Title: Consultants
- Cant work with themAND
- Cant work without them!
Rob Peacock, M.A., CFRE, President, Metanoia
Canada Bill Petruck, President, FUNDING matters
Inc. Jean Crawford, FAHP, President,
crawfordconnect Mark Climie, CFRE, President,
Wyers Direct Inc.
Management Academy November 13, 2006
2Workshop Format
- Introduction
- Setting the Stage (1)
- Round 1
- Preparing for a Consultant
- Selecting a Consultant
- The Relationship
3Workshop Formatcontinued
- Re-setting the Stage (2)
- Round 2
- Full Service
- Executive Search
- Direct Marketing
- Questions Answers
- Conclusion
4Setting The Stage (1)
- The Survey Says
- Top five areas Consultants are used
- Direct Mail 48
- Major Gifts 39
- Marketing 37
- Capital Campaigns 37
- Executive Search 33
5Setting The Stage (1)
- The Survey Says
- Have they met your expectations?
- Very Satisfied 16
- Satisfied 48
- Neutral 16
- Dissatisfied 8
- Very Dissatisfied 1
6Setting The Stage (1)
- The Survey Says
- How much does the AFP Code of Ethics impact your
decision to hire? - Ultimately 8
- A lot 35
- Neutral 33
- A little 8
- Not at all 12
7Setting The Stage (1)
- The Survey Says
- Top five issues in working with a consultant
- Fit 28
- Over promise/Under Deliver 26
- Understanding Deliverables 17
- Experience 12
- Poor Coms/Lack of Response 12
8Preparing for a Consultant
- Non profit Executives should ask themselves a
series of questions before embarking on hiring a
9Preparing for a ConsultantUnderstanding Your
- What do I want the consultant to do
- How will this relationship work with
- Staff
- Board
- Community
10Preparing for a ConsultantPlanning
- What are our immediate needs?
- What is our long term plan?
11Preparing for a ConsultantWhat do I want them to
- Clear Communication Channels
- Understanding of objectives and goals
- Well laid out plan of activities
- Benchmarks
- Milestones
12Selecting a Consultant
- 10 key questions to ask a prospective consultant
- What strengths do you possess that will prove
particularly helpful in connection with this
project? - How have you worked on similar projects or
consulted with other groups facing problems
similar to ours? What were some of the results of
that work?
13Selecting a Consultant
- How would you describe the challenges we face
from the limited amount you now know about us? - Describe your work process. How would you work
with our staff, board, and executive director? - Are there other members of your consulting team
who would be working with you? Who are they?
How would you propose to divide up the tasks
among your team members? When can we interview
them? Do you anticipate using sub-contractors,
if so, how do you manage that relationship?
14Selecting a Consultant
- What problems do you anticipate as we begin to
work together? How can we best address these
problems early on? - Talk about the responsibilities we must assume in
order to make our work together successful. - Are you available to complete this work during
the times weve specified? Are you available if
the time becomes extended?
15Selecting a Consultant
- Approximately how much will this cost?
- What else should we be asking you? What should
we know about you, your experience, or what it
would be like to work together?
16Working Relationship Phases
- Contracting
- Clearly define
- Overall purpose
- Scope of work (deliverables)
- Lead consultant, Account Director, Manager
- Key contacts at organization
- Who does what, when, with
- Timelines (Critical Path)
- Costs - and all costing considerations
(incidentals) - Terms, Confidentiality, Termination
17Working Relationship Phases
- Doing the work
- Contact Hours
- Remove duplication
- Tweaking who does what?
18Working Relationship Phases
- Evaluation
- Interim Checkpoints
- Quarterly meetings
- Annually
- Re-contracting
- Two-way Communications
19Working Relationship Phases
- Transitioning
- Contract completion
- Re-contracting
- Termination
- Capacity Building
20Setting The Stage (2)
- The Survey Says
- Has your organization issued an RFP?
- YES 75
- NO 25
21Setting The Stage (2)
- The Survey Says
- Was the RFP process successful?
- YES 73
- NO 26
22Setting The Stage (1)
- The Survey Says
- When should a consultant start hiring for
services? - After signing a contract 91
- After the initial consult meeting 7
- Before negotiating a contract 1
23Setting The Stage (1)
- The Survey Says
- When hiring, have you hired from the private or
non-profit sector - Non-profit sector 87
- Private sector 12
24Issues in Major Gift Consulting
- Assessing the clients situation
- Needs versus Wants of the Client
- Realistic expectations with both parties
- All in agreement with direction
25Issues in Major Gift Consulting
- Mismatch with the Client
- Skills
- Personality
- Experience
26Issues in Major Gift Consulting
- Order taker versus Council
- Poor ROI
- Limited skill transfer
27Issues in Major Gift Consulting
- Accountability and Expectations
- Milestones
- Timelines
- Reporting
- Outcomes and Analysis
28Issues in Exec. Search Consulting
- Time Expectations
- The Perfect Candidate
- Organizational Readiness
29Issues in Exec. Search Consulting
- Poor Internal Management
- Hitting the Ground Running
- Restrictive Hiring Procedures
30Issues in Exec. Search Consulting
- The Hiring Committee
- Lack of Understanding of Fundraising
- Realistic Costs
31Issues in Direct Marketing Consulting
- 1. RFP Deliverables
- Give us a five year plan complete with results
and costs. - Give us creative in your proposal.
- Heres what you have to spend - give us a plan
that will give us X.
32Issues in Direct Marketing Consulting
- Full Service Consultant
- Expertise
- Strategy Tactics
- Integrated - beyond DM
- Production Manager
- Tactics Only
33Issues in Direct Marketing Consulting
34Issues in Direct Marketing Consulting
- No to Innovate
- Do you need a consultant?
- Does the organization need you?