Title: Several Pedagogical Aspects of LCMS
1Several Pedagogical Aspects of LCMS
2Introduction to MOODLE
- One of the most important open source and free
LCMS - Over than 50,000 user registered on it
- Above 60 languages in 120 countries
- 4934 sites registered on it
3Introduction to MOODLE (Cont.)
- Can setup and install very easily
- All the interested people can join to the
community of its developer
4Pedagogical Philosophy using MOODLE
- It is based on four foundations
- Social Constructionist Pedagogy
- Constructivism
- Constructionism
- Social Constructivism
- Connected and Separate Mode
- People "construct" new knowledge as they interact
with their environment - if it's viable within their mental world may form
new knowledge - Refer to the old discussions about theory of
truth - According to this school knowledge is
strengthened if some one uses it successfully in
its wide environment
6Constructivism (Cont.)
- Theory of W. V. O. Quine about holism and
pragmatism - Knowledge consists none paradoxical theoretical
box - Mind is NOT just a memory bank
- Nor knowledge transmitted to someone else
- There is an interpretative process going on than
transfer information from one brain to another
- learning is particularly effective when, someone
construct something for others to explain his/her
experience - if he/she were to try explaining what read to
someone else in his/her own word, or (produce a
slideshow) then he/she has a better understanding
of subject matter
8Social Constructivism
- extent those ideas into a social group
- social groups collaboratively creating a small
culture of shared knowledge - they are able to shared words meaning in a
specific area
9Social Constructivism (Cont.)
- famous philosopher of science "T. S. Kuhn" who
introduces scientific paradigms - People start to problem solving within the
paradigm for example the knowledge about cup
10Social Constructivism (Cont.)
- All we know about "online course
- Is it only some content in the web?
- Is it only any activity and interaction between
students and teacher? - Or the more exact answer include the procedures
within the groups - most important problem facing e-learning is the
size of these small cultures
11Connected and Separate Mode
- When student start to discussed all together
which strategy is better? - three modes may see
- Separated Mode
- Connected Mode
- Constructed Mode
12Separate Mode
- Students try to remains "objective and "factual"
and tends to defend own ideas using logical
structures - Try to find a hole in his/her opponent's ideas
13Connected Mode
- Learner select the connected approach that
accepts "subjective" mode - Try to listen
- Question in an effort to understand the other
point of view - hermeneutical thinking in philosophy
14Constructed Mode
- Connected behavior within learning community is a
very important and powerful stimulant for a
15Relation between Constructionist Pedagogy and
MOODLE Modules
- must pinpoint to changing the roles in online
learning in MOODLE - Stress on learner centric approach
- student must do more activities in online class
- Teacher becomes an expert moderator
16Relation between Constructionist Pedagogy and
MOODLE Module (Cont.)
- Students and teacher can use various MOODLE
modules to implement social constructionist
pedagogy - forums,
- communication tools
- Learning Path or Lessons,
- Workshops, different Choices,
- SCORM packages support,
- various surveys,
- Wiki Pages,
- Group mode ( visible or separated ) in a online
class - Glossary
17Forums and social constructionist pedagogy
- Some one may read other students ideas from
forums - Try to understand their ideas based on his/her
own prior knowledge, (using constructivism
approach( - Someone may explain his/her ideas in others own
words? )Using constructionist approach(
18- Finally a small group tries to make a small
culture in a specific area to share their
knowledge (successfully using social
constructivism (
19Chat, Message communication (Instance Messaging)
and S.C.P.
- Students try to communicate in a connected,
separate or constructed mode.
20Workshops and S.C.P.
- All of students can assess other students' ideas
- Increase students ability to separate mode of
discussions - They can act as a listener and has a more
empathic attitude to discussions.
21Choices and S.C.P.
- It is a quick vote on a direction for the course
materials and to gather students consent - teachers can gather better information of
students' prior knowledge
22SCORM and S.C.P.
- It's a very useful way for teacher (and also
students) to understand how much of content
covered - it's very important for a student to understand
how much he/she can combine his/her prior
knowledge with new ones (constructivism
principle) - Also it use score for each SCORM
- Transformability of contents between different
23Lessons or Learning Path and S.C.P
- Teacher start with an initial knowledge
presentation - Ask one or more questions from student
- Teachers can guess students' prior knowledge and
arrange materials based on these prior knowledge
24Lessons or Learning Path and S.C.P. (Cont.)
- Students can themselves reflect on what they
learn based on prior knowledge and coherence of
it . (other aspect of constructivism)
25Survey and S.C.P.
- it is possibility to put different kind of survey
to assessing what learners want to know and
simulating learning process - A good way for evaluating students'
constructivist approach.
26Wiki and S.C.P.
- Is a Web pages that anyone can add to it
- It is a powerful tools to implement social
27Group mode and S.C.P.
- teachers can separate students to different
groups - This ability help to shape small culture between
students and they understand the course in own
group - There are two different of this groups
- visible groups
- separated groups
28Assignment and S.C.P.
- Can use assignments that allow teachers to grade
electronically submitted material - Teachers and students have a good connection for
course concepts - teachers can assess student and guide them to
better solutions.
29MOODLE and other e-Learning applications
- MOODLE and LAMS co-operation
- LAMS (Learning Activity Management System)
- It is a very powerful tools for changing from old
pedagogy to modern one