Title: Exponential smoothing: The state of the art
1Exponential smoothingThe state of the art
Part IIEverette S. Gardner, Jr.
2Exponential smoothingThe state of the art
Part II
- History
- Methods
- Properties
- Method selection
- Model-fitting
- Inventory control
- Conclusions
3Timeline of Operations Research (Gass, 2002)
- 1654 Expected value, B. Pascal
- 1733 Normal distribution, A. de Moivre
- 1763 Bayes Rule, T. Bayes
- 1788 Lagrangian multipliers, J. Lagrange
- 1795 Method of Least Squares, C. Gauss, A.
Legendre - 1826 Solution of linear equations, C. Gauss
- 1907 Markov chains, A. Markov
- 1909 Queuing theory, A. Erlang
- 1936 The term OR first used in British military
applications - 1941 Transportation model, F. Hitchcock
- 1942 U.K. Naval Operational Research, P.
Blackett - 1943 Neural networks, W. McCulloch, W. Pitts
- 1944 Game theory, J. von Neumann, O.
Morgenstern - 1944 Exponential smoothing, R. Brown
4Exponential smoothing at work
- A depth charge has a magnificent laxative
effect on a submariner. - Lt. Sheldon H. Kinney,
- Commander,
- USS Bronstein (DE 189)
5Forecast Profiles
- N A
M -
None Additive
Multiplicative -
- N
- None
- A
- Additive
- DA
- Damped Additive
- M
- Multiplicative
- DM
- Damped Multiplicative
6Damped multiplicative trends (Taylor, 2002)
Damping parameter
7Variations on the standard methods
- Multivariate series (Pfefferman Allen, 1989)
- Missing or irregular observations (Wright,1986)
- Irregular update intervals (Johnston, 1993)
- Planned discontinuities (Williams Miller, 1999)
- Combined level/seasonal component (Snyder
Shami, 2001) - Multiple seasonal cycles (Taylor, 2003)
- Fixed drift (Hyndman Billah, 2003)
- Smooth transition exponential smoothing (Taylor,
2004) - Renormalized seasonals (Archibald Koehler,
2003) - SSOE state-space equivalent methods (Hyndman et
al., 2002)
8Smoothing with a fixed drift (Hyndman Billah,
- Equivalent to the Theta method?
- (Assimakopoulos and Nikolopoulos, 2000)
- How to do it
- Set drift equal to half the slope of a regression
on time - Then add a fixed drift to simple smoothing, or
- Set the trend parameter to zero in Holts linear
trend - When to do it
- Unknown
9Adaptive simple smoothing (Taylor, 2004)
- Smooth transition exponential smoothing (STES) is
the only adaptive method to demonstrate credible
improved forecast accuracy - The adaptive parameter changes according to a
logistic function of the errors - Model-fitting is necessary
10Renormalization of seasonals
- Additive (Lawton, 1998)
- Without renormalization
- Level and seasonals are biased
- Trend and forecasts are unbiased
- Renormalization of seasonals alone
- Forecasts are biased unless renormalization is
done every period - Multiplicative (Archibald Koehler, 2003)
- Competing renormalization methods give forecasts
different from each other and from unnormalized
11Archibald Koehler (2003) solution
- Additive and multiplicative renormalization
equations that give the same forecasts as
standard equations - Cumulative renormalization correction factors for
those who wish to keep the standard equations
12Continental Airlines Domestic Yields
Model Restarted
13Standard vs. state-space methods
- Trend damping
- Standard Immediate
- State-space Starting at 2 steps ahead
- Multiplicative seasonality
- Standard Seasonal component depends on level
- State-space Independent components
- Model fitting
- Standard Minimize squared errors
- State-space Minimize squared relative errors if
multiplicative errors are assumed.
- Equivalent models
- Prediction intervals
- Robustness
15Equivalent models
- Linear methods
- DLS regression
- Kernel regression (Gijbels et al.,1999 Taylor,
2004) - MSOE state-space models (Harvey, 1984)
- All methods
- SSOE state-space models (Ord et al.,1997)
16Analytical prediction intervals
- Options
- SSOE models (Hyndman et al., 2005)
- Model-free (Chatfield Yar, 1991)
- Empirical evidence
- None
17Empirical prediction intervals
- Options
- Chebyshev distribution (fitted errors) (Gardner,
1988) - Quantile regression (fitted errors) (Taylor
Bunn, 1999) - Parametric bootstrap (Snyder et al., 2002)
- Simulation from assumed model (Bowerman,
OConnell, Koehler, 2005) - Empirical evidence
- Limited, but encouraging
- Many equivalent models for each method (Chatfield
et al., 2001 Koehler et al., 2001) - Simple ES performs well in many series that are
not ARIMA (0,1,1) (Cogger,1973) - Aggregated series can often be approximated by
ARIMA (0,1,1) (Rosanna Seater, 1995)
19Robustness (continued)
- Exponentially declining weights are robust (Muth,
1960 Satchell Timmerman, 1995) - Additive seasonal methods are not sensitive to
the generating process (Chen,1997) - The damped trend includes numerous special cases
(Gardner McKenzie,1988)
20Automatic forecasting with the damped additive
? .84
? .38
? 1.00
21Summary of 66 empirical studies,1985-2005
- Seasonal methods rarely used
- Damped trend rarely used
- Multiplicative trend never used
- Little attention to method selection
- But exponential smoothing was robust, performing
well in at least 58 studies
22Method selection
- Benchmarking
- Time series characteristics
- Expert systems
- Information criteria
- Operational benefits
- Identification vs. selection
23Benchmarking in method selection
- Methods should be compared to reasonable
alternatives - Competing methods should use exactly the same
information - Forecast comparisons should be genuinely out of
24Method selection Time series characteristics
- Variances of differences (Gardner
McKenzie,1988) - Seemed a good idea at the time
- Discriminant analysis (Shah,1997)
- Considered only simple smoothing and a linear
trend - Should be tested with an exponential smoothing
framework - Regression-based performance index (Meade, 2000)
- Considered every feasible time series model
- Should be tested with an exponential smoothing
25Method selection Expert systems
- Rule-based forecasting
- Original version (Collopy Armstrong, 1992)
- Automatic version (Vokurka et al., 1996)
- Streamlined version (Adya et al., 2001)
- Other rule-induction systems
- (Arinze,1994 Flores Pearce, 2000)
- Expert systems are no better than aggregate
selection of the damped trend alone (Gardner,
26Method selection AIC
- Damped trend vs. state-space models selected by
AIC - Average of all forecast horizons
Asymmetric MAPE
27Method selectionEmpirical information criteria
- Strategy Penalize the likelihood by linear and
nonlinear functions of the number of parameters
(Billah et al., 2005) - Evaluation EIC superior to other information
criteria, but results are not benchmarked
28Method selection Operational benefits
- Forecasting determines inventory costs, service
levels, and scheduling and staffing efficiency. - Research is limited because a model of the
operating system is needed to project performance
29Method selection Operational benefits (cont.)
- Manufacturing (Adshead Price, 1987)
- Producer of industrial fasteners (4 million
annual sales) - Costs holding, stockout, overtime
- U.S. Navy repair parts (Gardner, 1990)
- 50,000 inventory items
- Tradeoffs Backorder delays vs. investment
- Savings 30 million (7) in investment
30Average delay in filling backorders
31Inventory analysis Packaging materials for
snack-food manufacturer
Actual Inventory from subjective forecasts
Target maximum inventory based on damped trend
Monthly Usage
32Method selection Operational benefits (cont.)
- Electronics components (Flores et al., 1993)
- 967 inventory items
- Costs holding cost vs. margin on lost sales
- RAF repair parts (Eaves Kingsman, 2004)
- 11,203 inventory items
- Tradeoffs inventory investment vs. stockouts
- Savings 285 million (14) in investment
33Forecasting for inventory controlCumulative
lead-time demand
- SSOE models yield standard deviations of
cumulative lead-time demand (Snyder et al., 2004) - Differences from traditional expressions (such as
) are significant -
34Standard deviation multipliers, a 0.30
Lead time
35Forecasting for inventory controlCumulative
lead-time demand (cont.)
- The parametric bootstrap (Snyder et al., 2002)
can estimate variances for - Any seasonal model
- Non-normal demands
- Intermittent demands
- Stochastic lead times
36Forecasting for inventory controlIntermittent
- Crostons method (Croston, 1972)
- Smoothed nonzero demand
- Mean demand
- Smoothed inter-arrival time
- Bias correction (Eaves Kingsman, 2004
Syntetos Boylan, 2001, 2005) - Mean demand x (1 a / 2)
37Forecasting for inventory control Intermittent
demand (continued)
- There is no stochastic model for Crostons method
(Shenstone Hyndman, 2005) - Many questionable variance expressions in the
literature - The state-space model for intermittent series
requires a constant mean inter-arrival time
(Snyder, 2002) - Why not aggregate the data to eliminate zeroes?
38Progress in the state of the art, 1985-2005
- Analytical variances are available for most
methods through SSOE models. - Robust methods are available for multiplicative
trends and adaptive simple smoothing. - Crostons method has been corrected for bias.
- Confusion about renormalization of seasonals has
finally been resolved. - There has been little progress in method
selection. - Much empirical work remains to be done.
39Suggestions for research
- Refine the state-space framework
- Add the damped multiplicative trend
- Damp all trends immediately
- Test alternative method selection procedures
- Validate and compare method selection procedures
- Information criteria Benchmark the EIC
- Discriminant analysis
- Regression-based performance index
40Suggestions for research (continued)
- Develop guidelines for the following choices
- Damped additive vs. damped multiplicative trend
- Fixed vs. adaptive parameters in simple smoothing
- Fixed vs. smoothed trend in additive trend model
- Standard vs. state-space seasonal components
- Additive vs. multiplicative errors
- Analytical vs. empirical prediction intervals
- The challenge for future research is to
establish some basis for choosing among these and
other approaches to time series forecasting.