Title: Sustainable schools Strategic planning for school leaders
1Sustainable schools Strategic planning for
school leaders
slide 1
2 Who are we and how do we see sustainable
development?Are we committed to care?How
can we be more strategic, challenging and
3 questions
slide 2
3How do you see, think about or experience
sustainable development?
Metaphorically speaking
slide 3
- Not everyone is familiar with the language of
sustainability, but we do understand about care - ? care for oneself
- ? care for each other
- ? care for the environment
slide 4
Creating Opportunity, Realising
Potential, Achieving Excellence
5The care agenda
- Individual response (4 minutes)
- Pair/share (6 minutes)
- Report key point in a word, what does a caring
school look like, sound like, or feel like?
slide 5
Creating Opportunity, Realising
Potential, Achieving Excellence
6Building on experience
- Every Child Matters
- Extended Schools
- School travel plans
- Healthy Schools
- Eco Schools
- International School Award
slide 6
Creating Opportunity, Realising
Potential, Achieving Excellence
7An umbrella for schools?
Sustainable Schools National Framework
slide 7
Creating Opportunity, Realising
Potential, Achieving Excellence
slide 8
Creating Opportunity, Realising
Potential, Achieving Excellence
9Care benefits
- Curriculum
- ? Teaching and learning
- ? Pupil achievement
- ? Pupil well-being
- Campus
- Operating and capital budgets
- Pupil involvement
- Staff morale
- Built and natural environment
Community ? Trust ? Parental involvement ? Local
slide 9
Creating Opportunity, Realising
Potential, Achieving Excellence
10Leaders key roles
- strategic
- challenging
- accountable
slide 10
Creating Opportunity, Realising
Potential, Achieving Excellence
11How do leaders address this doorway?What
opportunities are there for improvement?
slide 11
12Next steps
- A big question for the leadership team is. . .
slide 12
Creating Opportunity, Realising
Potential, Achieving Excellence
13For more information
- www.teachernet.gov.uk/sustainableschools
- www.teachernet.gov.uk/publications
Creating Opportunity, Realising
Potential, Achieving Excellence