Title: MODIS PIP 082102
1AIRS Data ManagementandPublic Release
Readinessat theGSFCs Earth Sciences (GES)
Distributed Active Archive Center (DAAC)
Presenter Steve Kempler GES DAAC
Manager (301) 614-5765 Steven.J.Kempler_at_nasa.g
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8- In Summary
- Daily operations meeting (10 to 15 minutes
duration with AIRS Data Team (Steve Friedman,
Evan Manning) has proved extremely beneficial - Ingest of new Science Software (PGEs) have been
integrated and tested in a timely fashion in
support of performing better science - Data production has been reliable and stable
- Ingest issues resolved GBAD data ingested
routinely - The AIRS data has been safely archived
- Data Pool is now being populated by AIRS data
- Data Support Team lead by Dr. Jianchun Qin (JCQ)
and User Support Team lead by Ms. Leena Snoddy in
place and (almost) ready for First Public Release
of AIRS data
9- Preparing for AIRS Data Public Release
- (Almost) Ready for First Public Release of AIRS
data - GES DAAC Atmospheric Dynamics Data Support Team
(ADDST) has compiled a list of actions to be
worked off with the AIRS Data Team (Steve
Friedman, Evan Manning) in preparation for first
data public release - ADDST meets 2 to 3 times weekly - Includes data
specialists, webmaster, user services personnel,
software engineers - ADDST telecons weekly with AIRS Data Team to
coordinate data release announcements,
documentation, data access, and disclaimers - All individuals are on top of what is left to be
done, and we should be ready for the first public
release announcement in March
10AIRS Data Public Release Actions Being
Coordinated with AIRS Team 1. How does
AIRS/DAAC wish to handle public release
announcement, etc.? AIRS will take the lead in
formulating a public announcement. GES DAAC to
be part of the coordination so to ensure a one
voice announcement. 2. Need data dates to be
released (starting date of data) Which products
are to be released? 6 Products will be release
4 L1B's plus 2 QA products. Data will be
released starting at the current data date being
processed on release day. 3. Product
documentation for Collection 2 data needed.
AIRS to provide product documentation GES DAAC
to provide Readme files for AIRS review 4.
Produce disclaimer text regarding the use of
Summary Browse and scientific quality
expectations of released data GES DAAC to write
and provide Summary Browse disclaimer for review
AIRS to provide disclaimer text that will
describe the quality of the products being
released 5. Determine a fair and acceptable
amount of space reserved on Data Pool for AIRS 4
TB on the GES DAAC Data Pool will be reserved for
AIRS data products (up from 1 TB), equivalent to
approximately 120 days of AIRS Level 1B data 6.
Would GES DAAC be willing to make AIRS Matlab
tools available to DAAC AIRS users? GES DAAC
reviewed the tools and is looking into how to
make them available
11GES DAAC AIRS Data Public Release Checklist
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14Data and User Support at the GDAAC
The AIRS Data Support Team at the GDAAC provides
science and data support to assist users in
understanding, accessing and using the AIRS data
products. Services include assistance with
- Product ordering and distribution
- Access of various technical documents
- On-line data visualization and analysis
- O-the-fly and on-demand channel/variable
subsetting - Data mining (integrate and run user-provided
data reduction - algorithms to routinely generate value-added
products) - Data format and tools support
- Help desk for various user questions and
request - Educational resources
15AIRS Data Access
- From GES DAAC Homepage http//daac.gsfc.nasa.gov
- AIRS Information and Data button takes you
directly to the AIRS Data Support page - From AIRS Data Support page, Data Access button
takes you to data access options - AIRS Data Access Options
- EOS Data Gateway (EDG)
- Search and Order
- Data is sent by tape or pulled by requestor
- DAAC-specific interfaces
- GSFC On-line Data Search and Ordering (aka WHOM)
- Provides access to near-line archive and on-line
Data Pool (ftp) - Subscription
- Need to make arrangements through User Services
- Data automatically pushed to requestor
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17DAAC User Services
- AIRS Data Support Team.
- Lead Dr. Jianchun Qin 301-614-5323
- User Services Group
- 301-614- 5473
- daac_usg_at_gsfcsrvr4.gsfcmo.ecs.nasa.gov
- daacuso_at_daac.gsfc.nasa.gov
- GES DAAC Website
- http//daac.gsfc.nasa.gov