Title: ISBAR in our Communication Clinical Governance Long Presentation
1ISBAR in our CommunicationClinical
GovernanceLong Presentation
Clinical Governance Pursuing Quality, Safety
and Excellence
- Communication is an everyday practice
- Poor communication can harm people
- Today
- Background
- Evidence about communication
- What we did in response to that evidence
- Results
- Assessment
- Recommendation
- Training
Clinical Governance Pursuing Quality, Safety
and Excellence
4Clinical Governance Pursuing Quality, Safety
and Excellence
Background - Evidence about communication
In 2006, HNE Health staff notifying of incidents
identified that clinical communication was an
issue in 728 incidents. Of these 34 concerned
communication around transfer between facilities,
and 32 concerned communication over handover.
Incident Information Management System (IIMS)
5Clinical Governance Pursuing Quality, Safety
and Excellence
Complaints associated with Communication Reported
through IIMS in 2006
6Root Cause Analysis
Clinical Governance Pursuing Quality, Safety
and Excellence
- 127 reviewed
- 96 identified communication as a contributing
factor - Only 1 in 4 of those 96 had identified
communication as a contributing cause in the
initial incident notification
7Clinical Governance Pursuing Quality, Safety
and Excellence
- At that time it was assessed that
- We needed to do better
- We needed to develop better ways to communicate
- We needed to prevent harm to those we are trying
to help
8Clinical Governance Pursuing Quality, Safety
and Excellence
- We needed something that was
- Evidence-based
- Used with success in other hospitals and
high-risk organisations - Something that is
- Simple
- Easy to implement
- Conveys relevant information in a time-limited
way - Can be generalised across a range of settings
- Part of everyday practice
9Clinical Governance Pursuing Quality, Safety
and Excellence
Our response to the evidence
- In March 2008 Clinical Governance was funded to
develop, train staff to use and evaluate the
utility of a simple communication framework ISBAR
10Clinical Governance Pursuing Quality, Safety
and Excellence
- ISBAR inter-hospital transfer project March
2008-March 2009 - Tracked 77 patient transfers TMH to JHH/ RNC,
before and after staff were trained in ISBAR - Staff training evaluated
- Asked clinical, ward and transport staff and
patients and carers to rate quality of
communication concerning transfer
11Results training had impact for staff!
Clinical Governance Pursuing Quality, Safety
and Excellence
12Clinical Governance Pursuing Quality, Safety
and Excellence
13Results training had impact for patients
Clinical Governance Pursuing Quality, Safety
and Excellence
14Results training improved staff communication
Clinical Governance Pursuing Quality, Safety
and Excellence
15Results patient documentation improved
Clinical Governance Pursuing Quality, Safety
and Excellence
16Clinical Governance Pursuing Quality, Safety
and Excellence
- The data were assessed by the AET as compelling
Clinical Governance recommended that all staff be
trained to use ISBAR for professional
communication In response to the data and the
recommendation Clinical Governance has been
charged with leading an Area-wide program to
train all staff to use ISBAR for professional
17Training - So what is ISBAR?
Clinical Governance Pursuing Quality, Safety
and Excellence
- Introduction
- Situation
- Background
- Assessment
- Recommendation
Clinical Governance Pursuing Quality, Safety
and Excellence
- Introduction
- Who, what and where you are and why are you
calling - Situation
- What is happening now
- Background
- What led to the situation
- Assessment
- What you think the problem is
- Recommendation
- What should we do to correct the problem
Clinical Governance Pursuing Quality, Safety
and Excellence
Clinical Governance Pursuing Quality, Safety
and Excellence
Clinical Governance Pursuing Quality, Safety
and Excellence
Clinical Governance Pursuing Quality, Safety
and Excellence
Clinical Governance Pursuing Quality, Safety
and Excellence
24What will ISBAR do for me?
Clinical Governance Pursuing Quality, Safety
and Excellence
- Ensures completeness of info and reduces
likelihood of missed data - Is an easy and focussed way to set expectations
for what will be communicated - Standardises communication between everyone
Doctor-Nurse, Nurse-Nurse, Doctor-Physio as well
as wardsmen, housekeeping and clerical staff - Helps organise what needs to be said
- Ensures a recommendation is clear and
professional - Gives confidence in communication
25Clinical Governance Pursuing Quality, Safety
and Excellence
- The ISBAR format can be used in all forms of
communication - Clinical Handover
- Referrals
- Reports (Ward, AET etc)
- Protocols, memos and emails
- Personal interactions
26Clinical Governance Pursuing Quality, Safety
and Excellence
27Remember ISBAR
Clinical Governance Pursuing Quality, Safety
and Excellence
- I Introduction - I am
- S Situation - Whats going on
- B Background - Brief, relevant history
- A Assessment - What I think is happening
- R Recommendation - What you are asking them to
Clinical Governance Pursuing Quality, Safety
and Excellence
- Think of how you may write a brief précis about
this meeting. Use the page provided to write down
elements of the day. - Introduction I am and I attended a meeting
this week in my capacity as - Situation the purpose of the meeting was to
- Background- the meeting had been organised to.
- Assessment the outcome was
- Recommendation (I am telling you this because)
I am asking you to/ I would like you to/ I am
requesting that.
29Everything should be made as simple as possible
but no simpler
30Clinical Governance Pursuing Quality, Safety
and Excellence
31Clinical Governance Pursuing Quality, Safety
and Excellence
32Clinical Governance Pursuing Quality, Safety
and Excellence