Title: Training Presentation for the Safety Managers
1Training Presentation forthe Safety Managers
Safety Management Information System
2Purpose of this Presentation
- This presentation explains how to use the Safety
Managers module within SMISs Accident Reporting
3What is SMIS?
- Safety Management Information System SMIS
- Tools within SMIS allow you to
- Report injuries and illnesses
- File workers compensation claims
- Provide safety and health statistics and
performance measures
- Distribute occupational safety and health
4SMIS Features
- Accident Reporting Tool used to electronically
report accidents and file workers compensation
claims (CA-1s and CA-2s)
- DOI SafetyNet Comprehensive safety information
source for the Safety and Health Community
- Safety Smart! - On Line Collection of hundreds
of safety talks, posters, management articles,
case studies
- Reference Library Collection of DOI safety
reference materials
- DOI Safety Statistics Historical safety and
health statistics and performance measures
- DOI Home Page Link to DOIs web site
5Accessing SMIS
- First, well fire-up a browser and start SMIS
6Accessing Accident Reporting
- Next, well start Accident Reporting
7Starting Safety Managers
- From the Accident Reporting screen, we can use
the Safety Managers module
8Note about Security
- Your data is encrypted secure when using SMIS
- Either will remain on throughout the remainder
of your session to protect personal information
- A key or lock indicates that SSL (server to
workstation data encryption) is operating
9Safety Managers Overview
- Review accident reports that have been submitted
and are in a safety managers queue - Edit reports and add new information before
processing to final review status
- Perform final reviews of accident reports
- Edit reports before processing them into the
permanent record files
- Edit some parts of a permanent SMIS report after
the report is reviewed and submitted
10Safety Managers Overview
- Enter information about contractors and other
non-DOI employees hours and mileage
- Enter new accident reports
- Perform administrative tasks, if you have rights
- Manage Safety Managers Set up Safety Managers
users and their access
- Download SMIS Data Files Download updated
source data
- Convert OrgCodes Convert old organization codes
to the appropriate new organization code
11Safety Managers Overview
- Run SMIS data reports, including
- Organization Code Batches
12Before You Can Do Anything
13Logging In
14Logging In
15Safety Managers Activities
16Reviewing Accident Reports
- While the Safety Managers module allows you to do
many things, reviewing accident reports is one of
its primary uses
- The following slides describe the review process
17Reviewing Accident Reports
- Safety manager has immediate access to the report
stored in a temporary database
- Safety manager can review and change or correct
most of the accident report information
- After a safety manager marks a report final
reviewed, it is automatically moved into the
permanent SMIS database
18How the Review Process Works
19Reviewing Accident Reports
20Reviewing Accident Reports
21Reviewing Accident Reports
22Reviewing Accident Reports
23Reviewing Accident Reports
24Reviewing Accident Reports
25Reviewing Accident Reports
26Adding Injury Outcomes
- Report injuries for non-DOI employees or those
not eligible to file for workers compensation
- This information ensures that the accident
report includes information about all parties
that were injured from a single accident
27Adding Injury Outcomes
28Adding Injury Outcomes
29Adding Injury Outcomes
30Adding Property Damage
- You must report property damage that was
sustained in an accident
- Entering this information ensures that the
accident report includes details about damaged
31Adding Property Damage
32Adding Property Damage
33Adding Property Damage
34Posting the Review
35Posting the Review
36Performing the Final Review
37Performing the Final Review
38Performing the Final Review
39Editing Permanent Data
40Entering Hours or Mileage Data
- Hours and mileage data about non-DOI personnel is
used to help report rates for volunteers,
contractors, and other categories of personnel
not directly paid by the government
41Entering Hours or Mileage Data
42Entering Hours or Mileage Data
43Entering Hours or Mileage Data
44Running Reports
- All reports are run against the data available
for the organizations specified in the selected
- Prior to running reports, you must create
batches that specify organizations by their
org code
45Run SMIS Data Reports
46Run SMIS Data Reports
47Safety Managers Administrative Tasks
- Manage Safety Managers
- Add a New Safety Manager User
- Edit a Safety Managers User Access
- Delete a Safety Managers User Setup
- See the SMIS User Guide for the Safety Managers
Module for more information
48For more information
- Refer to SMIS User Guide for the Safety Managers
Module - Call Support at 303-236-7158