Title: Pastoral Counseling
1Pastoral Counseling
- PATH 802
- Final Review
- Causes of Mental Illness
2Exterior causes
- All things that effect the senses
- Nature
- Technology
- Human relations
3Proper Judgment calms fear
- Judge rightly
- Proper image now in memory
- Cogitative power is trained to associate properly
passions are trained - Repetition brings good habits
- Aid in future
- Able to approach objects in nature in healthy
fashion - If intellect will function correctly these lead
to mental health
- Learned from parents
- Intellectual an moral formation
- Stability of relationship
- Health or illness of parents often to child-
- Resemblance
- Environment
- Proper punishment required
- Parents must follow natural law
- Divorce its impact
- Divided
- insecure
5Physiological 3-Fold Consideration
- Actions of agent
- Chemical imbalance or neurological problem result
of actions - Strictly chemical no basis in volitional acts
- Source physiological cause only but can be
corrected through elicited acts
6Interior Senses
- Common Sense Power
- Unless there is a dysfunction of this faculty can
lead to mental illness - If there isnt then it can provide the sense date
accurately - Memory
- It can disorder the passions if it is remembered
falsely or associate it with something it should
not be associated with - Imagination
- If one imagines the wrong things or things
contrary to human nature, it can lead easily to
physiological defects - Cogitative power
- Wrong associations disorders appetites causes
- Recalls images into imagination
- Strong memory (trauma) can recall the experience
repeatedly - disturbs the various faculties.
- Constant recall of specific memory leads to
disorder to cogitative power - cogitative power assesses the species falsely or
wrongly associates it with another species - False memories or unusually strong memories
- disorder passions.
- Possible intellects judgment wills
dissociation in the memory of the thing causing
trouble - cogitative power moved.
- Flushing out past memory or discussing it
- also experiencing the thing causing problem in a
positive way.
- Maintains the presence of the phantasm in the
passive intellect allows the combination of
previous sense experience with the present
10Pivotal Faculty
- If one imagines wrong things or contrary to human
nature, it can easily lead to physiological
defects - Requires great deal of training control
11Disordered imagination
- Improper judgment of Possible intellect
- disconnection from reality.
- Can cause disorder
- in appetites
- cogitative power
- Judgment
- will
- With physiological defect
- Can use external senses to bring imagination
under control. - If uncontrollable, it is up to psychologist to
bring under control
12Control of the image
- How the possible intellect will control the
image in the imagination is crucial for mental
health. - Bad habits in cogitative power (Fixation)
- reformulation
13Bring the imagination under control of right
- Good mental health using imagination for images
- In congruity with natural law
- Truth
- Of the good.
- This leads to mental health
14Imagination holds truth
- Provides true sensible species so that the
possible intellect can perform its functions
the will can move guide the whole of man.
15Healing through reformulation
- Sorting out reformulating the images is a
powerful form of correction of the lower
faculties can be used to gain per se mental
health. p. 283
- Altering an image to present a particular good.
- If sin, the good is apparent, not true
- For health, the good is true
- Train cogitative power not to associate with the
bad images. - The intellect and will alter image by right
reason to diffuse the relative passion.
- Reformulating the image by means of the possible
intellect will means that mental health is
often under the volitional control of the
individual. - One can disorder interior senses by choices
- Converse is true
18Cogitative Power
- The power of association
- Composition division
- Assesses harmfulness, goodness or usefulness of
some thing - Prepares the phantasm for abstraction
- Only proper to man
- Habituation in wrong way leads to mental illness
- Cogitative power wrongly associates one thing
with another is unable to change the
association. - Disordered appetite will lead to fixation.
- Habituated appetite often leads to habituation of
appetites, possible intellect, will.
20Correction of Fixation
- Train the cogitative power to associate properly
using proper data to reformulate image - Also possible intellect will can gain indirect
control of cogitative power by changing phantasm
of the imagination.
21Proper objects lead to virtue
- Proper objects come into the imagination which
can lead to virtue in appetites. - When an appetite has a passion which is at
Variance with right reason, reason provides a
rational image which causes the appetite to cease
its disordered passion. - Disordered passion can also be corrected by
causing a change in phantasm that results in the
movement of a different passion. - Ex. Move the concupiscible appetite to desire
some other good. - Also distraction with some other thing.
22Virtue is the good of the intellect
- Virtue strengthens the intellect
- vice weakens it
- the virtue or strength in the intellect can be
learned or transferred to other areas - by means of judgment or association.
- Particularly prudence
23Truth is the good of the intellect
- Knowing the truth aids mental health
- As one seeks to conform ones intellect to
reality intellect is perfected - Can heal mental illness in 2 ways
- The good can counter mental illness which is evil
for intellect - Knowing the truth, that which causes mental
illness is dissipated1
24Life of appetites takes us out of reality
- One wants what the appetites want not what the
intellect knows as true - Intellect know reality not the appetites
- Following appetite is not following judgment of
possible intellect - Disorder is based on falsity
- Under the sway of passions appetites judge
something to be good or done when in fact it may
not be good. - Appetites draw the intellect away from judging
rightly about reality - if will desires the object of the appetite, it
may actually move the intellect to ignore reality.
25Truth/rectitude of intellect falsity/deformation
- Truth is rectitude of the intellect, falsity is
the deformation - Falsity can lead to mental illness
- If person does not have sufficient virtue to
counter the falsity the person may be prone to
mental illness with respect to that object
26Truth conformity of intellect to reality
- Seeking the truth about the object of ones
mental illness can actually lead to mental health - First step to mental health is recognizing that
one must not have the truth about it (the object)
otherwise he would not be so disturbed in the
soul in the face of it. - Humility is first step
- We must learn to conform ourselves to reality
not expect reality to conform to us - Pursuit of truth means that true knowledge is the
good of the intellect that sometimes mental
illness can be corrected through knowledge. - Requires choice of the will
- To more person to pursue truth
- To conform to truth
28Misunderstanding mental illness
- Mental illness can come from simply not
understanding something properly. - Once person discovers the truth he can correct
the cogitative power by formulating the phantasm - Intellectual formation is so important
- Bad formation debilitates one in maintaining
mental health - Correction in two ways
- Through knowledge of the nature of man
(metaphysics) - E.G. One believes self to be evil
undesirable-know the nature of the good, they
have the good of nature - From there, how to pursue the good through virtue
good actions (moral theology) - Psychologist can help directee conform his
intellect to the truth.
29Judgment affects mental health
- Mental health illness are affected by acts of
judgment - Mental illness is the lack of judgment
- If directed to make the right judgment about the
object one can regain his use of reason with
respect to the object. - I.E. Judgment can be used to overcome per se
mental illness. - Sometimes directly-confrontation
- Sometimes indirectly
- It corrects the other faculties.
30Correct Mental Illness per se
- One can correct mental illness per accidens if
there is not a physiological cause. - Discuss things that are connected to false
judgment presenting the truth in a convincing
manner - As he gives assent to things that are connected,
he can syllogistically or through induction, be
led conclusively to the truth which contradicts
his judgment. - First principles are innate
- If lucid, they are operative
- They must be found by the psychologist then lead
directee slowly to the eradication of falsity by
means of showing that his position is
31Pursuit of science aids health
- Pursuit of scientific endeavors can lead to
mental health. - Depression can be cured through pursuit of
(abstract) knowledge - Exceedingly intelligent may have difficulty
- Some truth is ugly painful
- May judge wrongly
- May give into sorrow
- More intelligent-more able to grasp evil be
affected (who told you . . .) - Encourage virtue in other faculties to aid
intellect in difficult moments - Fortitude
- Humility
- Ensure one follows the truth does what is right
32Error is first cause of all mental illness
- Error is the first cause of all mental illness of
those who act voluntarily - Reasoning can restore proper order of the lower
faculties - E.G. Reasons thing causing anger is not worth
emotional energy - E.G. Reasoning the association of the cogitative
power or judgment of possible intellect was not
correct. - Person leads lower faculties through reasoning
33First Principles aid Mental Health
- First principles can be taught so one can use
them in reasoning process. - Great aid for mental health
34Teaching person logic
- A great aid for mental health
- Powerful tool since logic is art of right
reasoning. - The art according to nature.
- Since natural law governs intellect this is why
choosing contrary to natural law can cause so
many disorders.
35Perfect Freedom
- Intellect freely judging the truth not being
bound or encumbered in any way the will moving
from its own interior principle. - A perfection of man
- Goal of psychology
36One chooses evil
- Will moves intellect to reformulate the image so
it can make a false judgment about the thing. - To say it is good so it can will it
37Disordered will causes mental illness
- Can cause possible intellect to perform acts
contrary to its nature - E.g. infidelity
38Many mental illness are voluntary
- Implicitly
- Will moves other faculties to perform actions
which lead to mental illness - By omission, does not perform actions which lead
to mental health - Explicitly
- Chooses to make self mentally ill
- Historically rare
39Perfection of will
- Will must choose the good of the other faculties
for its own sake - Will must choose the good as an inherent
perfection of itself - Natural law demands willing good of another
40Unloving or selfish
- Mentally ill tend
- Unloving
- Selfish, self centered
- Incongruous with natural law
- Help seek perfect love
- For true good of self
- To love people for their own benefit
41Corporal works of mercy
- Encourage person to love others to perform acts
for their benefits. - Can correct judgment about people
- Bring judgment intellect in incongruity with
natural law
42Authentic love for self
- Helped not to command actions which cause bad
passions vice - Aids overcoming vice develops virtue
- Helps him not command what is false
- False images, memories associations in
cogitative power will not occur
43Love your neighbor as yourself
- Attention on good things outside of himself
- Truth is built as he conforms to reality
- Passions will be subdued because they see true
good - Imagination, memory cogitative power can be
- Learned from parents
- Intellectual an moral formation
- Stability of relationship
- Health or illness of parents often to child-
- Resemblance
- Environment
- Proper punishment required
- Parents must follow natural law
- Divorce its impact
- Divided
- insecure