Title: Shared Vision and Team Learning
1Shared Vision and Team Learning
- How Team Learning
- Impacts
- Team Performance
- And Team Experience
2Shared Vision
- Incorporating the teams vision as your own.
- How is shared vision related to personal mastery
and personal vision? - Examples of shared visions you have participated
3Attitudes Toward a Vision
- Commitment - Will make it happen.
- Enrollment - Will do what can be done within the
rules. - Genuine compliance - Will do what is expected
and more. - Formal compliance - Will do what is expected
only. - Grudging compliance - Will do what has to be
done to keep a job. - Noncompliance - Wont do it.
- Apathy - No energy or interest
4How Do You Keep Visions from Dying?
- Foster commitment to the vision.
- What are the points of leverage?
- Focusing on the long-term
- How ?
- Fostering synergy around the vision.
- Team learning is one place to begin gaining
commitment to a vision.
5Team Learning in Learning Organizations
- Team learning is the process of aligning and
developing the capacity of a team to create the
results its members truly desire.
Peter Senge - Cycle of learning
- Often conflict leads to a perceived learning gap,
which then leads to a need for inquiry and
change. - Inquiry takes place through dialogue and
discussion, creating shared meaning and shared
learning to close the learning gap. - Objective Avoid defensive routines and
encourage innovative, coordinated action.
6Team Learning Processes
- Framing
- Initial perception of problem or issue.
- Reframing
- Transforming initial perception into new
understanding. - Experimenting
- Testing and experimenting to validate or
discover. - Crossing Boundaries
- Seeking and giving information within/outside the
team. - Integrating perspectives
- Synthesizing views for a better solution.
7Team Learning Conditions
- Appreciation of teamwork
- Openness of team members to others
- Valuing team roles.
- Individual Expression
- Opportunities to provide input.
- Operating Principles
- Common beliefs, values, purpose and structure.
- Balance of task-focus and focus on building
8Practical Tools of Team Learning
- Deliberately using dialogue with discussion to
create a pool of shared meaning. - Managing conflict effectively so as to set the
stage for innovation and creativity. - Practice
- Encourage experimentation and mistakes.
- Develop clear ground rules.
- Expect excellence.
9The Wheel of Learning
Individual level (Team level)
More Concrete
Reflecting, thinking feeling (Public Reflection
Doing (Coordinated Action)
Deciding (Joint Planning)
Connecting (Shared Meaning)
More Abstract
More Action
More Reflection
Many people take more naturally to one or two
phases of the cycle
10Learning Styles
- Divergent Thinkers
- Combines interest in experiencing and reflecting.
- Best at brainstorming in the Reflection stage.
- Assimilators or Connection makers
- Combining an interest in reflecting and thinking.
- Best at the Connecting stage.
- Convergent Thinkers or Solution finders
- Combining an interest in thinking and doing.
- Best at the Deciding stage.
- Accommodators
- Combining an interest in doing and experiencing.
- Best at Coordinated Action.
11Your Teams Learning Cycle
- Map out your team members on the Wheel of
Learning. - Who is good at brainstorming? Implementing?
Planning? Making connections? - Does your team have strong and weak areas in the
learning cycle? - Discuss how this has applied to the learning you
have done in this class. - Think about both the project and the team
exercises you have done in class.
12Midterm Exam
- Midterm exam will be on May 2nd.
- You can bring one 8 ½ by 11 inch page of
hand-written notes (both sides). - DO NOT copy someone elses notes they must be
your own work. - Sample midterm questions are on the course
website. - At least one of these questions will be on the