Title: Software Model Checking with SLAM
1Software Model Checking withSLAM
- Thomas Ball
- Testing, Verification and Measurement
- Sriram K. Rajamani
- Software Productivity Tools
- Microsoft Research
- http//research.microsoft.com/slam/
2People behind SLAM
- Summer interns
- Sagar Chaki, Todd Millstein, Rupak Majumdar
(2000) - Satyaki Das, Wes Weimer, Robby (2001)
- Jakob Lichtenberg, Mayur Naik (2002)
- Visitors
- Giorgio Delzanno, Andreas Podelski, Stefan
Schwoon - Windows Partners
- Byron Cook, Vladimir Levin, Abdullah Ustuner
- Part I Overview (30 min)
- overview of SLAM process
- demonstration (Static Driver Verifier)
- lessons learned
- Part II Basic SLAM (1 hour)
- foundations
- basic algorithms (no pointers)
- Part III Advanced Topics (30 min)
- pointers procedures
- imprecision in aliasing and mod analysis
4Part I Overview of SLAM
5What is SLAM?
- SLAM is a software model checking project at
Microsoft Research - Goal Check C programs (system software) against
safety properties using model checking - Application domain device drivers
- Starting to be used internally inside Windows
- Working on making this into a product
Static Driver Verifier
Source Code
7SLAM Software Model Checking
- SLAM innovations
- boolean programs a new model for software
- model creation (c2bp)
- model checking (bebop)
- model refinement (newton)
- SLAM toolkit
- built on MSR program analysis infrastructure
- Finite state language for stating rules
- monitors behavior of C code
- temporal safety properties (security automata)
- familiar C syntax
- Suitable for expressing control-dominated
properties - e.g. proper sequence of events
- can encode data values inside state
9State Machine for Locking
10The SLAM Process
boolean program
prog. P
prog. P
SLIC rule
Does this code obey the locking rule?
do KeAcquireSpinLock() nPacketsOld
nPackets if(request) request
request-gtNext KeReleaseSpinLock() nPackets
while (nPackets ! nPacketsOld) KeRelease
Model checking boolean program (bebop)
do KeAcquireSpinLock() if() KeRe
leaseSpinLock() while () KeReleaseSpin
Is error path feasible in C program? (newton)
do KeAcquireSpinLock() nPacketsOld
nPackets if(request) request
request-gtNext KeReleaseSpinLock() nPackets
while (nPackets ! nPacketsOld) KeRelease
Add new predicate to boolean program (c2bp)
b (nPacketsOld nPackets)
do KeAcquireSpinLock() nPacketsOld
nPackets b true if(request) request
request-gtNext KeReleaseSpinLock() nPackets
b b ? false while (nPackets !
nPacketsOld) !b KeReleaseSpinLock()
Model checking refined boolean program (bebop)
b (nPacketsOld nPackets)
do KeAcquireSpinLock() b true
if() KeReleaseSpinLock() b b ?
false while ( !b ) KeReleaseSpinLock
Model checking refined boolean program (bebop)
b (nPacketsOld nPackets)
do KeAcquireSpinLock() b true
if() KeReleaseSpinLock() b b ?
false while ( !b ) KeReleaseSpinLock
17Observations about SLAM
- Automatic discovery of invariants
- driven by property and a finite set of (false)
execution paths - predicates are not invariants, but observations
- abstraction model checking computes inductive
invariants (boolean combinations of observations) - A hybrid dynamic/static analysis
- newton executes path through C code symbolically
- c2bpbebop explore all paths through abstraction
- A new form of program slicing
- program code and data not relevant to property
are dropped - non-determinism allows slices to have more
18Part I Demo
Static Driver Verifier results
19Part I Lessons Learned
- Boolean program model has proved itself
- Successful for domain of device drivers
- control-dominated safety properties
- few boolean variables needed to do proof or find
real counterexamples - Counterexample-driven refinement
- terminates in practice
- incompleteness of theorem prover not an issue
21What is hard?
- Abstracting
- from a language with pointers (C)
- to one without pointers (boolean programs)
- All side effects need to be modeled by copying
(as in dataflow) - Open environment problem
22What stayed fixed?
- Boolean program model
- Basic tool flow
- Repercussions
- newton has to copy between scopes
- c2bp has to model side-effects by value-result
- finite depth precision on the heap is all boolean
programs can do
23What changed?
- Interface between newton and c2bp
- We now use predicates for doing more things
- refine alias precision via aliasing predicates
- newton helps resolve pointer aliasing imprecision
in c2bp
24Scaling SLAM
- Largest driver we have processed has 60K lines
of code - Largest abstractions we have analyzed have
several hundred boolean variables - Routinely get results after 20-30 iterations
- Out of 672 runs we do daily, 607 terminate within
20 minutes
25Scale and SLAM components
- Out of 67 runs that time out, tools that take
longest time - bebop 50, c2bp 10, newton 5, constrain 2
- C2bp
- fast predicate abstraction (fastF) and
incremental predicate abstraction (constrain) - re-use across iterations
- Newton
- biggest problems are due to scope-copying
- Bebop
- biggest issue is no re-use across iterations
- solution in the works
26SLAM Status
- 2000-2001
- foundations, algorithms, prototyping
- papers in CAV, PLDI, POPL, SPIN, TACAS
- March 2002
- Bill Gates review
- May 2002
- Windows committed to hire two people with model
checking background to support Static Driver
Verifier (SLAMdriver rules) - July 2002
- running SLAM on 100 drivers, 20 properties
- September 3, 2002
- made initial release of SDV to Windows (friends
and family) - April 1, 2003
- made wide release of SDV to Windows (any internal
driver developer)
27Part II Basic SLAM
Types ? void bool int ref ?
Expressions e c x e1 op e2 x
x LExpression l x
x Declaration d ? x1,x2
,,xn Statements s skip goto L1,L2
Ln L s
l e l
f (e1 ,e2 ,,en )
return x
s1 s2 sn Procedures p
? f (x1 ?1,x2 ?2,,xn ?n
) Program g d1 d2 dn p1
p2 pn
Types ? void bool
int Expressions e c x e1 op
e2 LExpression l
x Declaration d ? x1,x2
,,xn Statements s skip goto L1,L2
Ln L s
l e f (e1
,e2 ,,en ) return
s1 s2
sn Procedures p f (x1
?1,x2 ?2,,xn ?n ) Program g
d1 d2 dn p1 p2 pn
Types ? void bool Expressions e
c x e1 op e2 LExpression l
x Declaration d ? x1,x2
,,xn Statements s skip goto L1,L2
Ln L s
l e f (e1
,e2 ,,en ) return
s1 s2
sn Procedures p f (x1
?1,x2 ?2,,xn ?n ) Program g
d1 d2 dn p1 p2 pn
31Syntactic sugar
goto L1, L2 L1 assume(e) S1
goto L3 L2 assume(!e) S2 goto
L3 L3 S3
if (e) S1 else S2 S3
32Example, in C
- void cmp (int a , int b)
- if (a b)
- g 0
- else
- g 1
int g main(int x, int y) cmp(x, y) if
(!g) if (x ! y) assert(0)
33Example, in C--
- void cmp(int a , int b)
- goto L1, L2
- L1 assume(ab)
- g 0
- return
- L2 assume(a!b)
- g 1
- return
int g main(int x, int y) cmp(x, y)
assume(!g) assume(x ! y) assert(0)
34The SLAM Process
boolean program
prog. P
prog. P
SLIC rule
35c2bp Predicate Abstraction for C Programs
- Given
- P a C program
- F e1,...,en
- each ei a pure boolean expression
- each ei represents set of states for which ei is
true - Produce a boolean program B(P,F)
- same control-flow structure as P
- boolean vars b1,...,bn to match e1,...,en
- properties true of B(P,F) are true of P
- Given
- P a C program
- F e1,...,en
- each ei a pure boolean expression
- each ei represents set of states for which ei is
true - Assume each ei uses either
- only globals (global predicate)
- local variables from some procedure (local
predicate for that procedure) - Mixed predicates
- predicates using both local variables and global
variables - complicate return processing
- covered in advanced topics
37C2bp Algorithm
- Performs modular abstraction
- abstracts each procedure in isolation
- Within each procedure, abstracts each statement
in isolation - no control-flow analysis
- no need for loop invariants
38- void cmp (int a , int b)
- goto L1, L2
- L1 assume(ab)
- g 0
- return
- L2 assume(a!b)
- g 1
- return
int g main(int x, int y) cmp(x, y)
assume(!g) assume(x ! y) assert(0)
Preds xy g0
39- void cmp (int a , int b)
- goto L1, L2
- L1 assume(ab)
- g 0
- return
- L2 assume(a!b)
- g 1
- return
int g main(int x, int y) cmp(x, y)
assume(!g) assume(x ! y) assert(0)
void cmp ( ab )
decl g0 main( xy )
Preds xy g0
40- void equal (int a , int b)
- goto L1, L2
- L1 assume(ab)
- g 0
- return
- L2 assume(a!b)
- g 1
- return
int g main(int x, int y) cmp(x, y)
assume(!g) assume(x ! y) assert(0)
void cmp ( ab ) goto L1, L2 L1
assume( ab ) g0 T
return L2 assume( !ab )
g0 F return
decl g0 main( xy ) cmp( xy
) assume( g0 ) assume( !xy )
Preds xy g0
41 C--
Types ? void bool
int Expressions e c x e1 op
e2 LExpression l x
Declaration d ? x1,x2
,,xn Statements s skip goto L1,L2
Ln L s
l e f (e1
,e2 ,,en )
s1 s2 sn Procedures
p f (x1 ?1,x2
?2,,xn ?n ) Program g
d1 d2 dn p1 p2 pn
42Abstracting Assigns via WP
- Statement yy1 and F ylt4, ylt5
- ylt4, ylt5 ((!ylt5 !ylt4) ? F ),
ylt4 - WP(xe,Q) Qx -gt e
- WP(yy1, ylt5)
- (ylt5) y -gt y1
- (y1lt5)
- (ylt4)
43WP Problem
- WP(s, ei) not always expressible via e1,...,en
- Example
- F x0, x1, xlt5
- WP( xx1 , xlt5 ) xlt4
- Best possible x0 x1
44Abstracting Expressions via F
- F e1,...,en
- ImpliesF(e)
- best boolean function over F that implies e
- ImpliedByF(e)
- best boolean function over F implied by e
- ImpliedByF(e) !ImpliesF(!e)
45ImpliesF(e) and ImpliedByF(e)
46Computing ImpliesF(e)
- minterm m d1 ... dn
- where di ei or di !ei
- ImpliesF(e)
- disjunction of all minterms that imply e
- Naïve approach
- generate all 2n possible minterms
- for each minterm m, use decision procedure to
check validity of each implication m?e - Many optimizations possible
47Abstracting Assignments
- if ImpliesF(WP(s, ei)) is true before s then
- ei is true after s
- if ImpliesF(WP(s, !ei)) is true before s then
- ei is false after s
- ei ImpliesF(WP(s, ei)) ? true
- ImpliesF(WP(s, !ei)) ? false
48Assignment Example
Statement in P Predicates in E y y1
Weakest Precondition WP(yy1, xy) xy1
ImpliesF( xy1 ) false ImpliesF( x!y1
) xy
Abstraction of assignment in B xy xy
? false
49Absracting Assumes
- WP( assume(e) , Q) e?Q
- assume(e) is abstracted to
- assume( ImpliedByF(e) )
- Example
- F x2, xlt5
- assume(x lt 2) is abstracted to
- assume( xlt5 !x2 )
50Abstracting Procedures
- Each predicate in F is annotated as being either
global or local to a particular procedure - Procedures abstracted in two passes
- a signature is produced for each procedure in
isolation - procedure calls are abstracted given the callees
51Abstracting a procedure call
- Procedure call
- a sequence of assignments from actuals to formals
- see assignment abstraction
- Procedure return
- NOP for C-- with assumption that all predicates
mention either only globals or only locals - with pointers and with mixed predicates
- Most complicated part of c2bp
- Covered in the advanced topics section
52- void cmp (int a , int b)
- Goto L1, L2
- L1 assume(ab)
- g 0
- return
- L2 assume(a!b)
- g 1
- return
int g main(int x, int y) cmp(x, y)
assume(!g) assume(x ! y) assert(0)
void cmp ( ab ) Goto L1, L2 L1
assume( ab ) g0 T
return L2 assume( !ab )
g0 F return
decl g0 main( xy ) cmp( xy
) assume( g0 ) assume( !xy )
xy g0 ab
- For program P and E e1,...,en, there exist
two ideal abstractions - Boolean(P,E) most precise abstraction
- Cartesian(P,E) less precise abtraction, where
each boolean variable is updated independently - See Ball-Podelski-Rajamani, TACAS 00
- Theory
- with an ideal theorem prover, c2bp can compute
Cartesian(P,E) - Practice
- c2bp computes a less precise abstraction than
Cartesian(P,E) - we use Das/Dills technique to incrementally
improve precision - with an ideal theorem prover, the combination
of c2bp Das/Dill can compute Boolean(P,E)
54The SLAM Process
boolean program
prog. P
prog. P
SLIC rule
- Model checker for boolean programs
- Based on CFL reachability
- Sharir-Pnueli 81 Reps-Sagiv-Horwitz 95
- Iterative addition of edges to graph
- path edges ltentry,d1gt ? ltv,d2gt
- summary edges ltcall,d1gt ? ltret,d2gt
56Symbolic CFL reachability
- Partition path edges by their target
- PE(v) ltd1,d2gt ltentry,d1gt ? ltv,d2gt
- What is ltd1,d2gt for boolean programs?
- A bit-vector!
- What is PE(v)?
- A set of bit-vectors
- Use a BDD (attached to v) to represent PE(v)
void cmp ( e2 ) 5Goto L1, L2 6L1
assume( e2 ) 7 gz T goto L3 8L2
assume( !e2 ) 9gz F goto L3 10 L3
- Canonical representation of
- boolean functions
- set of (fixed-length) bitvectors
- binary relations over finite domains
- Efficient algorithms for common dataflow
operations - transfer function
- join/meet
- subsumption test
58decl gz main( e ) 1 equal( e ) 2
assume( gz ) 3 assume( !e ) 4
gzgz ee
ee gze
ee gz1 e1
void cmp ( e2 ) 5Goto L1, L2 6L1
assume( e2 ) 7 gz T goto L3
8L2 assume( !e2 ) 9gz F goto L3
10 L3 return
gzgz e2e2
gzgz e2e2 e2T
e2e2 e2T gzT
gzgz e2e2 e2F
e2e2 e2F gzF
e2e2 gze2
59Bebop summary
- Explicit representation of CFG
- Implicit representation of path edges and summary
edges - Generation of hierarchical error traces
- Complexity O(E 2O(N))
- E is the size of the CFG
- N is the max. number of variables in scope
60The SLAM Process
boolean program
prog. P
prog. P
SLIC rule
- Given an error path p in boolean program B
- is p a feasible path of the corresponding C
program? - Yes found an error
- No find predicates that explain the
infeasibility - uses the same interfaces to the theorem provers
as c2bp.
- Execute path symbolically
- Check conditions for inconsistency using theorem
prover (satisfiability) - After detecting inconsistency
- minimize inconsistent conditions
- traverse dependencies
- obtain predicates
63Symbolic simulation for C--
- Domains
- variables names in the program
- values constants symbols
- State of the simulator has 3 components
- store map from variables to values
- conditions predicates over symbols
- history past valuations of the store
64Symbolic simulation Algorithm
- Input path p
- For each statement s in p do
- match s with
- Assign(x,e)
- let val Eval(e) in
- if (Storex) is defined then
- Historyx Historyx ? Storex
- Storex val
- Assume(e)
- let val Eval(e) in
- Cond Cond and val
- let result CheckConsistency(Cond) in
- if (result inconsistent) then
- GenerateInconsistentPredicates()
- End
- Say Path p is feasible
65Symbolic Simulation Caveats
- Procedure calls
- add a stack to the simulator
- push and pop stack frames on calls and returns
- implement mappings to keep values in scope at
calls and returns - Dependencies
- for each condition or store, keep track of which
values where used to generate this value - traverse dependency during predicate generation
66- void cmp (int a , int b)
- Goto L1, L2
- L1 assume(ab)
- g 0
- return
- L2 assume(a!b)
- g 1
- return
int g main(int x, int y) cmp(x, y)
assume(!g) assume(x ! y) assert(0)
67- void cmp (int a , int b)
- Goto L1, L2
- L1 assume(ab)
- g 0
- return
- L2 assume(a!b)
- g 1
- return
int g main(int x, int y) cmp(x, y)
assume(!g) assume(x ! y) assert(0)
68- void cmp (int a , int b)
- Goto L1, L2
- L1 assume(ab)
- g 0
- return
- L2 assume(a!b)
- g 1
- return
int g main(int x, int y) cmp(x, y)
assume(!g) assume(x ! y) assert(0)
- Global
- main
- x X
- y Y
- cmp
- a A
- b B
Map X ? A Y ? B
69- void cmp (int a , int b)
- Goto L1, L2
- L1 assume(ab)
- g 0
- return
- L2 assume(a!b)
- g 1
- return
int g main(int x, int y) cmp(x, y)
assume(!g) assume(x ! y) assert(0)
- Global
- (6) g 0
- main
- x X
- y Y
- cmp
- a A
- b B
Map X ? A Y ? B
70- void cmp (int a , int b)
- Goto L1, L2
- L1 assume(ab)
- g 0
- return
- L2 assume(a!b)
- g 1
- return
int g main(int x, int y) cmp(x, y)
assume(!g) assume(x ! y) assert(0)
- Global
- (6) g 0
- main
- x X
- y Y
- cmp
- a A
- b B
- Conditions
- (A B) 3, 4
- (X Y) 5
Map X ? A Y ? B
71- void cmp (int a , int b)
- Goto L1, L2
- L1 assume(ab)
- g 0
- return
- L2 assume(a!b)
- g 1
- return
int g main(int x, int y) cmp(x, y)
assume(!g) assume(x ! y) assert(0)
- Global
- (6) g 0
- main
- x X
- y Y
- cmp
- a A
- b B
- Conditions
- (A B) 3, 4
- (X Y) 5
- (X ! Y) 1, 2
72- void cmp (int a , int b)
- Goto L1, L2
- L1 assume(ab)
- g 0
- return
- L2 assume(a!b)
- g 1
- return
int g main(int x, int y) cmp(x, y)
assume(!g) assume(x ! y) assert(0)
- Global
- (6) g 0
- main
- x X
- y Y
- cmp
- a A
- b B
- Conditions
- (A B) 3, 4
- (X Y) 5
- (X ! Y) 1, 2
73- void cmp (int a , int b)
- Goto L1, L2
- L1 assume(ab)
- g 0
- return
- L2 assume(a!b)
- g 1
- return
int g main(int x, int y) cmp(x, y)
assume(!g) assume(x ! y) assert(0)
- Global
- (6) g 0
- main
- x X
- y Y
- cmp
- a A
- b B
- Conditions
- (A B) 3, 4
- (X Y) 5
- (X ! Y) 1, 2
74- void cmp (int a , int b)
- Goto L1, L2
- L1 assume(ab)
- g 0
- return
- L2 assume(a!b)
- g 1
- return
int g main(int x, int y) cmp(x, y)
assume(!g) assume(x ! y) assert(0)
Predicates after simplification x y, a
75Part III Advanced Topics
Types ? void bool int ref ?
Expressions e c x e1 op e2 x
x LExpression l x
x Declaration d ? x1,x2
,,xn Statements s skip goto L1,L2
Ln L s
l e l
f (e1 ,e2 ,,en )
return x
s1 s2 sn Procedures p
? f (x1 ?1,x2 ?2,,xn ?n
) Program g d1 d2 dn p1
p2 pn
77Two Problems
- Extending SLAM tools for pointers
- Dealing with imprecision of alias analysis
78Pointers and SLAM
- With pointers, C supports call by reference
- Strictly speaking, C supports only call by value
- With pointers and the address-of operator, one
can simulate call-by-reference - Boolean programs support only call-by-value-result
- SLAM mimics call-by-reference with
call-by-value-result - Extra complications
- address operator () in C
- multiple levels of pointer dereference in C
79What changes with pointers?
- C2bp
- abstracting assignments
- abstracting procedure returns
- Newton
- simulation needs to handle pointer accesses
- need to copy local heap across scopes to match
Bebops semantics - need to refine imprecise alias analysis using
predicates - Bebop
- remains unchanged!
80Assignments Pointers
Statement in P Predicates in E p 3
Weakest Precondition WP( p3 , x5 ) x5
What if p and x alias?
Correct Weakest Precondition (px and 35)
or (p!x and x5)
We use Dass pointer analysis PLDI 2000 to
prune disjuncts representing infeasible alias
81Abstracting Procedure Return
- Need to account for
- lhs of procedure call
- mixed predicates
- side-effects of procedure
- Boolean programs support only call-by-value-result
- C2bp models all side-effects using return
82Abstracting Procedure Returns
- Let a be an actual at call-site P()
- pre(a) the value of a before transition to P
- Let f be a formal of a procedure P
- pre(f) the value of f upon entry to P
call/return relation
call/return assign
int R (int f) int r f1 f 0 return
Q() int x 1 x R(x)
f x
fpre(f) rpre(f)1
x1 x2
pre(f) pre(x)
x r
WP(fx, fpre(f) ) xpre(f)
xpre(f) is true at the call to R
WP(xr, x2) r2
pre(f)pre(x) and pre(x)1 and rpre(f)1
implies r2
Q() x1,x2 T,F
bool R ( fpre(f) ) rpre(f)1
fpre(f) fpre(f) return
s R(T)
x2 s x1
call/return relation
call/return assign
int R (int f) int r f1 f 0 return
Q() int x 1 x R(x)
f x
fpre(f) rpre(f)1
x1 x2
pre(f) pre(x)
x r
WP(fx, fpre(f) ) xpre(f)
xpre(f) is true at the call to R
WP(xr, x2) r2
pre(f)pre(x) and pre(x)1 and rpre(f)1
implies r2
Q() x1,x2 T,F
bool R ( fpre(f) ) rpre(f)1
fpre(f) fpre(f) return
s R(T)
x1, x2 , s x1
85Extending Pre-states
- Suppose formal parameter is a pointer
- eg. P(int f)
- pre( f )
- value of f upon entry to P
- cant change during P
- pre( f )
- value of dereference of pre( f )
- can change during P
call/return relation
call/return assign
apre(a) pre(a)pre(a)
Q() int x 1 R(x)
int R (int a) a a1
x1 x2
a x
pre(a) x
pre(x)1 and pre(a)pre(x) and
pre(a)pre(a)1 and pre(a)x implies x2
Q() x1,x2 T,F
bool R ( apre(a), pre(a)pre(a) )
pre(a)pre(a)1 apre(a)
pre(a)pre(a) return pre(a)pre(a)1
s R(T,T)
x2 s x1
87Newton what changes with pointers?
- Simulation needs to handle pointer accesses
- Need to copy local heap across scopes to match
Bebops semantics
88 main(int x) assume(x lt 5) foo(x)
- void foo (int a)
- assume(a gt 5)
- assert(0)
89 main(int x) assume(x lt 5) foo(x)
- void foo (int a)
- assume(a gt 5)
- assert(0)
Predicates after simplification x lt 5 , a lt
5, a gt 5
- main
- x X
- X Y 1
- foo
- a A
- A B 3
- Conditions
- (Ylt 5) 1,2
- (B lt 5) 3,4,5
- (B gt 5) 3,4
90SLAM Imprecision due to Alias Imprecision (Flow
x0 T skip skip x0 assume(
!x0 ) skip
x 0 y 0 p y p p
1 assume(x!0) p x
Pts-to(p) x, y
91Newton Path is Infeasible
x 0 y 0 p y if (p x) x x
1 else y y 1 assume(x!0) p x
92Consider values in abstract trace
x0 is true
x0 is false
93Consider values in abstract trace
WP(p p 1, !(x0) ) ((p x) and
!(x-1)) or ((p ! x) and !(x0))
(p!x) gets added as a predicate
94What changes with pointers?
- C2bp
- abstracting assignments
- abstracting procedure returns
- Newton
- simulation needs to handle pointer accesses
- need to copy local heap across scopes to match
Bebops semantics - need to refine imprecise alias analysis using
predicates - Bebop
- remains unchanged!
95What worked well?
- Specific domain problem
- Safety properties
- Shoulders synergies
- Separation of concerns
- Summer interns visitors
- Sagar Chaki, Todd Millstein, Rupak Majumdar
(2000) - Satyaki Das, Wes Weimer, Robby (2001)
- Jakob Lichtenberg, Mayur Naik (2002)
- Giorgio Delzanno, Andreas Podelski, Stefan
Schwoon - Windows Partners
- Byron Cook, Vladimir Levin, Abdullah Ustuner
96Future Work
- Concurrency
- SLAM analyzes drivers one thread at a time
- Work in progress to analyze interleavings between
threads - Rules and environment-models
- Large scale development or rules and
environment-models is a challenge - How can we simplify and manage development of
rules? - Modeling C semantics faithfully
- Theory
- Prove that SLAM will make progress on any
property and any program - Identify classes of programs and properties on
which SLAM will terminate
97Further Reading
- See papers, slides from
- http//research.microsoft.com/slam