Title: Elena Petkova
1Implementing Access to Information,
Participation, and Justice
- Elena Petkova
- May 5, 2003
- Partnership Fair
- CSD 11
- New York, NY
2PP10 Supports Implementation of Principle 10 of
the Rio Declaration, 1992
Environmental issues are best handled with the
participation of all concerned
citizens At the national level each individual
shall have appropriate access to information
concerning the environment States shall
facilitate and encourage public awareness
and participation Effective access to judicial
and administrative proceedingsshall be
3 and Paragraph 128 of the WSSD Plan of
Implementation, 2002
- Ensure access, at the national level, to
- environmental information,
- judicial and administrative proceedings
- in environmental matters, and
- public participation in decision-making
- to further Principle 10 of the Rio Declaration
on Environment and Development.
- International
- European Commission
- The World Bank
- World Resources Institute
Governments Chile Hungary Italy Mexico Sweden Uga
nda (pending) United Kingdom
National NGOs from Chile Hungary Mexico Thailand U
nited Kingdom Uganda United States
5Rules of Engagement
- Shared Commitments
- adopted by all partners
- Specific Commitments
- defined by each partner for specific work to
be done by that partner -
- PP10 Targets
- aggregated from specific commitments
6Shared Commitments
Partnership for Principle 10 is built around
shared commitments that set the parameters for
its scope of work.
Shared Commitments Encourage credible and
independent assessments of policies and
practice. _________________ Collaborate with
partners to improve policies and practice, and
enhance performance. _________________ Develop
specific commitments and be accountable for them.
All partners, by joining PP10, commit
to support the accelerated and enhanced
implementation of Principle 10 at the national
level and in their own policies and practice
related to access to information, public
participation, and justice.
7Specific Commitments
- Three categories of specific commitments
- Improve own institutional performance in
providing access - Contribute to improvement of access by other
partners - Contribute to the collective work of PP10
- Characteristics of specific commitments
- Measurable,
- Time-bound
- Additional to what is currently done
- Partners
- Make different commitments in each category
- Are accountable for their specific commitments
8Specific Commitments Examples
- Partners from Uganda (NGOs and government)
- collaborate to prioritize and undertake
activities to improve access through legislation,
training and outreach - UK Government
- provide funding support for the Secretariat and
for work in developing countries undertake an
assessment of government performance and
improvement of legislation - UNDP
- provide staff for the Partnership improve access
in the Energy and Environment Practice globally
promote implementation and develop knowledge
9PP10 Strategies and Services
- Ensuring accountability for specific commitments
- Matchmaking and mobilizing additional resources
- Facilitating collaboration and learning
- Conducting outreach and expanding to additional
PP10 supports national-level implementation by
- Committee of the Whole
- Makes decisions on policies, strategies, adequacy
of specific commitments, new members first
meeting, April 2-5, 2003 - Advisory Group
- EMLA, Corporacion Participa, TEI, ACODE, UK
government, UNDP - Coordinating Secretariat
- World Resources Institute
- Website www.pp10.org
11Lessons Learned
There are few models of multistakeholder
partnerships with shared, horizontal
Interagency coordination within partner
organizations takes significant effort and time
Mobilization of additional commitments and
resources is extremely difficult
Provision of secretariat functions is resource