Title: MIS 100 Essential Computing Concepts
1MIS 100 Essential Computing Concepts
- Personal Computer History
- History is merely a list of surprises. It can
only prepare us to be surprised yet again. - -- Kurt Vonnegut
2Read great books that capture the excitement,
joy, pioneering spirit and creative energy of
- Soul of a New Machine by Tracy Kidder
- Hackers and Crypto by Steven Levy
- Just for Fun The Story of an Accidental
Revolutionary by Linus Torvalds - Rebel Code Linux and the Open Source
Revolution by Moody - Where Wizards Stay Up Late The Origins Of The
Internet by Hafner - Go To The Story of the Math Majors, Bridge
Players, Engineers, Chess Wizards, Maverick
Scientists and Iconoclasts--The Programmers Who
Created the Software Revolution by Lohr - Dealers of Lightning Xerox PARC and the Dawn
of the Computer Age by Hiltzik - Accidental Empires by Cringley
- Fermat's Enigma The Epic Quest to Solve the
World's Greatest Mathematical Problem by Simon
Singh as well as The Code Book The Science of
Secrecy from Ancient Egypt to Quantum
3A Few Milestone Events in Computer Hardware
- 2600B.C. Chinese invent the abacus
- 1621 Slide rule (used into the 1970s)
- 1679 Leibniz binary math
- 1822 Babbages Difference Engine
- 1890 U.S. Census bureau uses electric
tabulating system by Hollerith (8 yrs to 2 yrs) - 1896 Hollerith forms Tabulating Machine
Company, later becomes ?
- 1904 vacuum tubes
- 1943-45 U.S. Army builds ENIAC
- 1943 British build Colossus for code breaking
- 1945 John Von Neumann lays out theoretical
architecture for computers as we know them - 1947 Shockley invents the transistor
- 1954 Texas Instruments could produce silicon
transistors commercially. IBM had 1st mass
produced computer. - 1958 TI makes 1st integrated circuit
- 1969 Intel designs early microchip
4A Few Milestone Events...
- 1975 Popular Electronics magazine featured the
Altair 8800, the first PC - 1976 - The Steves (Wozniak and Jobs) introduce
the Apple - Radio Shack, Commodore, others...
- 1981 IBM PC
- 16K RAM, 5.25 in floppy
- 1982 Compaq first IBM compatible
- 1984 the Macintosh
- 1985 80386 32bit CPU
- 1993 Pentium introduced
- ... faster and faster, cheaper and cheaper,
smaller and smaller, more connected and more
connected, more mainstream and more mainstream...
5Computerese - Bits and Bytes
- Bit a binary digit (0 or 1), an on/off switch
or transistor - machine language, binary notation, base-2
- 1 Byte 8 bits
- Can represent the decimal numbers 0-255
- 0 00000000
- 255 11111111
- 6 ??
- 1 byte per character, 256 characters
6Early Computer History
- Pascalene 1624
- The first accurate mechanical calculator
- Created by Blaise Pascal
- Used to add, subtract, multiply, and divide
- Jacquard Loom 1820
- Created by Joseph Jacquard
- A machine that automated the weaving of complex
patterns - Used holes punched in cards to automate the
7Early Computer History
- Analytical Engine 1834
- Created by Charles Babbage
- The father of computing
- The first automatic calculator
- Includes components similar to those found in
today's computers
- Hollerith Tabulating Machine 1890
- Created by Herman Hollerith
- Used punch cards to tabulate census data
- Hollerith started the Tabulating Machine Company,
which later became IBM
8Basic Model of A Computer System
- A Computer
- Accept input
- Process - perform computational functions
- Communicate results
System bus 16bit, 32 bit, 64 bit lanes on the
- Arithmetic-Logic Unit
- Control Unit
- Input Devices
- Keyboard
- Mouse
- Touch Screen
- Secondary Storage
- Hard disk
- floppy, Zip, Flash, CD, DVD
- Tape
- Output Devices
- Printers
- Monitors
- Audio
- Communication Devices
- Buses - internal
- Ports - external
Primary Storage RAM
9Early Computer History
- Z1 1936
- Created by Konrad Zuse
- The Z1 is a mechanical calculator
- It included a control unit and memory functions
- Atanasoff-Berry Computer 1939
- Created by John Atanasoff and Clifford Berry
- The first electrically powered digital computer
- Used vacuum tubes to store data
- The first computer to use the binary system
Atansoff-Berry Computer
10Early Computer History
- Harvard Mark I 1944
- Created by Howard Aiken and Grace Hopper
- A computer used by the US Navy for ballistics
calculations - Hoppers contribution to computing was
- Invention of the compiler
- Coined the term computer bug
- Turing Machine 1939
- Created by Alan Turing
- A hypothetical model that defined a mechanical
procedure or algorithm - Concept of an infinite tape that could read,
write, and erase was precursor to todays RAM
1st use of computer bug
11Early Computer History
- ENIAC 1944
- Created by John W. Mauchly and J. Presper Eckert
- The first successful high-speed electronic
digital computer - UNIVAC 1951
- The first commercially successful electronic
digital computer - Used magnetic tape
12Early Computer History
- Transistors 1945
- Invented at Bell Laboratories
- Replaces vacuum tubes
- Integrated circuits 1958
- Invented by Jack Kilby of Texas Instruments
- A small chip containing thousands of transistors
- Enabled computers to become smaller and lighter
13Intel 8080 and the Altair 8800
- The first microcomputer
- Sold as a kit - 395 out of a warehouse in New
Mexico - Switches for input
- Lights for output
- Bill Gates and Paul Allen (students at Harvard)
create a compiler for BASIC (Beginner's
All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code) - MITS receives 4,000 orders
14Apple I and Apple II
- Apple I built by Steve Wozniak in 1976
- Apple II developed by Steve Jobs in 1977
- Uses Motorola processor
- First fully contained microcomputer
- Highly successful
15Early Competitors
- IBM enters small computer market 1981
- Uses open architecture
- Purchases operating system from Microsoft
17Early Computer History
- Microprocessor chip 1971
- Created by Intel Corporation
- A small chip containing millions of transistors
- It functions as the central processing unit (CPU)
18Beginners All-Purpose Symbolic Instruction Code
- Revolutionized the software industry
- Programming language that beginners could easily
learn - Key language of the PC
- Bill Gates and Paul Allen used BASIC to write the
program for the Altair - Led to the creation of Microsoft
- Visual Basic for Applications
19Advent of Operating Systems
- Steve Wozniak invents floppy drive
- Disk Operating System (DOS) Operating system
that controlled the first Apples - Control Program for Microcomputers (CP/M) First
operating system for Intel-based PCs - MS-DOS
- Operating system for IBM PCs
- Based on an operating system called Quick and
Dirty Operating System (QDOS) - Created by Bill Gates and Paul Allen
- All PCs using the Intel chip used MS-DOS
20Software Application Explosion
- Electronic Spreadsheets
- VisiCalc
- Lotus 1-2-3 and Microsoft Excel
- Word Processing
- WordStar
- Word for MS-DOS
- Word Perfect
Bricklin and Frankston
VisiCalc screenshot
21Graphical User Interface
- Xerox
- Palo Alto Research Center
- Alto 1972
- Apple
- Lisa 1983
- Macintosh 1984
- Super Bowl
Xerox Alto
22The Internet Boom
- Mosaic
- Netscape
- Internet Explorer
- Windows 95