Title: judge Agnes GALAJDA
1Legislation on domestic violence (Problems and
possibilities in adjudication)
- judge Agnes GALAJDA
- Supreme Court of Hungary
Regional Conference on Legal Reform on Domestic
Violence (Sofia February 12-14, 2008)
2- Problems with evaluating the phenomenon of
domestic violence - Does the legislation in force give adequate
answers to this problem? (Violence in domestic
environment does it differ from other types of
violence sanctioned in the Criminal Code?) - Guarantees of personal rights of offenders
(political, social reasons) - How to safeguard the personal rights and privacy
rights of the individual? How to safeguard the
family life? - Social traditions
Regional Conference on Legal Reform on Domestic
Violence (Sofia February 12-14, 2008)
3- Answers offered by the justice system in the
present situation - Conferences (disseminating knowledge,
introduction of new instruments) - Trainings (occasional, regular)
- Horizontal cooperation among institutions working
in the justice system - Cooperation with non-governmental organizations
- Training programs elaborated with the cooperation
of NGOs
Regional Conference on Legal Reform on Domestic
Violence (Sofia February 12-14, 2008)
4- Professional conferences between 2004 and 2007
- One-day conference with judges, prosecutors,
policemen and NGO representatives. - Three-day conference on domestic violence and
trafficking in human beings. State institutions
and NGOs, together with representatives of Vital
Voices Global Partnership (USA). - Three-day training for judges on victim
protection, with special emphasis on problems on
domestic violence and trafficking in human
beings. - Three-day training for judges organized by NANE
under the European Commissions Daphne Program. - One-day conference on the new instruments in the
criminal procedure law, to introduce mediation
and restraining orders.
Regional Conference on Legal Reform on Domestic
Violence (Sofia February 12-14, 2008)
5- Reaction to the phenomenon on several levels
- social
- legislative
- training of judges (and other professionals)
Regional Conference on Legal Reform on Domestic
Violence (Sofia February 12-14, 2008)
6- Limits of usefulness of training
- There are no specialized family courts in Hungary
- There are no judges commissioned to work with
such cases (without legislative provisions
domestic violence cases can not be identified in
the court administration) - Training of judges is voluntary only
- Change of attitude is very slow, classical
principles of criminal law are difficult to rely
Regional Conference on Legal Reform on Domestic
Violence (Sofia February 12-14, 2008)
7- Possibilities offered by the present legislative
environment - Filing a complaint in accordance with the present
criminal legislation (question of private motion,
private complaint) - Restraining orders (as of July 1, 2006)
- Harassment as a crime (as of January 1, 2008)
Regional Conference on Legal Reform on Domestic
Violence (Sofia February 12-14, 2008)
8- Problems with legal provisions on restraining
- It is considered as an enforcement measure
- Only a judge can introduce
- Only in criminal cases that are sanctioned by
prison term - Duration only 10 to 30 days
Regional Conference on Legal Reform on Domestic
Violence (Sofia February 12-14, 2008)
9Regional Conference on Legal Reform on Domestic
Violence (Sofia February 12-14, 2008)