Title: INFO 2005 Personal Database Tools Primary Keys Week 13
1INFO 2005Personal Database Tools- Primary Keys-
Week 13
- Data Modelling Week 7
- Simsion -Chapter 8
2Learning Objectives
- To understand the nature of primary keys
- to be able to design suitable primary keys and
surrogate keys
3Basic Requirements Trade-offs
- 1. Applicable
- 2. Unique
- 3. Minimal
- 4. Stable
- Meaningful in the sense there are no exceptions
- Special cases when real world entities dont have
keys - special mechanism to allocate keys in these cases
- exclude from entity definition altogether
- find another key
- Unavailable data - all components need to be
available at the time of data entry - Broadening of scope- scope of entity may change -
be precise as possible with entity definition.
- essential element of design
- checking uniqueness
- nature of the real world -rare
- designer controls key allocation - surrogates or
tiebreaker -attribute that discerns clashes - someone elses scheme e.g. car registrations
-useful for outside world but be sure that owner
will not change it - be sure to eliminate the possibility of
- No more attributes than necessary to achieve
uniqueness - should be picked up in normalisation
- not disputable
- real world entity keeps its key value for life
- why
- used elsewhere as foreign keys -changes wreak
havoc - need to match historical data with current data -
stability over time - key repesents real world entities
- stability is tied to identity -insurance policy
8Composite Keys Weak Entities
- Problems
- Weak entities
- Programming
- Performance issues
9Composite Keys - Problems
- collection of attributes
- collection of attributes into 1 column - bad
design - often fail to meet stability - one of the
components runs our of expansion space and so
requires dummy values - e.g. agents with dummy
10Composite Keys - Weak Entities
- entity that relies on another for identification
- e.g. - Enrolment (Student ID, Unit ID,)
11Composite Keys - Programming
- Ususally simplify programming -fig 8.3 - if
Employees can change Department then key of
Employee is unstable
12Composite Keys - Performance Issues
- Can reduce the number of tables needed for some
transactions - Can reduce the number of access mechanisms
- As attributes in key increases so does table size
and index size - fig 8.4
13Surrogate Keys
- Definition
- When to use
- Visibility
- subtypes - fig 8.5
- Singularity
14Surrogate Keys - Definition
- a unique identifier independent of any attribute
15Surrogate Keys - When to use
- necessary to look-up natural identifier
- identifying next available number
- Use natural identifers when they are uniquely
stable - weak keys when the entity is nontransferable
- surrogates if there is no suitable natural
16Surrogate Keys - Visibility
- In theory no visibility because
- users will attribute meaning that is not stable
requires discouragement and provision of
necessary info - may wish to change keys should not arise and is
17Surrogate Keys - Subtypes
- Separate or same key for subtypes - fig 8.5
- use same key so vlaues are unique at supertype
18Surrogate Keys - Singularity
- Real world entities need to have one key
- violated by aliases
- multiple relationships student/teacher -
employee/customer - Quality control at point of data capture
19Null Partially Null Keys
- sensible or not? Problem of interpreting NULL in
FK - Not possible to eliminate
- Problem arises with subtypes propagating a
supertype key -fig 8.7 - Library loans -2 views - fig 8.8 processing
efficiency for some queries - loan with stages -borrow and return
- borrowing and return are different instances
20Mulitple Candidate Keys
- Choosing a PK - FK needs to use the PK not just
any candidate key - does each candidate key repesent the same thing
all the time - Normalization issues -can be in 3NF but not BCNF
- confusion can arise in satgs of normaisations
- CUSTOMER(Cust, TaxFile, Address)
- TAxFile-gtCust but we would not decompose
21(No Transcript)
22INFO 2005Personal Database Tools- Attributes
23Learning Objectives
24Attribute Definition
- Simple aggregation
- Complex codes
- Meaningful ranges
- inappropriate generalisations
- Options Tradeoffs
- As a result of entity generalisation
- generalisation within entities
27Domains, Constraints, Look-up Tables
- coding descriptive attributes
- simple look-up tables
- generalisation
- interdomain constraints
28Attribute Names
- stanadradising names
- guidelines