Title: Israel Agriculture:
1Israel Agriculture Achievements and Priorities
Professor Ilan Chet The Hebrew University of
2Tri-Lateral RD Objectives
- Establishment of the tri-lateral consotium
- Setup a 3 waycall for proposals for tri-lateral
industrial RD projects - Decide on a mechanism for the exchange of
expert/academics - Identify and prioritize common focus areas of the
three countries - Identify the champions from each country in each
focus area - Identify and agree on the action plans,
tentatively Regular thematic roundtable
meetings Any other innovative formats of
3academic (ake-demik) adj.
- a. Theoretical or speculative without practical
purpose or intention. - b. Having no practical meaning or usefulness.
University Dictionary)
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5Agricultural Production and Use of Water
Water used for agriculture
Production of plant crops
6Irrigation efficiency in Israel (1950-2000)
Relative yield
Applied water (mm)
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8Annual Rise in Productivity in Agriculture and in
Selected Sectors
(1980 index 100)
Transportation communications
Total commercial sector
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10Pesticides for agriculture, tons
Fertilizers, thousand tons
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12Biological Control
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19Support Fungi - Theyre the only culture some
people have.
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22- Agricultures National Importance
- Daily supply of fresh, high quality and
affordable food - Settlement in nationally preferred areas
- Wider spread of population
- Cleaner environment
- Balanced use of natural resources
- Absorption and reuse of wastewater and organic
23- Opportunities for Israeli Agriculture
- Use of creativity, knowledge and capital for
attaining - Novelty new technologies and products
- Better quality appearance, taste, aroma, health,
shelf life, purity - Water saving and use of marginal water
- Raising production efficiency mechanization and
intensification - Controlled growing indoor cultivation of plants
and animals - Spread of cultivation outside the traditional
season - All the above - subject to the availability of
knowledge and capital!
24Current Research Priorities in Israel
- Development of new products and cultivars
- Improvement of food quality and safety
- Functional food
- Integrated pest management (IPM) and biological
control - Precision agriculture and farming efficiency
- Agricultural technologies friendly to the
environment - Water technologies and irrigation
- Biofuel and alternative energy