Title: W' Anthony Lee, M'D'
1Critical Lower Extremity Ischemia
Goals and Techniques for Tibioperoneal
- W. Anthony Lee, M.D.
- Assistant Professor of Surgery and Radiology
- Division of Vascular Surgery and Endovascular
Therapy - University of Florida
- Critical limb ischemia
- Rest pain (Fontaine III, Rutherford Grade
II-Category 4) - Tissue loss (Fontaine IV, Rutherford Grade
III-Categories 5, 6)
- Relieve pain
- Heal ischemic ulcers/wounds
- Prevent limb loss
- Presentation
- Asymptomatic PAD 50
- Atypical leg pain 25
- Claudication 20-25
- Critical limb ischemia 1-2
- Untreated CLI 25 amputation, 25 CV-related
death _at_ 6-months
- Detailed HP
- Biochemical testing
- CBC-P, fasting blood glucose, Hgb A1c, Cr,
fasting lipid profile, U/A (for glucosuria,
proteinuria) - ABI/Toe pressures
- Anatomic imaging?endovascular vs. surgical
revascularization - /- carotid evaluation
- /- coronary evaluation
- Endovascular tibial interventions
- Intraluminal PTA /- stent
- Subintimal PTA
- Cryoplasty
- Excimer laser
- Directional atherectomy (e.g. Silverhawk)
- Conventional PTA (Dorros, et al. Circ 2001)
- 284 limbs (529 tibioperoneal lesions) w/ CLI
- Lesion length lt10-cm w/ distal vessel
visualization - Results
- 270 limbs (95) clinical success
- 165 of 166 (99) Fontaine III
- 105 of 118 (90) Fontaine IV
- 486 (92) successful PTA (lt50 residual stenosis)
- 370 of 376 stenoses (98)
- 116 of 153 occlusions (73)
- Complications
- Contrast nephropathy (7), emergency surgery
(0.7), death (0.4), amputation (0.4),
compartment syndrome (0.4)
- Dorros et al. (cont)
- 5 yr followup (266 of 270 revascularized limbs)
- Survival 56
- Fontaine III 58 vs. IV 33
- Late surgical bypass in 8
- Fontaine III 3 vs. IV 16
- Amputation in 9
- Limb salvage in 91
- Primary tibioperoneal stenting (Feiring, et al. J
Am Coll Cardiol 2004) - 82 patients (92 limbs)
- 86 limbs (93) technical success (straight
inline flow) - ABI increase
- Fontaine II pre?post 0.3
- Fontaine III/IV pre?post 0.6
- 47 of 49 limbs (96) w/ CLI clinically improved
- Excimer laser (Bosiers, et al. Eur J Vasc
Endovasc Surg 2005) - 48 patients (51 limbs)
- Excimer laser /- adjunctive PTA /- stent
- 100 technical success
- Limb salvage 91 _at_ 6 months
- 4 major amputations, 4 minor amputations
- Subintimal PTA for tibial CTO (Ingle, et al. J
Endovasc Ther 2002) - 67 patients (70 limbs)
- Occlusion lengths 4-20 cm
- Technical success 86
- Limb salvage 94 _at_ 36 months
- Mortality 51 _at_ 36 months
- Directional atherectomy (Zeller, et al. J Vasc
Interv Radiol 2004) - 33 patients (52 lesions)
- Mean lesion length 5 cm
- 98 technical success
- 71 primary atherectomy (29 adjunctive PTA /-
stent) - Mean 7.2 passes per lesion
- Mean ABI increase 0.34
- Restenosis (duplex) 22 _at_ 6 months
- Risk factors for suboptimal outcome
- Diabetes
- Renal failure
- Severe calcification
- Stenoses better outcome than occlusions
- Possible role for salvage stenting for occlusions
- All the techniques similar acute outcomes
(slightly less for subintimal angioplasty) - Rest pain better outcome than tissue loss
- 3 yr survival 50
- Contralateral (up-and-over) vs. Ipsilateral
(antegrade) - 6 Fr x 55 cm sheath
- 0.014
- Monorail vs. OTW
- Balloon catheters
- 120-130 cm vs. 70-80 cm
- 2.5-4.0 mm (0.5 increments) x 15-60 mm lengths
- Adjunctive equipment
- 0.035, 0.018 angled Glidewire
- 4 Fr angled hydrophilic catheter
- Balloon expandable stents (2.5-4.0 mm x 8-14 mm)
- Angiojet
- Thrombolysis
- Obtain femoral access
- Complete inflow-outflow angiography
- Treat inflow lesions first
- Iliac?femoral?popliteal
- Cross tibial lesion
- Treat target
- Single vessel vs. multivessel revascularization
183x30 pta
61 yo M w/ CAD, DM, ESRF, L great toe dry gangrene
1966 yo F, DM, ESRF, HTN, L great toe ulcer and
rest pain
0.014 Thruway
Treat upstream first (5.5mm PTA)
20Treat upstream first (5.5mm PTA)
59 yo F w/ 40-pack year smoking, R foot rest pain
2182 yo M w/ HTN, R LE short distance claudication
224x15 CB
56 yo M, s/p R fem-AT bypass w/ vein, elevated
velocities (450 cm/sec) at distal anastomosis