Title: AIRS Data Support at GES DAAC
1AIRS Data Support at GES DAAC Outreach
Activities for AIRS Data and Data Support
Point of Contact Sunmi Cho (cho_at_daac.gsfc.nasa.g
2AIRS Data Support at GES DAAC Outreach Activities
1. Pre-launch The advance publicizing of
AIRS data set is very important to
allow potential users time to prepare for future
uses f data from EOS mission. Also, early
interactions with potential users through
presentations and user surveys at conferences
will allow the data support team and GES DAAC to
be better informed about, and more responsive to,
user needs and interests. 2. Post-launch
Direct interaction with AIRS data users at
various conferences and meetings will allow the
data support team to investigate AIRS data usage
and services that need to be enhanced and
developed, and users to be provided with more
efficient help on understanding, accessing, and
handling AIRS data product.
3AIRS Data Support at GES DAAC Outreach Activities
Routinely present poster papers or giving oral
presentation on data and data support in major
conferences and meetings Create and distribute
informational materials such as brochure and
images for backdrops at exhibit booth User
survey Build user mailing list News
letter Release and maintain informational web