Title: Endocrine Disruption
1Estrogenic Compounds in Wastewater Presentation
to the Metropolitan Council Environment
Committee September 23, 2008
Paige Novak, Deb Swackhamer, Mike Semmens, Megan
Ogdahl, Matt Wogen, Mark Lundgren University of
2What is the problem?
- Endocrine disruptors, estrogenic compounds, and
other pharmaceuticals have been observed in
streams and wastewater treatment plant discharges
throughout the United States, Europe, and Asia - e.g., Jobling et al., 1998 Ternes et al., 1999
Holbrook et al., 2002 Kolpin et al., 2002 Joss
et al., 2004 Pojana et al., 2004
- Chemical signals pass through the blood and bind
to cells in the target organ initiates
physiochemical response - Crucial for reproductive function and development
Natural hormone
Physiochemical response
Target cell
Secreting cell
- Chemical signals pass through the blood and bind
to cells in the target organ initiates
physiochemical response - Crucial for reproductive function and development
External chemical
Physiochemical response
Target cell
Secreting cell
- Chemical signals pass through the blood and bind
to cells in the target organ initiates
physiochemical response - Crucial for reproductive function and development
External hormone or estrogen mimic
Unintended Physiochemical response
Target cell
6Research question How do estrogens or estrogen
mimics behave across a wastewater treatment
plant? If we have a body of data we are better
able to gauge risk, know which compounds are
problematic, how to monitor them, better treat
the material, etc.
7What we analyze
- Binding assays total sample estrogenicity
(including unknown compounds) - Analytical (LC-MS) specific compounds only
- Phytoestrogens
- Genistein
- Industrial compounds
- (breakdown products)
- Nonylphenol
- Octylphenol
- Bisphenol A
- Antimicrobial
- Triclosan
- Synthetic or natural
- estrogenic hormones
- Estradiol
- Estrone
- Ethynylestradiol
- Estriol
8Methods for analysis
Collect samples
Specific compounds quantified (40 L concentrated
to 150-300 uL)
Processing cleanup
Sample processing
Yeast cells alive, human estrogen receptor Trout
liver cells not alive, trout estrogen receptor
9Sample locations
Seasonal chlorination
Primary treatment
Secondary treatment
Screens, grit removal, and primary settling
Activated sludge
Recycle streams
Recycle activated sludge
Primary sludge
Solids processing
Blended thickened sludge
11Total estrogenicity
Not Chlorinating
Not Chlorinating
12Total estrogenicity
- Overall the influent and effluent estrogenicity
data were consistent with time - Removal occurs across the activated sludge tank
13Specific compounds
- Some compounds are removed effectively and are
present in low concentrations in the effluent
(e.g., Bisphenol A)
14Specific compounds
- Other compounds appear to recycle internally and
removals vary (e.g., nonylphenol)
15Specific compounds
- Interpretation of estrone data is complicated
since it can be formed through the oxidation of
estradiol conjugates and subsequently transformed
16Specific compounds
- Occasionally highly estrogenic compounds such as
estriol and ethynylestradiol were detected in the
effluent - Estriol 7/2006, 410 ng/L
- 11/2006, 0 ng/L
- 5/2007, 0 ng/L
- 7/2007, 0 ng/L
- Ethynylestradiol 7/2006, 0 ng/L
- 11/2006, 0 ng/L
- 5/2007, 18 ng/L
- 7/2007, 0 ng/L
17Summary of results conclusions
- Influent estrogenicity does not vary
significantly at the Metro Plant - Estrogenic compounds are treated the effluent
appears to contain primarily nonylphenol,
bisphenol A, and estrone (solids contain
nonylphenol, bisphenol A, and triclosan) - Binding assays have utility but you have to use
them carefully
18What we dont know
- How do we optimize removal under standard plant
conditions in a cost-effective way? - How do plant conditions change on a weekly/daily
basis and how does this change removal? - What other compounds are in the solids? Are they
stable? How are they best treated (other than at
Metro)? - What other compounds are present that could be
problematic (Sertraline, other pharmaceuticals)?
19On-going and future work
- Investigating the presence, effect, and
transformation of estrogens in septic discharges
(N shore of Lake Superior) - Investigating the presence and transformation of
phytoestrogens in industrial wastewaters
20Currently proposed work
- Proposed investigation of BPA, NP, estrone,
triclosan, and triclocarban transformation under
realistic conditions - Proposed investigation to determine how to stop
the use of non-necessary endocrine disruptors
21Other possible projects/questions
- Investigate other compounds (particularly
pharmaceuticals) - Pilot-scale studies
- Investigate solids (what compounds are present,
how mobile are they, how should they be treated?)
22Future partnership?
- We have the ability to help the MCES address
long-range, larger-scale challenges and mitigate
future risk - The University has
- Highly-trained, cost-effective labor and
expertise (graduate students and faculty) - Exceptional research facilities
- Students Megan Ogdahl, Matt Wogen, Mark Lundgren
- Collaborators Mike Semmens, Deb Swackhamer
- WWTP Staff (Metropolitan Plant, St. Paul, WLSSD
Plant, Duluth) - Funding Legislative-Citizen Commission on
Minnesota Resources - Other research Paul L. Busch Award (Water
Environment Research Foundation), EPA GLNPO, DC
Water and Sewer Authority, Heiko Schoenfuss, Bill
Arnold, David Fulton