Title: Chapter 4: Consumption, Saving, and Investment
1Chapter 4 Consumption, Saving, and Investment
- Aggregate demand AD CIG(X-IM)
- Closed economy no foreign sector
- G is given
- Assume two major components of AD C and I
3Theories of consumer behavior
- Keynes absolute income hypothesis
- Permanent income hypothesis
- Life-cycle hypothesis
4Keynes Consumption function
- Absolute-income hypothesis
- Psychological law--as income rises consumption
rises but not by as much as income - Keynes assumes that consumption is a function of
current income. - C Co cY
- redistribute income from the wealthy to the poor
as a means of increasing AD. - Refute the classical notion that the saving of
the wealthy is a necessary and sufficient
condition for economic growth.
6- Keynes consumption function served as the basis
of Alvin Hansens interpretation of Keynes "The
gist of the matter, then, is this Say's law is
not valid because consumption in real terms rises
absolutely less than output, or real income, . .
. and this widening gap may or may not be filled
by investment depending upon the prevailing
strength of the factors (technology and
population growth) which determine the volume of
investment outlays." Alvin Hansen, A Guide to
Keynes. (New York McGraw-Hill, 1953., p. 34).
7Life-cycle hypothesis
- Concerned how households allocate their income
between consumption and saving - households earn a stream of income over a
lifetime - households may consume more or less than their
income for any given year
8- household consumption depends on
- rate of interest
- expectations regarding future income
- decision-making is intertemporal, meaning that
households carefully consider how their present
expenditures affect future consumption
9The Permanent income hypothesis
- People maximize utility based on their permanent
(expected life-time) income - Allocate their income intertemporally
- Assumptions
- One type of good Y the price of which is 1,
serving as the numerarie (in other words, we use
this good as a composite good, a unit of real
GNP) - Households produce a stream of output over T
periods Y1, Y2, , YT - Household consumes an amount C1, C2, , CT
11- If there is no saving, Y1 C1, Y2 C2, and so
on - If the commodity is storable, then the household
may save - C1 lt Y1 -- Saving
- C2 gt Y2 -- Dissaving
12Intertemporal Budget Constraint
- Assumptions
- Two periods
- Over a life-time income consumption,
- no assets at birth, no debt or assets upon death,
no bequests to children - Y1 Y2/(1 r) C1 C2/(1 r) W
- Hence, Y1 - C1 -(Y2 - C2)/(1 r)
- S1 -S2/(1 r)
13Household decision making
- Household will maximize utility subject to the
intertemporal budget constraint - In effect, the individual allocates his or her
expected income over a life time in order to
maximize utility - Permanent income or wealth depends on
- Expected income
- Interest rate
- Inheritance
14Optimal Level of Consumption Maximizing utility
- Utility is maximized where the indifference curve
is tangent to the intertemporal budget constraint - This defines the optimal level of consumption
- UL UL(C1 , C2)
- Indifference curves are convex to the origin
because - Both goods are substitutes
- Diminishing marginal rate of substitution, as we
take one unit of income away, we must compensate
with higher levels of income to keep the
individual at the same level of utility
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16Effect of changes in interest rates
- Interest rate opportunity cost of consuming in
the present (future income that could have been
earned) - An increase in interest rates people substitute
away from current consumption - A decrease in interest rates people substitute
towards current consumption
17Effect of changes in income and wealth on
Consumption and saving
- An increase in current income
- An increase in future income
- An increase in wealth
18Permanent-Income Theory of Consumption
- Consumption depends on permanent income, which
depends on current income and expected future
income - Households try to smooth out consumption over a
19Effect of Fiscal Policy on consumption
- Fiscal policy Governments power to tax and
spend - Fiscal policy affects desired consumption by
affecting households current and future incomes
20Consumption and taxes
- C1 C2/(1 r) (Y1 - T1) (Y2 T2)/(1 r)
- Yd1 Yd2/(1 r)
- The effect of taxes on consumption and saving
depend on whether tax changes are permanent,
anticipated, or transitory - Individuals will try to maintain their level of
consumption over time
21- Transitory tax increase will reduce both saving
and consumption in the present - Permanent tax increase reduce consumption by the
amount of the tax - Anticipated tax increase and Ricardian
equivalence - A temporary tax cut today leads to anticipated
tax increase - result a rise in present saving equal to the tax
cut - Fiscal policy (tax cut) has no effect
22Effect of Government spending
- Government increases spending
- Consumers will anticipate future tax increases to
pay for the increase in government spending - Consumers will reduce their consumption, although
generally not as much as the increase in
government spending - Ricardian equivalence proposition that the
decline in consumer spending will match
anticipated future tax increases, negating the
expansionary effect of fiscal policy
23Household Liquidity Constraints
- Liquidity constraintinability of individuals to
borrow - Appears to be a relationship between savings
rates and liquidity constraints
24Investment is
- most unstable component of GDP. changes in
investment are the primary cause of the business
cycle - Investment comprises 15 of GDP
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26Types of Capital and Investment
- Fixed business investment
- inventory investment
- investment in residential structures
27Gross and Net Investment
- I J dK
- where I gross investment
- J net investment
- dK depreciation of the capital stock
- K1 - K J
- K1 I K(1 - d) capital accumulation equation
28Shortcomings measuring investment
- Investment as defined by the national income
accounts does not include all durable goods that
raise future productivity - Omits
- durable consumer goods
- spending on infrastructure
- human capital
29- Professor Robert Eisner argues that investment
spending is probably greater, around 37 of GDP
30Theory of Investment
- We begin with how households make investment
decisions - Household allocates income between consuming now
and saving for the future - We now allow the household to purchase
investment goods
- role of demand
- price level
32Production function
- Y Y(K,L)
- Characteristics
- MPk MPL gt 0
- diminishing returns to each factor, holding the
other factor constant
33Households investment Decision
- Households may increase future output 2 ways
- lend money at interest rate of r (purchase bonds)
- purchase capital assets
- Q1 - C1 S1 B1 I1
- C2 Q2 (1 r)B1
34Household must make 2 choices
- How much to consume and save
- How much to divide between saving and investing
- If households knew the MPk gt r, the decision
would be to invest
35Investment as a negative function of r
- Since MPk is downward sloping with respect to K,
an increase in r must mean a decline in K - Hence, I function is negatively sloped
- I I1(r)
36Max wealth under many periods the general case
- MPK1 d r
- Assume we purchase a computer, which will yield a
return next year, and then sold
37- Pk Price of capital
- PV of income stream Pk(MPk1)/(1r)
- PV of scrap value Pk(1-d)/(1r)
- NPV - Pk Pk(MPk1)/(1r) Pk(1-d)/(1r) 0
- PkMPk1 - (r d)/(1r) 0
- PkMPk1/(1r) Pk(r d)/(1r)
- MPk1 (r d)
- NPV is positive if MPk1 gt r d
38Investment Decision
- Marginal product (MPK vs r depreciation)
- PV of income stream scrap value versus the cost
39Introducing taxes
- MPK1(1-t) d r
- MPK1 (d r)/((1-t)
40Role of Expectations
- Pk(MPk1) future revenue stream not discounted
- This revenue steam is uncertain
- it is the anticipated income from a prospective
investment - J.M Keynes asserted that investment largely
depends on the expectations of entrepreneurs,
what Keynes called animal spirits - optimism or pessimism that is reflected in the
prospective return
41Goods Market Equilibrium
- Y Cd Id G
- Y - Cd G Sd
- Sd Id
42Saving and Invesment
- Classical view interest rates adjust to ensure
that S I - Keynes
- Decisions to save and invest are made by
different economic agents for different reasons - No reason to think that interest rates will
ensure that S I at full employment - Implication the economy may achieve equilibrium
at less than full employment