Chapter 10 Liquids and Solids - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Chapter 10 Liquids and Solids


Liquid lies somehow in between but is closer in its structural ... Mercury forms a convex meniscus. cohesive adhesive. The Liquid State. Chapter 10 Section 2 ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Chapter 10 Liquids and Solids

Chapter 10Liquids and Solids
  • Intermolecular forces.
  • Structure in liquid state.
  • Structure in solid state.
  • Types of crystalline solids. (Types of cells)
  • Structure and bonding in metals.
  • Molecular solid and ionic solid.
  • Vapor pressure and changes of states.
  • Phase diagram.

The Three States of Matter
  • Gas Solid
  • Density Low High
  • Compressibility High Low
  • Internal attraction Low High
  • forces

Liquid lies somehow in between but is closer in
its structural properties to solid. H2O(s) ?
H2O(l) ?Hºfus 6.02 kJ/mol H2O(l) ?
H2O(g) ?Hºvap 40.7 kJ/mol
The Three States of Matter
The molecules are locked in place but can vibrate
about their positions.
The motions of the molecules increase, achieving
greater movement and disorder.
Molecules are far apart from each other and have
little interactions
The Three States of Matter
Intermolecular Forces
Chapter 10 Section 1
  • The force holding atoms together to form a
    molecule is intramolecular force.
  • The force holding a collection of molecules
    together (aggregate) is intermolecular force.
  • The changes in states are due the changes in
    intermolecular interaction.
  • H2O(s) ? H2O(l) ?Hºfus 6.02
  • H2O(l) ? H2O(g) ?Hºvap 40.7
  • H2O(g) ? 2H(g) O(g) ?Hºdecomp. 934

Intermolecular Forces
Chapter 10 Section 1
  • Dipole-Dipole Forces
  • It exists as a weak electrostatic attraction
    within polar molecules.
  • In a condensed state, the molecules orient
    themselves to maximize electrostatic attractions
    and minimize the electrostatic repulsions.
  • Dipole-dipole forces is 1 as strong as covalent
    and ionic bonds. They become weaker as the
    distance between the molecules gets larger.

Intermolecular Forces
Chapter 10 Section 1
  • Hydrogen Bonding
  • It is associated with highly electronegative
    atoms, especially N, O, and F atoms.
  • Two factors explain the strengths of hydrogen
  • The great polarity of the bond.
  • The close approach of the dipole allowed by the
    smaller size of the atoms.

Intermolecular Forces
Chapter 10 Section 1
The boiling points of the covalent hydrides of
the elements in groups 4A, 5A, 6A, and 7A
Intermolecular Forces
Chapter 10 Section 1
  • Many nitrogen-, oxygen-, and fluorine-containing
    molecules exhibit hydrogen bonding.

Intermolecular Forces
Chapter 10 Section 1
  • Ion-Dipole Interaction
  • It is shown by attraction force between an ion
    and a polar molecule.

Intermolecular Forces
Chapter 10 Section 1
  • London Dispersion Forces
  • It is shown by non-polar molecules and noble
  • We had assumed that the electron charge is
    uniformly distributed around the nucleus
    (electron cloud).
  • However, nonsymmetrical electron distribution
    could develop on an atom. This would lead to
    temporary dipole within the atom, and a distorted
    electron would would result.

Intermolecular Forces
Chapter 10 Section 1
  • The instantaneous dipole in a molecule or atom
    can induce similar dipole in neighboring atoms.
  • This type of interaction is very weak and
    short-lived, yet it is significant especially for
    large atoms.

Intermolecular Forces
Chapter 10 Section 1
  • London Dispersion Forces in Nobel Gases
  • Nobel gas can exist in a form of liquid or solid,
    but at very low temperatures.
  • For the dispersion force to be strong, the
    motions of the atoms have to be slowed down.
  • Dispersion force becomes stronger and more
    significant as the size of the atom increases
    (larger electron cloud). We say larger atoms
    exhibit higher polarizability.

Intermolecular Forces
Chapter 10 Section 1
  • London Dispersion Forces in Nonpolar Molecules
  • Dispersion force becomes stronger and more
    significant as the molar mass of the molecule
    increases (larger number of electrons).

Intermolecular Forces
Chapter 10 Section 1
  • ? What type(s) of intermolecular forces exist
    between each of the following molecules?

HBr is a polar molecule dipole-dipole forces.
There are also dispersion forces between HBr
CH4 is nonpolar ONLY dispersion forces.
SO2 is a polar molecule dipole-dipole forces.
There are also dispersion forces between SO2
The Liquid State
Chapter 10 Section 2
  • Liquid has
  • Low compressibility.
  • Lack of rigidity.
  • Higher density as compared to gas.
  • Tendency to bead as droplets (intermolecular

The intermolecular attractions between the
molecules in a liquid cause the surface area of
the droplet to be minimized (spherical shape).
The Liquid State
Chapter 10 Section 2
  • Surface Tension
  • It is the resistance of a liquid to an increase
    in its surface area.
  • Liquid with larger intermolecular forces (such
    as those with polar molecules) will have higher
    surface tension.

The Liquid State
Chapter 10 Section 2
  • Capillary Action
  • It is the rising of liquid a narrow tube.
  • Cohesive forces (Intermolecular).
  • Adhesive forces (between the liquid molecules and
    the container).
  • In a glass tube (container made of polar
  • Water forms a concave meniscus.
  • cohesive lt adhesive
  • Mercury forms a convex meniscus.
  • cohesive gt adhesive

The Liquid State
Chapter 10 Section 2
  • Viscosity
  • It is the measure of liquids resistance to
  • Liquids with larger intermolecular interaction
    tend to be more viscous.
  • Liquids with more molecular complexity are highly

Gasoline (CH3 (CH2)8 CH3) vs.
Grease (CH3 (CH2)25 CH3)
Introduction to Solid-State Structure
Chapter 10 Section 3
  • Categories of Solid
  • Crystalline Solid its components are highly
  • Amorphous Solid its components have considerable

Introduction to Solid-State Structure
Chapter 10 Section 3
  • Crystalline Solids
  • Lattice is 3-D system of points (in defined
    positions) that make up a substance.
  • Unit cell is the smallest repeating unit in a

Introduction to Solid-State Structure
Chapter 10 Section 3
  • Crystalline Solids
  • Lattice is 3-D system of points (in defined
    positions) that make up a substance.
  • Unit cell is the smallest repeating unit in a

Introduction to Solid-State Structure
Chapter 10 Section 3
Unit cell
Space-filling unit cell
No. of atoms per unit cell
(8 1/8 1)
1 atom / unit cell
(8 1/8 1 2)
2 atoms / unit cell
(8 1/8 6 1/2 4)
4 atoms / unit cell
X-Ray Diffraction
Chapter 10 Section 3
  • X-ray diffraction instrument can be used to
    analyze the structure of various chemical solid

Diffraction pattern
X-Ray Diffraction
Chapter 10 Section 3
  • Diffraction is the scattering of light beams from
    a regular array of points in which the spacings
    (d) between the components are comparable with
    the wavelength of the light (?). The angle of
    incident / reflection is given by (?).

X-Ray Diffraction
Chapter 10 Section 3
  • X-rays scattered from two Different atoms may
    (a) reinforce (constructive interference), or (b)
    cancel (destructive interference) one another.
  • The difference in distances traveled is an
    integral number (n) of wavelength (?).
  • The diffraction pattern can be used to determine
    the interatomic distances.

X-Ray Diffraction
Chapter 10 Section 3
  • xy yz n? (In-phase light)
  • xy yz 2d sin? (From trigonometry)
  • 2d sin?
    n? (Bragg Equation)

X-Ray Diffraction
Chapter 10 Section 3
  • Question 43 on page 476.
  • A topaz crystal has an interplanar spacing of
    1.36 Ã…. Calculate the wavelength of the X ray
    that should be used if the ? is 15.0º. Assume n
  • 2d sin? n?

Classification of Solids
Chapter 10 Section 3
Atomic Solid
Ionic Solid
Molecular Solid
Classification of Solids
Chapter 10 Section 3
Graphite, diamond, fullerene
Argon, xenon
Ice, sugar, oil
Structure and Bonding in Metals
Chapter 10 Section 4
  • Characteristics of metals
  • High thermal and electrical conductivity.
  • Malleability.
  • Ductility.
  • Metals have special type of nondirectional
    covalent bonding.
  • The closest packing model describes the metal
    atoms as layers of uniform, hard spheres. These
    layers dont lie directly on top pf each other.

Structure and Bonding in Metals
Chapter 10 Section 4
  • Two main types of packing
  • aba closest packing the spheres in every other
    layer occupy the same vertical positions.
  • abc closest packing the spheres in every fourth
    layer occupy the same positions.
  • These arrangements have the most efficient use of
    the available space.

The aba Closest Packing
Chapter 10 Section 4
  • The resulting structure from the aba packing is
    the hexagonal closest packed (hcp) structure (Mg,
    Zn, Ca)
  • The resulting unit cell is hexagonal prism cell.

The abc Closest Packing
Chapter 10 Section 4
  • The resulting structure from the abc packing is
    the cubic closest packed (ccp) structure (Al, Fe,
    Cu, Co, Ni, Ca).
  • The resulting unit cell is faced-centered cubic

Closest Packing Model
Chapter 10 Section 4
  • In both types of packing (hcp and ccp), each
    sphere has 12 equivalent neighboring spheres
  • 6 in the same layers,
  • 3 in the layer above, and
  • 3 in the layer below.
  • For the body-centered cubic (bcc) unit cell, each
    sphere is surrounded by 8 neighboring spheres
    (alkali metals).

Volume of Unit Cells
Chapter 10 Section 3
Unit cell
Space-filling unit cell
No. of atoms per unit cell
(8 1/8 1)
1 atom / unit cell
(8 1/8 1 2)
2 atoms / unit cell
(8 1/8 6 1/2 4)
4 atoms / unit cell
Volume of Unit Cells
Chapter 10 Section 4
  • Simple Cubic Cell
  • d 2r
  • Volume d3 8r3

Volume of Unit Cells
Chapter 10 Section 4
  • Body-Centered Cubic Cell
  • c 2d 4r
  • b2 d2 d2
  • c2 d2 b2
  • c2 d2 2d2 3d2
  • 3d2 16r2
  • d 4r/v3
  • Volume 64r3/(3)3/2

Volume of Unit Cells
Chapter 10 Section 4
  • Face-Centered Cubic Cell
  • d2 d2 b2
  • b 4r
  • b2 16r2
  • 2d2 16r2
  • d2 8r2
  • d rv8
  • Volume d3 83/2r3

Bonding in Metals
Chapter 10 Section 4
  • Bonds in metals are strong and nondirectional.
  • The Electron Sea Model It is difficult to
    separate metal atoms, but it is relatively easy
    to move them.

Bonding in Metals (MO Model)
Chapter 10 Section 4
  • MO model can be used to explain the bonding in
  • Li2 molecule

Levels become continuum
Band Model
Bonding in Metals (MO Model)
Chapter 10 Section 4
  • Mg metal crystal.
  • ? The electrons in the 1s, 2s, and 2p orbitals
    are localized.
  • ? The 3s and 3p orbitals can overlap to form
    MOs. Electrons in valence MOs can travel through
    crystal (Conduction band).

Chapter 10 Section 4
  • An alloy is a substance that contains a mixture
    of elements and has metallic properties.
  • There are two main types of alloys
  • Substitutional alloys some of the host metal
    atoms are replaced by other metal atoms.
  • Brass 67 Cu and 33 Zn.
  • Interstitial alloys some holes in the closest
    packed metal are occupied by small atoms.
  • Steel C atoms in the holes between Fe atoms.

Chapter 10 Section 4
  • Steel is one of the most common alloys
  • Mild steels less than 0.2 C (chains, cable).
  • Medium Steels 0.2-0.6 C (structural steel
  • High-Carbon Steels 0.6-1.5 C (cutlery,
  • Alloy Steels mixed interstitial and
    substitutional alloys.
  • Stainless steel is an alloy steel with minimum
    10.5 Cr.

Network Atomic Solids
Chapter 10 Section 5
  • Network atomic solids have strong directional
    bonds. Their conduction to electricity is not as
    good as metals.
  • Carbon network solids (diamond and graphite).
  • Silicon network solids (rock, sands, soils,
    quartz, and glass)

Carbon Network Solids
Chapter 10 Section 5
  • Tetrahedral arrangement (sp3).
  • Extremely hard, poor electrical and thermal
    conductor, and colorless.
  • Layers of carbon atoms in form of rings (sp2).
  • slippery, conduct heat and electricity, and

Carbon Network Solids
Chapter 10 Section 5
  • The large gap between the filled orbitals and the
    empty ones accounts for the insulation property
    for diamond.

Carbon Network Solids
Chapter 10 Section 5
  • In graphite, the unhybridized 2p orbitals on the
    C atoms result in p bonds in which the electrons
    are delocalized. This explains why graphite is an
    electrical conductor.
  • The layer structure explains the slipperiness of

Silicon Network Solids (Silica)
Chapter 10 Section 5
  • They are the main constituents of earth crust.
  • They involve chains with Si-O bonds.
  • Silica (SiO2) is the most common type of silicon
    network solids.
  • Does the structure of SiO2 look like that of CO2?

Silica network (quartz)
Silicon Network Solids (Quartz)
Chapter 10 Section 5
  • In silica, SiO2, which is the basic component of
    quartz, the inability of the Si atoms to form
    efficient p bonds with oxygens leads to
    tetrahedral network structure, SiO4, instead of
    the discrete linear structure (like CO2).
  • Still the empirical formula of quartz is SiO2.

Silica network (quartz)
Silicon Network Solids (Silicates)
Chapter 10 Section 5
  • The silicates are found mostly in rocks, clays,
    and soils.
  • ? O/Si ratio gt 21.
  • ? Contains Si/O anions.
  • ? Cations are needed to balance the excess
    negative charge. This means that silicate is a

Silicon Network Solids (Glass)
Chapter 10 Section 5
  • Glass is formed by heating the silica above its
    melting point (1600ºC) and then cooled rapidly.
    This process causes an amorphous solid called
    glass to form.
  • Glass contains a great deal of disorder.
  • Glass can be mixed with other substances to form
    special classes of glass, such as Pyrex, optical
    objects, and windows.

Silicon Network Solids (Glass)
Chapter 10 Section 5
Silicon Network Solids (Ceramics)
Chapter 10 Section 5
  • Ceramics are made from clays (silicates).
  • hardened by firing at high temperatures.
  • strong and brittle.
  • extremely thermally resistant.
  • chemically inert.

Chapter 10 Section 5
  • Silicon networks is tetrahedral (like diamond),
    but the energy gap between filled and empty MOs
    is relatively smaller. Few electrons can cross
  • (Semiconductors).
  • Conduction property increases with the increase
    in temperature.
  • n-type and p-type semiconductors can be produced.

Molecular Solids
Chapter 10 Section 6
Molecular Solids
Chapter 10 Section 6
  • In molecular solids, each molecule occupies a
    lattice position. Molecular solid is
    charecterized by strong covalent intramolecular
    bonding and weak intermolecular forces.
  • Ice is made of H2O molecules held together by
    means of hydrogen bonding.

Molecular Solids
Chapter 10 Section 6
  • In molecular solids, each molecule occupies a
    lattice position. Molecular solid is
    charecterized by strong covalent intramolecular
    bonding and weak intermolecular forces.
  • Ice is made of H2O molecules held together by
    means of hydrogen bonding.

Molecular Solids
Chapter 10 Section 6
  • In molecular solids, each molecule occupies a
    lattice position. Molecular solid is
    charecterized by strong covalent intramolecular
    bonding and weak intermolecular forces.
  • Ice is made of H2O molecules held together by
    means of hydrogen bonding.
  • Dry ice (solid CO2) is another example of
    molecular solid.

Molecular Solids
Chapter 10 Section 6
  • Yellow sulfur crystals (with S8 molecules) and
    white phosphorous (with P4 molecules).
  • They dont have dipole moments. Thus, the
    intermolecular forces are dispersion forces.
  • At 25ºC
  • CO2-based crystal is gas.
  • P4, S8, and Cl2-based crystals are solid.

Molecular Solids
Chapter 10 Section 6
Ionic Solids
Chapter 10 Section 7
  • Ionic molecules
  • very stable.
  • high-melting substances.
  • electrostatic attraction.
  • when melted, they conduct electricity.
  • The closest packed model can be used to extend
    the structure of ionic molecules to ionic solids.

Ionic Solids
Chapter 10 Section 7
  • The larger ions are packed with the hcp or ccp
    arrangements. The resulting holes are filled by
    the oppositely charged ions.
  • Types of holes in ionic solids
  • Trigonal holes.
  • Tetrahedral holes.
  • Octahedral holes.
  • The hole size order
  • trigonal lt tetrahed. lt octahed.

Ionic Solids
Chapter 10 Section 7
  • Trigonal holes are so small that they can not be
    occupied to form binary ionic compounds.
  • Tetrahedral or octahedral arrangements are
    determined by the relative sizes of the cations
    and anions.
  • Tetrahedral holes in the ccp packed structure.
  • Example ZnS.
  • Ionic radius Zn2 70 pm , S2 180 pm.

Ionic Solids
Chapter 10 Section 7
  • For the fcc unit cell in the ccp packed
    structure, number of tetrahedral holes is as
    twice as the number of packed anions (S2).
  • Half of these holes in ZnS is occupied by Zn2
    cations to achieve neutrality.

Ionic Solids
Chapter 10 Section 7
  • For the fcc unit cell in the ccp packed
    structure, number of octahedral holes is the same
    as the number of packed ions.
  • Example NaCl
  • The Na ions fill all the four octahedral holes.

Types and Properties of Solids
Chapter 10 Section 7
Vapor Pressures
Chapter 10 Section 8
  • Vaporization (Evaporation)
  • Change of state from liquid to gas.
  • Molecules try to escape the liquids and form a
  • Energy is absorbed by the liquid to overcome the
    intermolecular forces to form a gas.
  • It is an endothermic process.
  • Heat (or Enthalpy) of Vaporization ?Hvap It is
    the energy required to vaporize 1 mole of a
    liquid at a pressure of 1 atm.
  • ?Hvap for H2O _at_ 100 ºC is 40.7 kJ/mol

Vapor Pressures
Chapter 10 Section 8
  • Liquid in a close container
  • Evaporation of the molecules at a constant rate
    takes place and the amount of liquid decreases.
  • The condensation rate (returning to the liquid
    state) of the molecules begins to increase.
  • When the evaporation and condensation processes
    exactly balance each other, the system is then at
    equilibrium. The liquid stops decreasing and the
    system is said to be highly dynamic.

Vapor Pressures
Chapter 10 Section 8
  • Liquid in a close container
  • Evaporation of the molecules at a constant rate
    takes place and the amount of liquid decreases.
  • The condensation rate (returning to the liquid
    state) of the molecules begins to increase.
  • When the evaporation and condensation processes
    exactly balance each other, the system is then at
    equilibrium. The liquid stops decreasing and the
    system is said to be highly dynamic.
  • The vapor pressure at equilibrium is known as the
    vapor pressure.

Vapor Pressures
Chapter 10 Section 8
  • Measuring the vapor pressure of a liquid using a
    simple barometer.

Vapor Pressures
Chapter 10 Section 8
  • Patmosphere Pvapor PHg Column
  • Pvapor Patmosphere PHg Column

Vapor Pressures
Chapter 10 Section 8
Weaker intermolecular forces
More volatile
Higher vapor pressure
The hydrogen bonding here overcomes the effect of
molar masses
Effect of Temperature on Vapor Pressures
Chapter 10 Section 8
  • Vapor pressure increases significantly with
  • T1 gt T2
  • A specific amount of KE is needed to overcome
    the intermolecular forces in the liquid phase.
  • At the higher temperature, T2, the fraction of
    molecules having the minimum KE to convert into
    gas increases.

Effect of Temperature on Vapor Pressures
Chapter 10 Section 8
Effect of Temperature on Vapor Pressures
Chapter 10 Section 8
Effect of Temperature on Vapor Pressures
Chapter 10 Section 8
y mx b
Effect of Temperature on Vapor Pressures
Chapter 10 Section 8
  • From the adjacent plot, predict whether water or
    diethyl ether has larger enthalpy of vaporization
  • mH2O gt m(C2H5)2O
  • ?HvapH2O gt ?Hvap(C2H5)2O

Effect of Temperature on Vapor Pressures
Chapter 10 Section 8
  • Clausius-Clapeyron equation can be obtained from
    the previous relationship
  • Example 10.6
  • The vapor pressure and heat of vaporization of
    water at 25ºC is 23.8 torr and 43.9 kJ/mol,
    respectively. Calculate the vapor pressure of
    water at 50ºC.

Vapor Pressure of a Solid
Chapter 10 Section 8
  • Sublimation a process in which the substance
    goes directly from the solid to the gaseous

Dry Ice (CO2)
Iodine (I2)
Moth Balls
Changes of State
Chapter 10 Section 8
  • The changes in the state of a matter can be
    represented by a heating curve, which is a plot
    of temperature vs. time for a process when an
    energy is added in a constant rate to a specific
    amount of a substance.

Changes of State
Chapter 10 Section 8
Boiling point, heat of vaporization (?Hvap)
H2O gas with slope different than that for water
The plateau here is 7 time longer than that at
the melting point
The molecule is completely changed to vapor
Melting point, heat of fusion (?Hfus)
Water molecules gain more energy, and gradually
the hydrogen bonding becomes weaker and weaker
Ice molecules vibrate
The molecule is completely changed to liquid
Changes of State
Chapter 10 Section 8
Definition of Melting Point
Chapter 10 Section 8
  • Below 0ºC, liquid water is supercooled.
  • Above 0ºC, the vapor pressure curve of ice is
  • The melting point is when a substance has
    identical vapor pressures at the solid and liquid
  • Ice is more temperature-dependent.

Vapor Pressures of Ice and Water
Chapter 10 Section 8
  • An apparatus that allows solid and liquid water
    to interact only through the vapor state

Vapor Pressures of Ice and Water
Chapter 10 Section 8
  • Case I
  • With T when the vapor pressure of the solid is
    greater than that of the liquid.
  • As solid releases more vapor the liquid absorbs
    more vapor for both states to achieve equilibrium.

The liquid begins to increase and solid begins
to decrease. The net effect is conversion of all
solid ice into liquid. Eventually, liquid water
will exist in equilibrium with water vapor. The
T here must be above the melting point.
Vapor Pressures of Ice and Water
Chapter 10 Section 8
  • Case II
  • With T when the vapor pressure of the solid is
    less than that of the liquid.
  • This case is the opposite to Case I.

The supercooled liquid begins to decrease and
solid begins to increase. The net effect is
conversion of all liquid water into solid
ice. Eventually, solid ice will exist in
equilibrium with water vapor. The T here must be
below the melting point.
Vapor Pressures of Ice and Water
Chapter 10 Section 8
  • Case III
  • With T when the vapor pressure of the solid and
    liquid are the same.
  • Here, both states have an identical vapor
    pressure and can coexist (both exist).

This temperature represents the freezing point..
Both states are in equilibrium with each other.
Melting Point and Boiling Point
Chapter 10 Section 8
  • Melting Point is the temperature at which the
    solid and liquid states have the same vapor
    pressure under condition where the total pressure
    is 1 atm.
  • Normal Boling Point is the temperature at which
    the vapor pressure of the liquid is exactly 1
  • In this close system, no bubbles can form within
    the liquid as long as the vapor pressure of water
    is less than 1 atm.

Supercooling of Water
Chapter 10 Section 8
  • It is when the water can be cooled below 0ºC at 1
    atm without being solidified.
  • This can happen when the water molecules did not
    achieve the degree of organization necessary to
    form ice at 0ºC.
  • As soon as that order of organization occurs,
    the liquid crystallizes and releases energy.

Phase Diagram
Chapter 10 Section 9
  • Represents phases for a closed system as a
    function of temperature and pressure.
  • P 1.00 atm
  • Melting point (Tm).
  • Normal boiling point (Tb).

The phase diagram for water
Phase Diagram
Chapter 10 Section 9
  • Ps 2 torr 0.0025 atm
  • Sublimation process will take place at
    10 ºC. It occurs when the ice vapor pressure is
    equal to the external pressure (2 torr in this

The phase diagram for water
Phase Diagram
Chapter 10 Section 9
  • P3 4.58 torr 0.0060 atm
  • Triple point is the temperature and pressure at
    which solid, liquid and gas coexist.
  • For H2O, this point is at 4.58 torr and 0.01ºC.
  • The reason is because the three states have
    identical vapor pressures that are equal to the
    external pressure.

The phase diagram for water
Phase Diagram
Chapter 10 Section 9
  • Pc 218 atm
  • Critical point is the point at which the
    transition from liquid to vapor involves fluid
    intermediate region
  • Critical temperature is the temperature above
    which the vapor cant be liquefied, no matter
    what pressure is applied.
  • Critical pressure is the pressure required to
    liquefy the vapor at the critical temperature.

The phase diagram for water
Phase Diagrams of H2O and CO2
Chapter 10 Section 9
The phase diagram for water
The phase diagram for CO2
Phase Diagrams of H2O and CO2
Chapter 10 Section 9
? Fire extinguishers CO2 is compresses as liquid
inside the cylinder at high P. Once the CO2 is
released through the hose it is directly
converted into vapor. The liquid/vapor transition
is highly endothermic reaction, so cooling will
The phase diagram for CO2
Phase Diagram of H2O
Chapter 10 Section 9
  • Unlike most of the substances, when solid ice is
    compressed, it is converted into water. This is
    because the density of ice is less than water at
    the melting point.

Phase Diagram of H2O
Chapter 10 Section 9
  • Application of that special physical properties
    of water
  • Ice skating (more pressure from the skaters
    blade causes the ice to convert into water).
  • Pipe freezing causes them to crack.
  • Ice formed on lakes floats.
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