Yazid - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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The sources refer to this period as a fitna' (as they do for the conflict ... However, despite some possible hyperbole, it is clear that most of Husayn's ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Yazid

Yazid Husayn
  • Islamic History the First 150 Years

Session Plan
  • Yazid ibn Muawiya
  • The Death of Husayn ibn Ali
  • The Death of Yazid

Section I Yazid ibn Muawiya
  • With Muawiyas death and Yazids accession we
    enter a difficult and complex period of Islamic
  • The sources refer to this period as a fitna (as
    they do for the conflict between Ali and
  • Fitna translates broadly as sedition,
    corruption, and in this context civil war
  • The Muslim community is thrown into turmoil by
    this war, which lasts from Yazids accession in
    680CE through to the death of Abdullah ibn
    al-Zubayr in 692CE
  • This 12 year period is both complex and
    significant for a number of reasons
  • It is complex because there were at least 3
    different factions competing for power (with
    numerous different leaders)
  • It is significant because it sees a number of
    absolutely crucial developments (religious,
    political and social)
  • Given this, I propose to tackle this period in 2
  • In this session, we will look at the short reign
    of Yazid
  • In the next session, we will focus more closely
    on events after his death

Yazids Background
  • As we have seen, Yazid was the son of Muawiya
  • This makes him a member of the Umayyad clan and
    thus an extremely wealthy individual
  • As I mentioned previously, Yazid is portrayed in
    the sources as a frivolous, depraved man
  • According to our sources, his main hobbies (for
    want of a better term) included listening to
    dancing girls and playing with his pet monkey
  • His is also said to have openly drunk wine during
    his caliphate
  • In other words, our sources (almost entirely)
    represent him as evil and irreligious
  • More seriously, as we shall see, he is also
    credited with direct and personal responsibility
    for the murder of Husayn ibn Ali (the grandson of
  • When reading accounts of his reign, it is
    important to bear the bias of our sources in mind

Section II The Death of Husayn
First Steps to War
  • Upon his accession, Yazid wrote to his governor
    of Medina, Walid ibn Utba
  • He informed Walid of his accession and instructed
    him compel Husayn, Ibn Umar and Ibn al-Zubayr to
    pledge allegiance
  • Marwan, who was then in Medina, counselled Walid
    to arrest Husain and Ibn al-Zubayr immediately
    before news of Muawiyas death became public
  • Walids failure to do so allowed both men to
    escape to Mecca
  • Ibn Umar was not considered a threat, being too
  • He seems to have been part of a much wider
    tendency which attempted to remain neutral
  • During the conflict between Ali and Muawiya,
    many others had taken a similar line, such as Abu
    Musa al-Ashari

First Steps to War
  • By contrast, Yazid considered Abdullah ibn
    al-Zubayr to be a very grave threat
  • As his name indicates, Ibn al-Zubayr was the son
    of al-Zubayr ibn Awwam, a major companion of
  • Zubayr had died at the Battle of the Camel,
    fighting against Ali
  • Realising that his life was probably in danger,
    Ibn al-Zubayr fled to Mecca
  • Once there he quickly began to gather support,
    declaring himself the fugitive at the House (or
    the Kaba)
  • That he was able to gather such a following
    indicates that there was discontent amongst the
    wider Quraysh tribe
  • In other words, the predominance of the Bani
    Umayya had caused many other clans to feel left
  • To this, we must also add the widespread belief
    (first popularised by Abu Bakr and Umar) that
    Quraysh in its entirety had a claim to the
  • Umayyad dominance thus threatened that claim

First Steps to War
  • Furthermore, Ibn al-Zubayrs location at Mecca
    was also important
  • As we shall see, during his time in control, Ibn
    al-Zubayr was able to portray himself as the
    protector of Mecca
  • At any rate, Ibn al-Zubayr was able to defeat the
    forces of Yazids governor
  • Unable to defeat him at the outset, Yazid
    (according to Tabari, from al-Zuhri) sent him a
    silver chain and manacles (Tab. 2.397)
  • This was intended to humiliate him and warn him
    of future consequences
  • Not surprisingly, Ibn al-Zubayr refused to accept
    this gift
  • Interestingly, he is said to have refused this
    gift at the insistence of Marwan ibn al-Hakam
  • Thus, even at this very early stage, we are also
    dealing with splits in the Umayyad clan itself
  • Despite this, Ibn al-Zubayr continued to quietly
    build up his forces

The Revolt of Husayn
  • The account of Husayns revolt is given in Tabari
    (2.227 onwards)
  • Interestingly, Tabaris main source, one Ammar
    al-Duhni cites Abu Jafar Muhammad ibn Ali ibn
  • This man was Husayns grandson, was the fifth
    Imam for the Shia and was known by the nickname
    al-Baqir (he who splits open knowledge)
  • Meanwhile Husayn, who had also fled to Mecca, had
    begun to receive letters from his partisans
    (shia) in Kufa, encouraging him to rebel against
  • The first letter was signed by some of the
    leading supporters of the Alid family in Kufa
  • We thank God for casting down the tyrannical
    rule of your enemy, who had usurped the power to
    rule this community without any rightand killed
    the best of men Hujr ibn AdiWe invite you to
    come to Kufa, as we have no Imam to guide us
    (Tab II, p.223)

The Revolt of Husayn
  • A second letter arrived soon afterwards, which
    counsels speed
  • In the Name of God, the Merciful, the
    Compassionate to al-Husayn ibn Ali, from his
    shia, the faithful Muslims further make haste,
    for the people are awaiting you, as they have no
    Imam other than you! So haste, and again haste!
    Peace (Tab. 2. p.234)
  • This letter is one of the first references to the
    Shia by that term
  • Husayns response important
  • From Husayn ibn Ali to the believers and the
    MuslimsI have understood what you said and that
    you have invited me to come to you because you
    have no Imam to guide youI am sending you my
    cousin and the trusted one from my family Muslim
    ibn Aqil to report to me about your affairs. If
    his report conforms with what you have written, I
    will soon come. But you must be clear about the
    fact that the Imam is only one who follows the
    Book of God, makes justice and honesty his
    conduct and behaviour, judges with truth, and
    devotes himself to the service of God. Peace
    (Tab. 2. p.235)
  • This letter reveals a number of significant ideas
  • Husayns letter does not contain a reference to
  • Jafri interprets this as meaning he saw his
    leadership as wider

The Revolt of Husayn
  • An alternative could be that references to a Shia
    style imamate have been removed
  • The letter also reveals that Husayn had reason to
    doubt the Kufans sincerity
  • The final part of the letter sets out a
    particular idea of the Imamate
  • At any rate, Muslim goes to Kufa
  • He finds widespread support and writes to Husayn
    urging him to come quickly
  • Although there is widespread support, Ubaydullah
    ibn Ziyad (governor of Iraq) has received prior
    warning of the plan
  • And, before he can organise himself properly,
    Muslim is killed
  • However, Husayn has already set off for Kufa
  • He is accompanied by his household and retainers
  • In other words, he is virtually alone and has no
    army as such
  • Upon reaching Iraq, he is stopped at a place
    called Karbala by a much larger Umayyad force
    (reputedly 1,000 strong)

The Martyrdom of Husayn
  • The seriousness of the situation seems to have
    deeply affected everyone present
  • Thus, the first Umayyad commander, Hurr
    al-Tamimi, joined Husayn after a short interval
  • He was replaced by Umar ibn Sad and all attempts
    at negotiation ceased
  • And, on the evening of 9th Muharram 61AH (681CE),
    Husayn prepared for the forthcoming attack
  • The sources report a number of speeches,
    encounters and single combats (as was customary,
    or at least believed to be)
  • Husayns last address before the Umayyad soldiers
    is emotive and because it contains some important
    ideas, deserves to be quoted
  • O People! You are accusing me but think who I
    am! Then search your hearts for what you are
    doing to me. Consider well if it be lawful for
    you to kill me and violate my sacrosanctity. Am I
    not the son of the daughter of your Prophet, the
    son of the Prophets wasi and cousin? Did not
    the Prophet say of me and my brother that they
    are the lords of the youth of Paradise? You
    cannot deny the truth of what I have said
    concerning the merits of the family of Muhammad.
    Are all these not sufficient to prevent you from
    shedding my blood? (Tab. 2. p.329)

The Martyrdom of Husayn
  • Husayns reference to a statement of the Prophet
    is interesting and important
  • He also refers to the merits of his family, in
    the same manner as his brother Hasan and father
    Ali had done previously
  • Husayn describes his father as Muhammads wasi
  • This word basically means heir or estate
    executor and is taken by the Shia to be a
    reference to Alis divinely appointed role as
  • This is an early reference to what would become a
    very important Shia religious concept
  • After a short fight, Husayns followers are all
  • His family members then attempt to defend him,
    but are also killed
  • The sources describe the events in great detail
    and at great length
  • However, despite some possible hyperbole, it is
    clear that most of Husayns family were murdered,
    including his infant son
  • Husayn himself was then killed and his head
    struck off and taken to Ubadyullah ibn Ziyad, who
    gloated over it

The Martyrdom of Husayn
  • Ubadyullah ibn Ziyad is reported to have hit the
    lips of Husayns severed head with a cane
  • The sources report that Zayd ibn Arqam, an old
    companion of Muhammad, saw this
  • Remove your cane from those lips! By God, on
    these lips have I seen the lips of the Prophet of
    God (Tab. 2., p.373)
  • Ali ibn al-Husayn, Husayns ill teenage son was
    the only male survivor of the massacre
  • The women of Husayns family, along with the
    corpses were then taken to Yazid in Damascus
  • In purely physical terms, Karbala proved a
    disaster for the Ahl al-Bayt in that most of its
    adult males were murdered
  • As you might expect, the event had a profound
    impact on Ali ibn al-Husayn
  • Ali was a deeply religious man and after being
    returned to Medina by Yazid, he eschewed all
    involvement in politics
  • He has the reputation of a very devout man and a
    number of his prayers have been recorded
  • Because of this reputation, he is more widely by
    the honorific title Zayn al-Abideen (Ornament
    of the Worshippers)

The Martyrdom of Husayn
  • Tabaris account is long and detailed,
    illustrating the events significance
  • The revolt and death of Husayn mark a turning
    point in Islamic history
  • The murder of Husayn and almost his entire family
    sent shockwaves throughout the Muslim empire
  • For the Shia, his death is seen as willing
    martyrdom for the cause of God
  • And, very quickly afterwards, the Shia community
    began to mark the day (10th Muharram)
  • Later on, this developed into a series of
    elaborate re-enactments and displays of ritual
    grief and is now the most important Shia
    religious ceremony
  • Ubaydullah followed this with a series of arrests
    of key Shia supporters
  • And, at that point, the revolt seemed to be over
  • However, as we shall see in the next session,
    this was not the case

  • Questions?

Section III The Death of Yazid
Crisis revolt
  • The fall of Husayn and the subsequent repression
    allow Ibn al-Zubayr to strengthen his hand
  • He begins to take pledges of allegiance in secret
  • In 63AH, a deputy of senior figures from Medina
    visits Yazid to put rumours of his drunkenness to
    the test
  • Upon their return, Medina renounces its loyalty
    to Yazid and revolts
  • Marwan ibn al-Hakam and about 1,000 clansmen and
    retainers are besieged in their homes
  • Marwan writes to Yazid for reinforcements
  • Muslim ibn Uqbah al-Murri (a staunch supporter of
    Yazid) crushes the revolt, ransacking Medina in
    the process
  • Interestingly, Zayn al-Abideen takes no part in
    the revolt
  • At about this time, Ibn al-Zubayr openly revolts
  • The Umayyad force, now under a different
    commander, laid siege to Mecca

The Siege of Mecca
  • During this period, Mecca was twice besieged
  • Both sieges saw the use of heavy catapults and
  • Indeed, the Kaba itself seems to have been
    damaged in the fighting
  • The first siege ended in 64AH (683CE) with the
    sudden death of Yazid
  • The Umayyad force then began to negotiate with
    Ibn al-Zubayr (who was now the only predominant
  • With the Umayyads in disarray, Ibn al-Zubayr is
    recognised as caliph in Mecca, Medina, Arabia and
    parts of Syria
  • He is also able to appoint his brother, Musab,
    as governor of Iraq

Umayyad Collapse?
  • Yazids son Muawiya (known as Muawiya II) is
    appointed caliph in Syria by the Umayyad forces
  • However, with Yazids death, the Umayyad camp
    itself split into several factions
  • Muawiya II lasts barely a few months before
    being killed
  • Marwan thus emerged as the clear Umayyad
    candidate and was declared caliph in 64AH (684CE)
  • This change of dynasty was to have momentous
  • Muawiyas direct descendents (known as the
    Sufyanids after Abu Sufyan) lost their claim to
    the caliphate
  • The Marwanid dynasty provided the caliphs for the
    next 70 years
  • And, at the Battle of Marj Rahit, Marwan defeats
    the Zubayrid forces decisively, forcing a retreat
    to Mecca
  • This change of dynasty marks a convenient place
    to stop and pause for a moment
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