 - S.Paul and Bart Preneel, Near Optimal Algorithms
for Solving DEA with Batch Queries, Indocrypt
2005 (to appear)