Title: CVM Kitchen Monitor System Posera Software
1CVM Kitchen Monitor SystemPosera Software
- The CVM Kitchen Video Monitor system relays
counter and drive-thru orders to kitchen staff in
an accurate and timely manner. This practical
system utilizes color in the displayed orders,
which simplifies the preparation task, and
decreases the average time it takes to complete
an order. - Designed with the need for simplicity and ease of
operation, the CVM product is one of the most
comprehensive, cost effective, and efficient
monitor systems available.
3Features Benefits
- Increased level of order accuracy
- Decreased prep times
- Reduces waste
- Choice of four different display modes
- Choice of character size
- Choice of color schemes
- Preview and Recall orders
4Features Benefits
- Drive Up Park feature
- Time Statistic reporting
- Backroom software included
- Easy installation
5Sample Screens
4 Order Mode
Displays four orders at a time. Useful when
orders tend to be larger.
6Sample Screens
8 Order Mode
Displays eight orders at a time.
7Sample Screens
Split Screen Mode
Used to visually separate drive-thru orders from
front counter orders.
8Sample Screens
Summary Mode
Displays 7 orders and a summary box containing a
quantity summary of all menu items from all
orders on the monitor.
9Sample Screens
Allows users to recall any order that has been
bumped. The CVM can recall up to 100 orders.
10Sample Screens
Allows users to preview any order in the incoming
buffer. The CVM can preview up to 100 orders.
11Sample Screens
Drive-Thru Park Feature
Allows the user to designate any order as Parked.
12Sample Screens
Drive-Thru Break-In
Orders designated as Break-In, move to the first
order position, giving them priority.
13Sample Screens
Complex Consolidation
Orders can be consolidated using this unique
formatting option. Items are combined to
conserve screen space and make orders easier to
14Screen Control
1 - 8 Keys - Removes orders from positions 1
through 8. A large number 1 provides an easy
target to bump the oldest order in the number 1
Bump Box Functions
15Screen Control
- 4 Screen
- 8 Screen
Split Screen Summary - These buttons are used for changing the display
mode. Display modes can be changed at any time or
can even be disabled if you do not want the user
to change modes.
Bump Box Functions
16Screen Control
- Preview
Restore - These buttons are used to preview or recall
orders. Depress Restore to return the screen to
normal mode.
Bump Box Functions
17Screen Control
- Park/Status
- This button provides the ability to PARK a
customer from the drive-thru window. - This button is also used to access the CVM
statistics and programming screens.
Bump Box Functions
Displays service times which can also be printed
on a network printer. The typical report
includes the number of orders, average time per
order, and the number of orders over/under the
programmed target time. Time increments can be
set to 15, 30 or 60 minutes.
19Back Office Software
The CVM Utility program was designed to offer a
simple method of programming and maintaining the
CVM video monitor system. The CVM Utility
program allows you to connect with, change, and
store options for all CVM devices in the system.
20Back Office Software
The CVM Utility program makes it easy to
customize the look, feel, and function of your
system. Almost all of the CVM display colors are
- Windows CE Operating System
- Software written in .NET
- Connects via standard PC Network
- UL Listed and certified
22For more information
- Visit our web site www.posera.com /cvm
- For a CVM or MaitreD Reseller in your area, call