Title: Hit the Road Jack
1Phrasal Verb
Hit the Road Jack !
2Hold up
delay ?????? , ?????
The march held up traffic in the city
centre but there was no trouble or arrest .
3Brake down
If a machine or
vehicle breaks down , it stop working.
????????????????????????????? , ????????????
Sorry Im late. The car broke down
on the way here .
???????????????? ?????????????
4Run into
to drive a vehicle
accidentally into an object . ??
The car
went out of control and ran into a lamp post .
???????????????????? ??????????????
5Turn off
to touch a switch so that a machine
or a piece of electrical equipment stops working
. ???
When you are
waiting in a petrol station you should turn your
engine off .
???????????????????? ?????????????????????
6Block in
to put a car or other vehicle so close to
another vehicle that it cannot drive away .
He then
parked his car in front of Millers to block him
in .
7Slow down
to become slower , something become
slower . ?????
You are
driving too fast . Please slow down .
8Drive off
to leave in a car . ????????
A woman drove into
the car and drive off .
1. Looknam Bomthonglang No. 30 2.Jaruwan
Klinphoklang No. 31 3. Samrueang Manakan No.
43 4. Supawadee Phobphimai No. 44 Class 6/2