Title: Folie 1
1Measurements of Doubly Fed Induction Generator
System With Optimised Fault Ride Through
2Marketing Overview
Measurement 2.5MW Wind Turbine On Site
- Grid Code Requirements
- System Topology
- Control during Grid Faults
- Measurements
- Conclusions
3Grid Code Requirements
Voltage Support
Fault Ride Through
4 Topology of Wind Energy System withDFIG and
4-Quadrant IGBT-Converter
5 Oscillating Torque Reduction during
Asymmetrical Grid Voltage Conditions
Constant torque
Oscillating torque
6Test Bay Topology
7Symmetrical Stator Voltage Sag to 9 Unominal
Stator voltage sag to 9 Unominal equals zero
voltage sag at point of common coupling
at nominal reactive current
Igrid Q1, negative overexcited Igrid
Qgrid Pgrid,
8Symmetrical Stator Voltage Sag to 0 Unominal
Fault ride through operation with stator short
circuit is technically possible
Igrid Q, negative overexcited Igrid
Qgrid Pgrid
9Unsymmetrical Stator Voltage Sag to 9 Unominal
During asymmetrical grid voltage conditions
following operation modes are possible
b) reactive current support with limited
oscillating torque reduction
a) oscillating torque reduction with limited
reactive current support
Ustator - Ustator
Ustator - Ustator
Igrid Q, negative overexcited Igrid
Igrid Q, negative overexcited Igrid
10Unsymmetrical Stator Voltage Sag to 9 Unominal
During asymmetrical grid voltage conditions
following operation modes are possible
b) reactive current support with limited
oscillating torque reduction
a) oscillating torque reduction with limited
reactive current support
- Compliance of wind energy systems with DFIG to
actual grid code requirements, especially zero
voltage ride through and voltage support - No crowbar firing during fault ride through
operation - Converter system is actively controlled all the
time during fault ride through operation,
including voltage support and torque control - Measured transient behavior of test bay
comparable to wind turbine with nominal power of
2-3 MW due to characteristic of testing