Title: Operational Scatterometry 1
1NOPP Operational Scatterometry Activitiesat
Mark Bourassa Center for Ocean-Atmospheric
Prediction Studies The Florida State
University With contributions from Kyle
Hilburn, Jim OBrien, and Ryan Sharp
- James J. OBrien COAPS
- Mark A. Bourassa COAPS
- Robert L. Bernstein Sea Space Corporation
- Paul Chang NOAA/NESDIS
- Mike Clancy Fleet Numerical Met. and Oceanog.
Center - John Kindle NRL-Stennis
- James P. Rigney Naval Oceanographic Office
- David E. Weissman Hofstra University, Dept. of
3SeaWinds on QuikSCAT
- Satellite
- The QuikSCAT satellite
- Polar orbiting satellite
- Average orbital height of approximately 800 km
- One orbit in approximately 100 minutes
- Sensor
- SeaWinds scatterometer
- Active microwave sensor
- Responds to short water waves
- Which respond very rapidly to changes in vector
wind - Measures wind speed and direction
4SeaWinds Daily (22 hour) Coverage
Ascending Node
Descending Node
From Paul Chang (NOAA/NESDIS) http//manati.wwb.n
5Latency of Near Real-Time QSCAT Winds
Estimated from an 8 day average (Feb. 21 March
1, 2002). Delays greater than 6 hours result in
missing data, and are not considered here.
6Missing Data (1 day Feb. 19, 2002)Relative to
RSSs Science Quality Data
7Missing Data (8 days Feb. 25 March 3)Relative
to RSSs Science Quality Data
8Missing Data (8 days Feb. 15 22)Relative to
RSSs Science Quality Data
9Research Quality Global Gridded Wind Fields
- Objectively derived, 1x1?, 4x daily, research
quality - based solely on SeaWinds observations (Pegion et
al. 2000 MWR). - Available through COAPS web site in data files
and animations.
- Animations for 37 regions
- Various spatial scales
- One week per animation
- Available through our web site
- Example
- Hurricane Lenny (1999)
- Formed late in the season
- Moved opposite the usual direction
10The Calm Mediterranean Sea
11Main Objectives (1)
- Improved scatterometer winds (near real-time)
- Better rain flag
- Currently, winds are grossly over-flagged
- Determine when rain leads to substantial errors
(Weissman et al., JAOT, 2002) and flag
accordingly - Methodology related to
- SeaWinds-derived surface pressures (Zierden et
al., JGR, 2000) - SeaWinds estimates of rain rate
- Development of scatterometer-based pressure maps
(in and near swath) - Forecasters find surface pressure maps very easy
to work with - Comparison to model pressures helps evaluate
model product - Based on extension of current pilot study
12Main Objectives (2)
- Development of slightly delayed gridded wind and
stress products - Method adapted from Pegion et al. (MWR, 2000)
- Global product
- delayed 28 hours
- Local products
- delayed lt4 hours
- Test the utility of these fields
- Ocean model of the Gulf of Mexico (in house)
- Regional model off California (collaborators)
13Additional Activities
- Early detection and location of tropical cyclones
- Apply a vorticity-based test to locate potential
tropical cyclones (Sharp et al. 2002, BAMS) - Use scatterometer-derived pressures to better
locate the system - Working in collaboration with NHC and AOMLs HRD
14Example Rain Flag Problems
- Over-flagging
- Areas of rain, where the rain impact is small
- Missed serious rain impacts
15Radar Cross-Section Wind and Rain
Wind 3 m/s
In collaboration with David Weissman and Jeff
Tongue (Weissman et al. 2002, JAOT).
16Computing Surface Pressure
- ETA model mean sea-level pressure is used as the
background field, interpolated in time to
coincide with the latest swath (usually falls
between the model initialization and the 24 hour
forecast). - Winds are rotated and adjusted to free atmosphere
values. - Converted from gradient winds to geostrophic
winds. - Relative vorticity is computed from the adjusted
satellite winds. - Variational method assimilates the QuikSCAT
relative vorticity in the swath, treating it as
geostrophic vorticity. - Smoothing and kinematic constraints adjust
correct model pressures near the swath. - Boundary Conditions
- ETA pressures are assumed correct on boundaries
over land. - ETA pressure gradients are assumed correct on
boundaries over water.
17Near Real-Time Winds and Pressures
18Near Real-Time Winds and Pressures (24 hours
later Snow forecast bombs)
19NorEaster (Dec. 20, 2001)
20NorEaster (Dec. 20, 2001)
21Scatterometer-Derived PressuresTS Keith
Statistics Best Track20.8N 94.9W988 mb70
mph QSCAT20.75N 94.75W989.9 mb Development of
this technique was inspired by Patoux and Brown
22Differences in Position Relative to Best Track
23Hurricane Isaac 21Z, Sept. 26, 2000
24Vorticity as a Detector
Ascending swaths of 19 September 1999
- Calculate the Average Vorticity
- Determine local vorticity based on swath wind
vectors - Average these vorticities within a 7 by 7 (175
km) in-swath box
15 m s-1
15 m s-1
Local Vorticity
Averaged Vorticity
X10-5 s-1
26Threshold Test
- Criteria for detection must be determined
- Subjectively Derived from the 1999 Atlantic
Hurricane Season (storms had to be directly hit
by the swath and free from any landmasses) - Three Criteria for identifying a potential TC
- Average vorticity must exceed 10 X 10-5 s-1
- The maximum rain-free wind speed in the averaging
box must exceed a certain minimum wind speed (we
selected 10 m s-1) - The above two criteria must be met at least 25
times within a system (area of 15000 km2) - Domain includes the Gulf of Mexico, the Caribbean
Sea, the tropical Atlantic from 10oN to 25oN, and
the Eastern tropical Pacific.
27Detection Times Relative to NHC Classification
2001 Atlantic Season
Moved out of study domain
2001 Eastern Pacific Season
28Statistics for the Detection Method
- Atlantic TCs
- TC in Swath?
- Yes No
- Method Yes 56 32
- Detects a
- TC in No 10 1230
- Swath?
- Â
- Probability of Detection 0.85
- False Alarm Rate 0.36
- Critical Success Index 0.57
- Eastern Pacific TCs
- TC in Swath?
- Yes No
- Method Yes 121 74
- Detects a
- TC in No 7 797
- Swath?
- Â
- Probability of Detection 0.95
- False Alarm Rate 0.38
- Critical Success Index 0.60
29Why Did We Fail to Detect Them Early?
- Too close to land during development
- In a QuikSCAT coverage gap during development
- The storm developed rapidly
- Outside of our domain (north of 25oN)
- Multiple errors in ambiguity selection because of
heavy rains
- SeaWinds algorithms are not currently designed to
consider rain. - Improved rain flags should indicate magnitude of
rain-related problems. - Will improve ambiguity selection, and the
quantity of data for severe weather - SeaWinds-based surface pressures can help
- Alert forecasters when NWP forecasts that are
seriously in error - Estimate central pressure for TS and Tropical
Depressions - Locate the centers of circulation, when aircraft
reconnaissance is not available - SeaWinds on QuikSCAT can be useful for early
identification of potential tropical cyclones - Particularly effective in tropical Western
Pacific Ocean
31(No Transcript)
32Related Web Sites
Jim OBrien and Mark Bourassa Center for
Ocean-Atmospheric Prediction Studies http//airse
a-www.jpl.nasa.gov/quikscat/ http//coaps.fsu.edu/
scatterometry/ http//manati.wwb.noaa.gov/quikscat
/ http//www.ssmi.com/qscatinfo.html/ http//www.i
t/ http//www.ee.byu.edu/ee/mers/Seawinds-1.html/
33Example Winds Within a Swath (Hurricane Cindy
cat. 1)
34Example Winds Within a SwathEarly Detection of
Tropical Circulations
35Results for the 1999 Atlantic Hurricane Season
36Early Detection Times for 1999
37Results for the 2000 Atlantic Hurricane Season