Title: From HERA to eRHIC A' Caldwell, MaxPlanckInstitut f' Physik
1From HERA to eRHICA. Caldwell,
Max-Planck-Institut f. Physik
2eRHIC vs. Other DIS Facilities
eRHIC would cover a kinematic range which has
already been measured
3Special eRHIC feature
- Wide range of A
- High luminosity
- Polarized beams
- Full acceptance det
- 3D structure of nuclear matter
- Spin structure
- QCD dynamics in much greater detail
Detector feature
The physics program is broad and extremely
4Optimized detector design will make a big
difference in the physics which can be accessed.
Towards Bjorkens FAD.
See I.Abt, A.Caldwell, X.Liu and
J.Sutiak, arXivhep-ex/0407053
5Selected HERA results
- There are many physics topics addressed by HERA
which I will not cover - electroweak
- searches for BSM physics
- precision tests of QCD (?S, heavy quark
production, jet rates, ) - all the results from HERMES and HERA-B
- Instead, I will focus on the unique aspects of
HERA collider physics, which is the small-x
physics, and also discuss the high-x end. We
will see what eRHIC could add
6Inclusive cross sections
Cross sections measured over wide kinematic range
! Precise determination of PDFs in context of NLO
7ZEUS 1997 F2 measurement
Dominated by statistical uncertainty
Dominated by syst uncertainty
Red total error gt 4
Blue total error lt 4
8Structure function data used to parametrize
parton densities in proton. Impressive precision
9But all is not well
From Pumplin, DIS05
There are signs that DGLAP (Q2 evolution) may be
in trouble at small x (negative gluons, high ?2
for fits). How well do we understand the small-x
physics ? So far, no theory which predicts the
x-dependence of cross sections (PDFs). Guided by
10High y cross sections
Note the turn-over of the cross section with
decreasing x at small x in the H1 data.
The data can be fit consistently with NLO DGLAP
by H1 assuming no gluon saturation. The
turn-over is due the negative contribution from
FL. MRST, CTEQ have trouble fitting the H1 low Q2
data consistently at NLO DGLAP.
11In QPM hadron is made up of quarks with zero PT
Helicity conservation
QCD radiation introduces quark PT, ?L?0
We will make an FL measurement at HERA in 2007
12Measuring FL
Small Q2, ignore F3
For best sensitivity, maximize lever arm (y-range)
13Expected precision on FL HERA
eRHIC cannot push the small-x limit, but should
provide much more accurate FL measurements.
Could be crucial in understanding the physics of
14FL eRHIC vs. Other DIS Facilities
FL measurement from eRHICHERA
FL measurement from eRHICfixed target
eRHIC is in an optimal energy range to extract FL
via cross section comparisons to previous
15xlt0.01 measure universal structure of QCD
xgt0.1 measure hadronic structure.
Non-perturbative boundary conditions. Eventually
get these from the lattice ?
16The behavior of the rise with Q2
Below Q2 ?0.5 GeV2, see same energy dependence as
observed in hadron-hadron interactions. Observe
transition from partons to constituent quarks in
data. Distance scale ? 0.3 fm ??
eRHIC could probe this region with high precision
(with the right detector)
Hadron-hadron scattering energy dependence
17Probing the parton-hadron transition
Extremely precise measurements possible in this
interesting region
ALLM parametrization
18Diffraction - the big surprise
Large diffractive cross section came as a
Still no understanding from a pQCD approach.
- There is a large diffractive cross section, even
in DIS (ca. 20 ) - The diffractive and total cross sections have
similar energy dependences. Data suggests simple
physics what is it ?
- Key detector issues
- Need to guarantee proton intact.
- Cover full W range
- Good MX resolution
- Experience measuring scattered proton gives
cleanest measurements, but acceptance limited in
20Notes on diffraction
Measurements have been performed with and without
measuring the outgoing proton
- Without proton
- no t measurement
- proton dissociation into low mass state
difficult to estimate - large acceptance
- With proton
- can measure t
- clean elastic sample
- small acceptance ()
Ideal measure the outgoing proton with large
acceptance. Will be easier at eRHIC because of
the smaller EP, but needs detailed discussions
with accelerator experts !
21- Exclusive Processes (VM and DVCS)
Clean process - has been measured for many
different vector mesons differentially in many
variables - wealth of information
22Curves from dipole model analysis of Kowalski,
Motyka, Watt Hep-ph 0606272
BG4 GeV-2 corresponds to an rms impact parameter
of 0.56 fm. smaller than the proton charge
radius of 0.870 PDG ? eRHIC should aim to
perform these measurements with the best possible
precision (detector requirements)
23Small-x is not the only frontier
There is limited data on cross sections at high-x
and high Q2
BCDMS has measured F2 up to x0.75 H1, ZEUS have
measured F2 up to x0.65
24The PDFs are poorly determined at high-x.
Sizeable differences despite the fact that all
fitters use the same parametrization
xq?(1-x)?. Is it possible to check this ?
25HERA high-x
- At high Q2, scattered electron seen with ?100
acceptance - For not too high x, measure x from jet
- For xgtxEdge, measure
26HERA Kinematics
Jet found
No jet found
99-00 eP
Red line is expectation from CTEQ6D
2899-00 eP
Good agreement with CTEQ6D in previously measured
region. Data tend to lie above expectations at
highest x. With the right detector, eRHIC could
make precision measurements at high-x !
29eRHIC with 100 pb-1 and FAD
Limited by MC generator
Measurements close to x1 possible with good
precision !
- Precise scan of the transition region between
partonic hadronic behavior. Something changes
there - can we understand it ? Need acceptance in
electron direction. - Make precision measurements at high-x to
understand the valence quarks. Need acceptance in
proton direction. - Make FL a highlight of the program - much more
direct access to gluon density than via F2
scaling violations. Needs high precision
measurements - good resolution, small
systematics. Note FL can also be derived from
comparison with HERA, fixed target. - Focus on clean, high acceptance diffractive and
elastic scattering measurements. Needs high
efficiency rejection of proton dissociation and
high acceptance proton spectrometer.
31Physics Picture
r 0.2 fm/Q (0.02 2 fm for 100gtQ2gt0.01 GeV2)
transverse size of probe. Scan across transition
from partons to hadrons !
ct 0.2 fm (1/2MPx) (lt1 fm to 1000s fm). For
xlt0.01, ctgt10 fm. Study universal features of
QCD radiation (short time scale fluctuations).
For xgt0.1, ctlt1 fm. Study proton structure
(long times).
b 0.2 fm/sqrt(t) t(p-p)2 Exclusive
processes yield matter profile of hadron.
32Big picture
eRHIC would allow a precise 3D mapping of nuclear
structure at different distance scales,
permitting the study of the transition from
partonic constituents to hadrons. The short
time-scale fluctuations of QCD which became
visible at HERA could be studied in much greater
detail, and with different targets. More input
needed for theoretical understanding. Both
topics are fundamental, and need new data for a
deeper understanding.