Title: P1254503571aMGbA
1Pherogram Normalization for CE and MEKC
analyses of bio-matrices
Jetse Reijenga1, Han Martens2, Andrea Giuliani3
and Marcella Chiari3
1. Department of Chemical Engineering and
Chemistry, Eindhoven University of Technology,
The Netherlands 2. Martens Engineering BV,
Heerlen, The Netherlands 3. Institute of
Biocatalysis and Molecular Recognition, C.N.R.,
Milano, Italy
2- migration time reproducibility, limitations due
to - Different injection volumes
- Stacking differences
- Non-uniform fieldstrengths
- EOF variations
- Coating deterioration
3(No Transcript)
4reference migration time
tiR LdLt / V(ui ueof)
sample migration time
ti LdLt / ? V(ui ueof ?)
5calculation of ?, ? (?)
Peak 1. LdLt /Vt1 - ueof LdLt / ?Vt1R - ueof -
? Peak 2. LdLt /Vt2 - ueof LdLt / ?Vt2R - ueof
- ?
- (1/t1 - 1/t2)/(1/t1R - 1/t2R)
- 2?V/LdLt ? (1/t1 1/t2)/? - (1/t1R 1/t2R)
6migration time correction
tiR 1/(1/?ti - ?/2)
FIELD shift factor 1/?
EOF shift factor ?ti/tiR
Freeware, download from http//www.ceyork.f2s.com
8- what CEqualizer does
- Load data files (ref new)
- Select identification peaks
- Calculate correction factors ?, ?
- Display FIELD and EOF shift factors
- Normalize with respect to reference
- Save normalized new data file
9Example DNA ladder
10(No Transcript)
11Example Steroids with sweeping MEKC
J.-B. Kim, J.P. Quirino, K. Otsuka, S. Terabe, J.
Chromatogr. A 916 (2001) 123
12Example Opioids in urine
A.B.Wey, W. Thormann, J. Chromatogr. A 916 (2001)
13Example inorganic anions with twin CE detection
R. Bodor, D. Kaniansky, M. Masár, J. Chromatogr.
A 916 (2001) 31
14Example ß-blockers in large volume stacking CE
J.P. Quirino, S. Terabe, Electrophoresis 21
(2000) 355
15Example aromatic amines in large volume stacking
J.P. Quirino, S. Terabe, Electrophoresis 21
(2000) 355
16- Conclusions
- Diagnose peak shifts samples vs standards
- Distinguish Fieldstrength and EOF effects
- Normalise sample Electropherograms
17Acknowledgements data files of published material
were provided by D. Kaniansky (Bratislava),
J.-B. Kim and S. Terabe (Hyogo), J.P. Quirino
(Sunnyvale) and W. Thormann (Berne)
CEqualizer on http//www.ceyork.f2s.com