Title: MEG and EEG in LandauKleffner Syndrome
1MEG and EEG in Landau-Kleffner Syndrome
- Ritva Paetau, M.D.
- Department of Child Neurology and BioMag
Laboratory, University of Helsinki, and Brain
Research Unit, Helsinki University of Technology
2Functional anatomy of Sylvian regions
foot foot
Frontal eye field
hand hand
3Functional anatomy of Sylvian regions
foot foot
Frontal eye field
hand hand
4Functional anatomy, bilateral
MEG-sources Sensory II Oral Motor I Auditory
5In the Sylvian region ONE normal hemisphere
alone ensures normal functiongt something is
wrong in BOTH hemispheres if LKS
- 1. Bilateral structural lesions?
- 2. Bilateral epileptic activity?
6Bilateral synchronous spike-waves gtEpileptic
- 2-13-year old children deteriorate with
continuous spike-waves during non-REM sleep - Fluctuating oral motor symptoms
- Auditory agnosia, severe receptive aphasia
- Autistic spectrum disorder
- May result in permanent disability
7Bilateral synchronous spike-waves gtEpileptic
- There is only one pacemaker for all bilateral
synchronous spike-wave activity - no realistic prospect of spontaneous or
drug-induced recovery (within 2 years) - gt SURGERY EVALUATION
8Magnetoencephalography (MEG) EEG is part of
surgery workup
9MEG reflects fissural cortex activity, EEG is
dominated by gyral crown activity
10Vectorview (Neuromag 306)
11Continuous MEG and EEG Spikes in Thiopental Sleep
MEG Right temp MEG Left temp EEG Right
centr EEG Left centr L ear R ear
Page 10 s EEG reference nose Ritva Paetau
12MEG reflects fissural cortex activity, EEG is
dominated by gyral crown activity
13Are Bilateral spike-wave generators1. truly
multifocal independentor2. dependent on a
primary focal pacemaker?
14EEG and MEG record different neuron populations
15Source analysis of MEG signals
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19Apparent EEG-MEG disagreement
- Methohexital test scalp EEG gtLeft onset
- Sleep MEG gt Right intrasylvian onset
- WADA test gt Right hemisphere onset
- Right intrasylvian surgery (MST)gt language
recovery, no epilepsy (F-up 4 years)
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22Functional anatomy, bilateral
MEG-sources EEG-sources Sensory II Oral Motor
I Auditory
23Sources of MEG spikes in LKS (Paetau)
- Bilateral. Independent 59
- Bilateral., 1 trigger 17
- Multifocal 24
- Auditory cortex 33
24LKS Sources of MEG-spikes(Lewine 2000)
- Classical LKS N6
- Sylvian unilateral 2/6 (33)
- Sylvian bilateral, dependent 3/6 (50)
- Sylvian, bilateral inderpendent 1/6 (17)
- Variant LKS N9
- Sylvian frontal spikes 9/9 (100)
- Autistic Epileptic Regression N100
- Sylvian multifocal 70/100
25Both MEG and EEG needed
- MEG alone may fail strictly radial spikes
- EEG alone may fail tangential (fissural) spikes
- TIMING of MEG vs EEG and of
- left vs right spikes is CRUCIAL
- Bilateral Sylvian spikes with developmental
arrest / regression indicate MEG-EEG-based source
analysis to evaluate the possibilities for
surgical treatment
26Thank you for your attention
27LKS classification (Morrell-95/Lewine-00)
- Classical Landau-Kleffner syndrome
- Regression in language comprehension
- Continuous Spike-Waves in Sleep (CSWS)
- Variant Landau-Kleffner Syndrome
- Language regression
- Epileptic EEG (spikes, no CSWS)
- No important autistic features
- Autistinen Epileptic Regression (DSM IV)
- Early regression (lt2y) of language and social
skillsepileptic EEG
28Outcome after surgery in Landau-Kleffner sdr
- Morrell 1995
- MST (multiple subpial transsection) of the
spiking cortex -
- Language development (N12)
- Normal language 6
- Better 5
- No change 1
29LKS Surgery outcome (Lewine 2000)
- Classical LKS N6
- Good outcome 5/6
- Transiently better 1/6
- Variant LKS N9
- Significantly Better 6/9
- Autistic Epileptic Regression N30
- Significantly Better 7/30
- Slightly Better 15/30
- No change 8/30
30Magnetic auditory evoked responses
- Right Left
- 6y
- Normal
- 10 y