Title: Exponential Smoothing
1Exponential Smoothing
- Diebold, Chapter 4, Problem 4
2Exponential Smoothing
- single exponential smoothing uses the parameter
alpha (a) where alpha is chosen to be between 0
and 1. The formula for single exponential
smoothing is - F(t1) F(t) a X(t) F(t) where 0 lt
a lt 1. - Initialize by letting F(1) X(1)
- F(t1) one step ahead forecast at time period
t - F(t) forecast for time period t
- X(t) sales for time period t
3Exponential smoothing (Eviews Help)
- a simple method of adaptive forecasting.
- effective way of forecasting when you have only a
few observations on which to base your forecast.
4Smoothing vs. Regression
- Unlike forecasts from regression models which use
fixed coefficients, forecasts from exponential
smoothing methods adjust based upon past forecast
errors. - For additional discussion, see Bowerman and
O'Connell (1979).
5Exponential Smoothing in Eviews
- To obtain forecasts based on exponential
smoothing methods, choose Proc/Exponential
Smoothing. The Exponential Smoothing dialog box
6(No Transcript)
7You need to provide the following information
- Smoothing Method. You have the option to choose
one of the five methods listed. - Smoothing Parameters. You can either specify the
values of the smoothing parameters or let EViews
estimate them.
8Estimating parameters
- To estimate the parameter, type the letter e (for
estimate) in the edit field. - EViews estimates the parameters by minimizing the
sum of squared errors. - Don't be surprised if the estimated damping
parameters are close to one-it is a sign that the
series is close to a random walk, where the most
recent value is the best estimate of future
9Choosing your own parameters
- To specify a number, type the number in the field
corresponding to the parameter. - All parameters are constrained to be between 0
and 1 if you specify a number outside the unit
interval, - EViews will estimate the parameter.
10Series Name
- Smoothed Series Name. You should provide a name
for the smoothed series. By default, EViews will
generate a name by appending SM to the original
series name, but you can enter any valid EViews
11Estimation Sample
- You must specify the sample period upon which to
base your forecasts (whether or not you choose to
estimate the parameters). The default is the
current workfile sample. EViews will calculate
forecasts starting from the first observation
after the end of the estimation sample.
12Cycle for Seasonal
- You can change the number of seasons per year
from the default of 12 for monthly or 4 for
quarterly series. This option allows you to
forecast from unusual data such as an undated
workfile. Enter a number for the cycle in this
13Single Smoothing (one parameter)
- This single exponential smoothing method is
appropriate for series that move randomly above
and below a constant mean with no trend nor
seasonal patterns. The smoothed series is
computed recursively, by evaluating
14Single Smoothing (one parameter)
- where alpha is the damping (or smoothing) factor.
The smaller is the alpha, the smoother is the
forecasted series. By repeated substitution, we
can rewrite the recursion as
15Single Smoothing (one parameter)
- This shows why this method is called exponential
smoothing-the forecast is a weighted average of
the past values of the series, where the weights
decline exponentially with time.
16Single Smoothing (one parameter)
- The forecasts from single smoothing are constant
for all future observations. This constant is
given by
17Single Smoothing (one parameter)
- To start the recursion, we need an initial value
for and a value for alpha. - EViews uses the mean of the initial observations
of to start the recursion. - Bowerman and O'Connell (1979) suggest that values
of around 0.01 to 0.30 work quite well. - You can also let EViews estimate to minimize the
sum of squares of one-step forecast errors.
18Double Smoothing (one parameter)
- This method applies the single smoothing method
twice (using the same parameter) and is
appropriate for series with a linear trend.
Double smoothing of a series is defined by the
19Double Smoothing (one parameter)
- Where S is the single smoothed series and D is
the double smoothed series. Note that double
smoothing is a single parameter smoothing method
with damping factor alpha between 0 and 1.
20Double Smoothing (one parameter)
- Forecasts from double smoothing are computed as
21Double Smoothing (one parameter)
- The last expression shows that forecasts from
double smoothing lie on a linear trend with
intercept -
- and slope
22Holt-Winters-Multiplicative (three parameters)
- This method is appropriate for series with a
linear time trend and multiplicative seasonal
variation. The smoothed series is given by,
23Holt-Winters-Multiplicative (three parameters)
- Where
- a is permanent component (intercept)
- b is trend
- C is multiplicative seasonal factor
24These three coefficients are defined by the
following recursions
25Forecasts are computed by
26Holt-Winters-Additive (three parameter)
- This method is appropriate for series with a
linear time trend and additive seasonal
variation. The smoothed series is given by
27The three coefficients are defined by the
following recursions
28Forecasts are computed by
29Holt-Winters-No Seasonal (two parameters)
- This method is appropriate for series with a
linear time trend and no seasonal variation. - This method is similar to the double smoothing
method in that both generate forecasts with a
linear trend and no seasonal component. - The double smoothing method is more parsimonious
since it uses only one parameter, while this
method is a two parameter method.
30The smoothed series is given by
- where a and b are the permanent component and
trend as defined above in Equation (11.40).
31Forecasts are computed by
32Holt-Winters Comparison
- It is worth noting that Holt-Winters-No Seasonal,
is not the same as additive or multiplicative
with gamma equal to 0. That condition only
restricts the seasonal factors from changing over
time so there are still (fixed) nonzero seasonal
factors in the forecasts.