Title: Therapeutic Equivalence
1Therapeutic Equivalence Active Control Clinical
- Richard Simon, D.Sc.
- Chief, Biometric Research Branch
- National Cancer Institute
- Determine whether a new treatment is
therapeutically equivalent to an established
effective treatment - Determine whether a new treatment is effective
relative to no treatment
3Problems With Therapeutic Equivalence Trials
- It is impossible to demonstrate therapeutic
equivalence - At best, one can establish that results are only
consistent with differences in efficacy within
specified limits
4Problems With Therapeutic Equivalence Trials
- When your only tool is a hammer, everything looks
like a nail - Failure to reject the null hypothesis may be the
result of inadequate sample size, not
demonstration of equivalence
5Problems With Therapeutic Equivalence Trials
- Large sample sizes are needed to establish that
differences in efficacy are within narrow limits
6Problems With Therapeutic Equivalence Trials
- The limits within which difference in efficacy
should be bounded should depend on - The degree of effectiveness of the active control
- The precision with which the effectiveness of the
active control is estimated
7Problems With Therapeutic Equivalence Trials
- Therapeutic equivalence trials are not feasible
or interpretable unless there is strong
quantifiable evidence for the effectiveness of
the active control
8Problems With Therapeutic Equivalence Trials
- Demonstrating that E (experimental rx) is at
least 80 as effective as C (active control) is
interpretable only in the context of knowledge of
how effective C is with regard to P (previous
standard or no rx).
9Problems With Therapeutic Equivalence Trials
- In evaluating whether 80 effectiveness relative
to C represents effectiveness relative to P, one
must account for the uncertainty in effectiveness
of C relative to P - Using the upper 95 confidence limit as the
estimate of effectiveness is not statistically
10Bayesian Design and Analysis of Active Control
Clinical TrialsBiometrics 55484-487, 1999
12? log of hazard ratio of C to P? log of
hazard ratio of E to P ? - ? log of HR of C
to E
13Prior Distributions
- Prior distribution for ? is N(?,?2)
- Determined from random-effects meta-analysis of
relevant randomized trials of C versus P
14Prior Distributions
- Prior distribution for ? is N(0,?)
- Reflecting no quantitative randomized evidence
for effectiveness of E
15Results of Therapeutic Equivalence Trial
- Observed maximum likelihood estimate of log of
hazard ratio of E to C is y with standard error ? - z value is y/ ?
- ylt0 means E looked better than C
16Posterior Distributions Given Data From
Equivalence Trial
- Posterior distribution of ? is same as prior
distribution - Posterior distribution of ? is N(y? , ?2?2)
- Correlation of ? and ? is ?/? ?2?2
17Probability that E is Effective and at least 50
as Effective as C
18Type I Error
- Posterior distribution of ? is N(y? , ?2?2)
- Conclude E is effective relative to P if
- If EP, predictive distribution of y is
- N(-? , ?2?2)
- If EP, predictive probability of concluding E is
effective is ?
19Planning Sample Size for Therapeutic Equivalence
- If E and C are equivalent, we want high
probability (e.g. 0.80) of concluding that E is
effective relative to P - Pr?lt0ygt0.95
- 0.95 is probability of effectiveness
- The calculation is made assuming ??, and using
the predictive distribution of y with regard to
the prior distribution of ?
20Planning Sample Size for Therapeutic Equivalence
- A more stringent requirement is if E and C are
equivalent, we want high probability (e.g. 0.80)
of concluding that E is effective relative to P
and at least 100k as effective as C - Pr?lt0 ?ltk ? ygt0.95
- k.5 represents 50 as effective as C
- k0 represents simply effective relative to P
21Sample Size Planning for Therapeutic Equivalence
22Tamoxifen Alternative Therapeutic Equivalence
Trial. Invasive disease
- Therapeutic equivalence trials cannot be
meaningfully interpreted without quantitative
consideration of the evidence that the control C
is effective - The strength of evidence that C is effective
- The degree to which it is effective
- The degree to which its effectiveness varies
among trials
- Therapeutic equivalence trials are not practical
or appropriate in situations where strong
quantitative evidence for the effectiveness of C
is not available