Title: The CAPM Index Model and the APT
1The CAPM Index Model and the APT
B, K M Chapters 8-10 Group Project IV
Chapter 8 provides an in-depth treatment of
topics that will be very helpful in completing
and understanding project IV (see section 8.3).
Chapter 9 introduces the theory of the CAPM.
Perhaps even more helpful is the excellent
article by Andre Perold from the Journal of
Economic Perspectives (see the syllabus). I will
only briefly introduce chapter 10 (Arbitrage
Pricing Theory).
- The Markowitz portfolio selection models derives
the efficient frontier of risky assets and
provides a useful framework for optimally
combining risky funds - It does not however provide guidance with
respect to the risk-return relationship for
individual assets - The CAPM (capital asset pricing model) is a
theoretical model of equilibrium ex ante or
expected returns on risky assets
- Recall the simplifying assumptions that lead to
the basic version of the CAPM - Investors are price takers and act as if
security prices are unaffected by their own
trades - All investors have the same identical
single-period planning horizon - Investments are limited to publicly traded
financial assets and to risk-free borrowing and
lending - Investors pay no taxes and no transaction costs
- All investors are rational mean-variance
optimizers - Symmetric information and identical information
- Below is a summary of the equilibrium that will
prevail in this hypothetical world of securities
and investors - All investors will choose to hold a portfolio of
risky assets in proportions that duplicate
representation of the assets in the market
portfolio (M), which includes all traded assets - The market portfolio will be the tangency
portfolio to the optimal capital allocation line.
(This CAL is referred to as the capital market
line, or CML.) All investors therefore hold M as
their optimal risky portfolio
C) The risk premium on the market portfolio will
be proportional to its risk, and the degree of
risk aversion of the representative investor
Here A is the average level of risk
aversion across investors D) The risk premium on
individual assets will be proportional to the
risk premium on the market portfolio (M) and the
? coefficient of the security where
6All Investors Hold the Market Portfolio
- Given the assumptions above, it is not
surprising that all investors hold the same risky
portfolio (all investors use Markowitz analysis
applied to the same universe of securities, for
the same time horizon, with the same input list) - All assets will be included in M, because there
is a sufficiently low price at which any asset is
a fair investment - The contribution of the CAPM is to derive the
fair price (in terms of the expected return) at
which investors are willing to hold each asset in
the optimal risky portfolio
7Expected Returns on Individual Securities
- The CAPM is built on the insight that the
appropriate risk premium on an individual asset
will be determined by its contribution to the
risk of the investors overall portfolios - Suppose we want to gauge the portfolio risk of GM
stock. We do so by using the covariance matrix
we developed previously
8Expected Returns on Individual Securities
- In Class Exercise Does GMs variance or its
covariance (with other assets in the portfolio)
contribute more significantly to the variance of
the market portfolio?
9Expected Returns on Individual Securities
- Note that for a portfolio with N assets, there
are N variance terms and N2 - N covariance terms! - Since with many stocks in the economy the
variance is of negligible importance compared
with the covariance terms, it is not surprising
that we can prove the contribution of GM to the
market portfolios variance is given as follows
- - GMs contribution to variance WGMCOV(rGM,rM)
- Now that we know the contribution of GM to
market variance, what is the appropriate risk
premium for GM?
10Expected Returns on Individual Securities
- Recall first that the market portfolio has a
risk premium of ErM - rf , and a risk-reward
ratio of - We call this ratio the market price of risk.
- The intuition of the CAPM pricing relation is as
follows If we define the marginal price of risk
to be the change in the market price of risk if
we go from 100 long in the market portfolio to
100 ? long (financing the incremental
investment by borrowing at the risk-free rate),
then the marginal price of risk for GM must equal
that of the market portfolio.
11Expected Returns on Individual Securities
- If it did not, then investors would either shift
money into or out of GM until it did, because it
would represent an unusually good or bad
investment opportunity. - For example, if the marginal price of risk for
GM exceeded that of the market, investors would
shift money into GM until the price is bid
sufficiently high to remove this bargain
opportunity!!! - ___________________________________________
- Consider an investor 100 invested in the M.
Suppose she were to increase her position in M by
a tiny fraction, ?, financed by borrowing at the
risk-free rate.
12Expected Returns on Individual Securities
- The portfolio rate of return will be rM ?(rM -
rf). Comparing with the original expected
return, the incremental expected return will
be - Now compute the new value of portfolio variance.
- The new portfolio has a weight of (1 ?) in the
market and -? in the risk-free asset.
13Expected Returns on Individual Securities
- Therefore the variance of the adjusted portfolio
is - Note however that if ? is very small, ?2 will be
negligible compared with 2?, so we may ignore
this term. Therefore the variance of the
adjusted portfolio is -
- and portfolio variance has increased by
14Expected Returns on Individual Securities
- Summarizing, the marginal price of risk is given
by the ratio - Now suppose instead that investors invest the
increment ? in GM stock, also financed by
borrowing at the risk-free rate. The increase in
mean excess return is -
- The portfolio has a weight of 1.0 in the market,
? in GM, and -? in the risk-free asset.
15Expected Returns on Individual Securities
- The variance is
- Again, dropping the negligible term involving,
?2 the marginal price of risk of GM is -
- In equilibrium, the marginal price of GM stock
must equal that of the market portfolio
16Expected Returns on Individual Securities
- If the marginal price of risk of GM is greater
than the markets, investors can increase their
portfolio average price of risk by increasing the
weight of GM in their portfolio. - Until the price of GM stock rises relative to
the market, investors will keep buying GM stock.
This process continues until the marginal price
of risk of GM stock equals that of the market. - The same process would work in reverse if GMs
marginal price of risk is less than that of the
17Expected Returns on Individual Securities
- Equating the marginal price of risk of GM to
that of the market - __________________________________________________
_ - This is the CAPM pricing relation. Rearranging
yields the more familiar -
- The expected return-beta relationship is a
reward-risk equation. - The beta of a security is the appropriate
measure of risk because beta is proportional to
the risk that the security contributes to the
optimal risky portfolio.
18Expected Returns on Individual Securities
- The expected return-beta relationship can be
portrayed graphically as the security market line.
19How the CAPM is Used
- Note that while the CML graphs the risk premiums
of efficient portfolios (portfolios of M and the
risk-free asset), the SML graphs individual asset
risk premiums as a function of asset risk. - The SML provides a benchmark
- 1) Many firms rate the performance of portfolio
managers according to the reward-to-variability
ratios they maintain, and the average rates of
return they realize relative to the SML. - - Note that the ? of a portfolio is simply the
weighted average of the ?s of the components. - - A portfolio (or asset) with a higher realized
return relative to the market than that predicted
by its ? has a positive alpha (denoted ?)
20How the CAPM is used (cont.)
2) Many firms use the SML to obtain a benchmark
hurdle rate for capital budgeting decisions 3)
Regulatory commissions use the expected
return-beta relationship along with forecasts of
the market index return as one factor in
determining the cost of capital for regulated
firms 4) Court rulings on torts cases sometimes
use the expected return-bets relationship to
determine discount rates to evaluate claims of
lost future income
21An Implication of the CAPM
- The passive strategy is efficient
- Note that the CAPM implies M is the optimal
risky portfolio - We already know that indexing is a low cost way
to invest in equities. The CAPM implies it is
also the optimal way! - The CAPM provided the intellectual justification
for the rise of companies like Vanguard, and the
proliferation of index funds
22Is the CAPM Valid?
- While the predictions of the CAPM are
qualitatively supported, empirical tests do not
support its quantitative predictions - Note that the CAPM is derived using expected
returns (which are not observed)
23Violations of the CAPM
- Tests of the CAPM find evidence that is not
supportive - The relation between estimated beta and average
historical return is much weaker than the CAPM
suggests - The market capitalization (size) of a firm is a
predictor of its average historical return even
after accounting for beta - Stocks with low market-to-book ratios tend to
have higher returns than stocks with high
market-to-book ratios, again, after controlling
for beta - Stocks that have performed well over the past 6
months tend to have high expected returns over
the following six months - Firms with high P/E ratios have lower return
(after controlling for beta) - Stocks with high dividend yield have higher
24Potential Explanations for the CAPMs Shortcomings
- 1) Various proxies for the market portfolio do
not fully capture all of the relevant risk
factors in the economy - - For example, human capital is excluded from the
various proxies (SP500) for the market portfolio.
(Large firms may be perceived to be less
vulnerable to the economic downturns that
diminish the value of human capital. They
therefore may command a lower risk-premium.) - 2) There may be behavioral biases against classes
of stocks that have nothing to do with the
marginal prices of risk on stocks - For example, portfolio managers dont lose their
jobs for investing in GM, but they may if they
invest in Chrysler when it is selling for
25Potential Explanations for the CAPMs Shortcomings
- Despite its shortcomings, the CAPM is widely
employed, as discussed above - Most recent research admits multiple factors as
determinants of risk - Firm Size (SMB)
- Book-to-market (HML)
26Implementing the CAPM
- The CAPM is a model of ex ante expected returns.
We must therefore make additional assumptions to
implement it - In order to make the leap from ex ante or
expected returns realized returns we can use the
index model - We need to estimate the risk-free return, beta,
the market risk premium and the market portfolio - We can use short-term T-Bills as a proxy for the
risk-free rate, and a well-diversified portfolio
of stocks as a proxy for the market portfolio
27Details on Implementing the Index Model
- Suppose that we observe the excess return on the
market index and a specific asset over a number
of holding periods - We use as an example monthly excess returns on
the SP 500 index and GM stock for 1985 - We can summarize the results for sample period
in a scatter diagram
28Estimating the Index Model
Security Characteristic Line (SCL) for GM
29Estimating the Index Model
- The horizontal axis measures the excess return
on the market index, whereas the vertical axis
measures the excess return on the asset in
question (GM stock in our example) - Estimating the regression equation of the
single-index model gives us the security
characteristic line (SCL)
30Data for Calculation of Characteristic Line for
GM Stock
Monthly Excess Excess
GM Market T-Bill GM Market Month Return Ret
urn Rate Return Return January 6.06
7.89 0.65 5.41 7.24 February -2.86
1.51 0.58 -3.44 0.93 March -8.18
0.23 0.62 -8.79 -0.38 April -7.36 -0.29 0.7
2 -8.08 -1.01 May 7.76 5.58 0.66 7.10
4.92 June 0.52 1.73 0.55 -0.03
1.18 July -1.74 -0.21 0.62 -2.36 -0.83 Augus
t -3.00 -0.36 0.55 -3.55 -0.91 September -0
.56 -3.58 0.60 -1.16 -4.18 October -0.37
4.62 0.65 -1.02 3.97 November 6.93
6.85 0.61 6.32 6.25 December 3.08
4.55 0.65 2.43 3.90 Â Mean 0.02
2.38 0.62 -0.60 1.75 Standard deviation
4.97 3.33 0.05 4.97 3.32 Â Regression
results rGM rf ? ?(rM rf) Â
? ? Estimated coefficient -2.590
1.1357 Standard error of estimate (1.547) (0.309
) Variance of residuals 12.601 Standard
deviation of residuals 3.550 R2 0.575
31The Industry Version of the Index Model
- Security Risk Evaluation uses the SP 500 index
as the proxy for the market portfolio - It relies on the 60 most recent monthly
observations to calculate regression parameters.
- Merrill Lynch and most services, including
Value-Line, use total returns, rather than excess
returns (deviations from T-bill rates), in the
regressions - Following is the information from the beta book
showing the estimates for GM
32Market Sensitivity Statistics
June 1994 Ticker
Adjusted Symbol Security
Name Price Beta Alpha
R2 Beta  GM
General MTRS Corp
50.250 0.80 0.14 0.11
- R-SQR, shows the square of the correlation
between ri and rM. - The R-square statistic, which is sometimes
called the coefficient of determination, gives
the fraction of the variance of the dependent
variable (the return on the stock) that is
explained by movements in the independent
variable (the return on the SP 500 index) - Recall that the part of the total variance of
the rate of return on an asset, ?2, that is
explained by market returns is the systematic
variance, ?2?M2 - Hence the R-squared is systematic variance over
total variance, which tells us what fraction of a
firm's volatility is attributable to market
33Market Sensitivity Statistics
- The firm-specific variance, ?2(e), is the part
of the asset variance that is unexplained by the
market index - The column following R-SQR reports the standard
deviation of the nonsystematic component, ?(e),
calling it RESID STD DEV-N. This variable is an
estimate of firm-specific risk. - The standard error of an estimate is the
standard deviation of the possible estimation
error of the coefficient, which is a measure of
the precision of the estimate - A rule of thumb is that if an estimated
coefficient is less than twice its standard
error, we cannot reject the hypothesis that the
true coefficient is zero. (t-statistic)
34Market Sensitivity Statistics
- The next-to-last column is called Adjusted Beta.
- Merrill Lunch adjusts beta estimates in a simple
way. They take the sample estimate of beta and
average it with 1, using the weights of two
thirds and one third - Adjusted beta 2/3 sample beta 1/3 (1)
- Finally, the last column shows the number of
observations, which is 60 months, unless the
stock is newly listed and fewer observations are
35Arbitrage Price Theory
36Arbitrage Price Theory
- The Arbitrage Pricing Theory (APT) is a theory
of expected asset returns due to Ross (1976). The
APT explicitly accounts for multiple factors. - The APT requires three assumptions
- 1) Returns can be described by a factor model
- 2) There are no arbitrage opportunities
- 3) There are large numbers of securities that
permit the formation of portfolios that diversify
the firm-specific risk of individual stocks
37Arbitrage Price Theory
- If there are K factors, then the return
generating process is - ri ai ?i1F1 ?i2F2 . ?iKFK ei
- The expected returns of each security will be a
function of its factor ?s - The model is derived by showing that for well
diversified portfolios, if the portfolios
expected return (price) is not equal to the
expected return predicted by the portfolios ?s,
then there will be an arbitrage opportunity - Note that fewer assumptions are necessary to
derive the APT (than are necessary to derive the
38Arbitrage Price Theory
- However
- The APT only holds exactly for well-diversified
portfolios. - Individual stocks with firm specific risk can
violate the APT pricing relation
39Arbitrage Price Theory
- In order to implement the APT we need to know
what the factors are! Here the theory gives no
guidance. There is some evidence that the
following macroeconomic variables may be risk
factors - Changes in monthly GDP
- Changes in the default risk premium
- The slope of the yield curve
- Unexpected changes in the price level
- Changes in expected inflation
- Note that the difficulty of measuring expected
inflation makes the estimation of 4 5 difficult
40Arbitrage Price Theory
- Does the APT help explain the anomalies we noted
in the discussion of the CAPM? - In fact, firm characteristics such as size and
market-to-book directly explain historical
returns better than a multi factor APT - Because of the difficulty of determining what
the factors are, the APT is likely to remain