Title: Hierarchical%20Bayesian%20Model%20Specification
1Hierarchical Bayesian Model Specification
- Model is specified by the Directed Acyclic
Network (DAG) and the conditional probability
distributions of all nodes given values of its
parents - Topology of the DAG defines the conditional
dependencies of all variables through the Markov
directed Markov property which states that given
the values of its parents, a variable in the
model is independent of all its non-descendents - DAG and local distributions define the joint
probability distribution of data and all
parameters in the model - In our case this distribution can not be
explicitly characterized but it estimates using
Markov Chain Monte Carlo approach (Gibbs sampler)
2Uses and Miss-Uses of Clustering
- Define a statistical model that facilitates
clustering of genes based on similarities of
their expression profiles - Define the method-selection criteria that allows
for estimating the "correct" number of clusters - Show that inappropriate "pre-filtering" can fool
the statistical model in the same way it fools
the casual observer - Show appropriate ways to use cluster analysis and
illustrate the importance of using the "best
available treatment"
3Clustering of gene expression profiles
4Patterns of Expression - Finite Mixture Model
Patterni ? ?i(?1i, ?2i,, ?11i) Dataik iid
N(?i, ?), k1,,ni ninumber of genes generated
by the Patterni ?ini/n
5Patterns of Expression - Finite Mixture Model
Any gene profile x (x1,x2,,x11)
Finite Mixture Model
All data x1, x2,, xn
6One-dimensional mixture
Pattern 1
N(?11, ?)
N(?12, ?)
Pattern 2
gt library(mclust) gt SimDatalt-matrix(rnorm(500015)
,ncol15) gt ColLabelslt-c(paste("Tumor_",18,sep""
),paste("Control_",17,sep"")) gt
heatmap(SimData,labColColLabels) gt
.MclusthcModelNameslt-c("E","EEI") gt
.MclustemModelNameslt-c("EEI") gt
BIC.emclustlt-EMclust(SimData,110) gt
BIC.emclust BIC EEI 1 -213490.3 2
-213624.9 3 -213753.0 4 -213880.7 5
-213993.7 6 -214121.0 7 -214243.4 8
-214351.6 9 -214481.4 10 -214588.7 gt
plot(BIC.emclust) EEI "1" gt
8Determining the number of patterns
gt p.valuelt-apply(SimData,1,function(x)
t.test(x18,x915,var.equalT)p.value) gt gt
SigDatalt-SimDatap.valuelt0.05, gt
dim(SigData) 1 242 15 gt heatmap(SigData,labCol
ColLabels) gt gt BIC.emclustlt-EMclust(SigData,110)
gt BIC.emclust BIC EEI 1
-10599.485 2 -9647.645 3 -9685.897 4
-9729.239 5 -9796.119 6 -9849.109 7
-9912.601 8 -9973.645 9 -10037.436 10
-10077.862 gt plot(BIC.emclust) EEI "1" gt
10Determining the number of patterns
- The "weak filter" based on selecting
"sub-significant" differentially expressed genes
created artificial clusters - When the whole dataset was used, the Bayesian
information criteria did the right thing by
estimating the correct number of clusters to be
equal to one - Take home message When "filtering" before
clustering make sure that appropriate statistical
significance levels have been used
12Using clustering to find "patterns" among
differentially expressed genes
- Cluster analysis is preceded by a rigorous
statistical analysis - For example-identify genes that were
"differentially" expressed on at least one
experimental comparison. Among all these genes
some will have similar behavior across all
experimental conditions - Clustering is a way of organizing behavior of
differentially expressed genes across different
experimental conditions
13Using clustering to find "patterns" among
differentially expressed genes
14Using clustering to find "patterns" among all
- No filtering is performed
- You can perform the "quality filtering"
- Trying to identify statistically significant
patterns - Using the best available method becomes extremely
15Does It matter which clustering procedure we use?
- 5685 Yeast Genes Across Two Experiments (Cell
Cycle and Sporulation) - NO VARIABILITY BASED FILTER
- 135 Genes with closest co-expression partners
Simple Commonly Used Method (Euclidian Distance
Based Hierarchical Clustering)
"Complicated" Method (Context-specific Infinite
16"Objective" Performance Assessments Using KEGG as
the Gold Standard
- Due to a large imbalance between the total number
of negative and positive pairsThere are 17
times more negative pairs than positive pairs - a
small FPR can still produce more false positive
than true positives
- Using clustering alone, one can identify
"significant" patterns of expression when using
appropriate methodology - For example, Yeast data clustered in this example
did not have any replicates so the traditional
analysis to identify differentially expressed
genes before clustering is not feasable - Statistical significance of resulting clusters
needs to be carefully examined
18Infinite Bayesian Mixtures
M(?1,, ?K) ?(?1,, ?K) ?(?1,,
?K) C(c1,,cN) ci?1,, K
19Conditional posterior distributions and Gibbs
20Gibbs Sampler Result
Sequence (ck,1,.,ck,n), k1,,kmax such that
- Posterior distribution summarized through
posterior pairwise probabilities of
co-expression p(cicjX)
- Pooling information from the whole dataset by
estimating both patterns and assignments
similar to K-means (K-means is actually
equivalent to a special case of the mixture
models with known number of clusters) - Does not require specification of the right
number of clusters (unlike K-means) - Gives direct estimates of statistical
significance (unlike anything else on the market) - Instead of lamenting which distance measure to
use focus on the appropriate statistical model
which is a well-defined problem - Works for any type of data
22Finding important functional groups for
up-regulated genes
Using the "Ease" annotation tool
http//david.niaid.nih.gov/david/ We obtained
following significant gene ontologies Up_DexANDNE2
ANDirr_381_GO.htm Homework 1) Download and
install Ease 2) Select top 20 most-signficianly
up-regulated genes in our W-C dataset and
identify significantly over-represented
categories (using the three-way ANOVA
analysis) 3) Repeat the analysis with 30, 40, 50
and 100 up-regulated and down-regulated gene 4)
Prepare questions for the next class regarding
problems you run into