Title: Stream Processes
1Stream Processes
Andy Ward The Ohio State University
2Stream Behavior Is Predictable
- Streams seek a state of dynamic equilibrium
- Equilibrium is a function of the flow and
sediment - Equilibrium is naturally associated with a main
channel and a flood-prone area - Effective (bankfull) discharge forms the main
channel - Streams meander in a predictable manner
3Stream Stability
- Natural stream channel stability is achieved by
allowing the river to develop a stable dimension,
pattern and profile such that channel features
are maintained and the stream system neither
aggrades nor degrades (Leopold) - Correctly engineered rigid channels can be part
of a stable stream system.
4River Dimensions
5Velocity Distribution In A Channel
Depth-averaged velocity is above the bed at about
0.4 times the depth
6Deep Overbank Flow
7Features Of A River
8Salt Creek (Hocking County Ohio)
9Flow in Streams
- Effective Discharge
- Shear Stresses
- Sediment Transport
- Bed Load Movement
- Land Use and Land Use Change
- Open Channel Hydraulics
- Resistance Equations
- Compound Channel
- Pattern Profile
10Effective Discharge
- The effective, dominant, and bankfull discharge
are often considered as synonymous. -
- The bankfull discharge is considered to be the
channel-forming or effective discharge (Leopold,
1994). - The bed load fraction of the total sediment load
is most influential in channel forming processes
and effective discharge (Emmett and Wolman,
2001). - The effective discharge typically occurs less
than a hand full of times annually
11Bankfull Depth Versus Discharge
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13Effective Discharge
14Bed Material is Predictable
Bed Material
15Shear Stresses on the Bed and Bank
Mean bed material size is a function of the shear
stresses produced by the effective (critical)
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17Andys 1 x 1 1 Rule
- A 1 ft flow depth and a 1 bed slope can move 1
inch diameter bed material - A 4 ft flow depth and a 0.5 bed slope can move
2 inch diameter bed material - (d50 approximately 2inch)
18Shear Stress on Banks
- On straight banks they are 0.7 - 0.8 the mean
bed shear stress - On bends they are 2-4 times the mean bed shear
when the ratio of the radius of curvature to
width is less than 5
19Bed Material Particle Sizes
Based on a Wolman Pebble Count
20Sediment Transport
- Wash Load
- Suspended Load
- Bed Load
- Shear Stress
- Power
- Parametric
22Meander Length vs Channel Width
23One meander length is equal to 10-14 Bankfull
24Meander Geometry
25Meandering adjusts the slope for the best
Starts Here
Ends Here
Slope rise / run
Straighter, Steeper, Faster
26Flood Hydraulics within a Meander
Sellin and Willetts, Floodplain Processes,
Walling, 1996
27Streamway Concept
28Drainage Area 30 sq. mi. Streamway
120 DA 0.43 518 ft
Salt Creek Vinton County, Ohio
29Channel Features Profile (Slope)
30Pools and Riffles
Riffle - Pools Features (Spaced at 5-7 Bankfull
31Stream Changes Are Predictable
32Channel Evolution
33Bank Erosion Hilliard, Ohio
34Loss of Stream Equilibrium
- Lost Floodplain Access
- Channel Resizing
- Loss of Buffering from Small Streams and
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36Thank You!