Title: Scientific Notation
1Scientific Notation
2What is Scientific Notation?
- Scientific notation is a way of writing numbers
- It is very convenient to express numbers that are
too large or too small to be written in decimal
form in a simpler way - Try multiplying 1,234,000,000,000 by 0.000005789
is there an easy way to write the result? - Scientific notation allows us to write and handle
numbers in a concise manner - Why would it be beneficial to write numbers in
scientific notation? - When do you use very large or very small numbers
3Two Parts to Scientific Notation
- Numbers written in scientific notation look like
to following - N x 10X
- Read it as N times TEN to the power of X
- Notice that there are two main components
- N, which is called the Mantissa
- N can be any number
- X, which is called the Exponent
- X MUST be an integer
4Pop Quiz
N x 10X
- Are the following numbers written in scientific
4.8756 x 1000
2.37895 x 102
239 x 1004
9.74 x 104,660
5Converting Standard Form to Scientific Notation
N x 10X
- Put the decimal point after the first, second, or
third digit. - The leftmost digit should always be between 1-9
it CANNOT be a ZERO - Count the number of places that the decimal point
was moved from its original location. This
number will be your exponent - If the new position of the decimal point is to
the left of its original, the exponent is treated
as positive - If the new position of the decimal point is to
the right of its original, the exponent is
N x 10X
- Converting standard form to scientific notation
248 2.48x102 0.0000547 5.47x10-5 0.0348987
3.48987x10-2 4,378,000,000
4.378x109 314,150,000,000,000 31.415x1013
7Converting Scientific Notation to Standard Form
N x 10X
- Notice two things
- The location of the decimal point in the mantissa
- The sign of the exponent
- If the sign of the exponent is positive, move the
decimal point in the mantissa X digits to the
right - If the sign of the exponent is negative, move the
decimal point in the mantissa X digits to the
left - Fill in any empty spaces between the last number
in the mantissa and the new position of the
decimal point with ZEROS
N x 10X
- Converting scientific notation to standard form
3.086x106 3,086,000 547x10-4
.0547 5.8756x102 587.56 43.995005x1010
439,950,050,000 .5x101 5