Title: High Tunnel Tomato Production
1High Tunnel Tomato Production
Amanda Sears Extension Associate for
Horticulture University of Kentucky
2What is a high tunnel?
3Happy Tomatoes
- 1 water a week
- Temperatures
- Day 70-75F
- Night 62-64F
- Frost and cold (50F) sensitive
- Require 70-80 days from seeding to first harvest
4Changes In Light Over the Year
Courtesy of Dr. Robert Anderson, University of
Kentucky, Department of Horticulture
- Seeded 7-5-06
- Transplanted 8-10-06
- In row spacing 20 inches
- Row spacing 5.5 feet
- Rows 48 feet long
- Covered 9-26-06
- Harvest 10/15, 11/3, 11/12, 11/27
8Normal versus Actual Low Temperatures in October
9Normal versus Actual High Temperatures in October
10Daily Average Temperatures in High Tunnel in
11Tomatoes in Field October 13, 2006
12Tomatoes in High Tunnel October 13, 2006
13Tomatoes in High Tunnel October 13, 2006
14High Tunnel Tomato Results
15Prices of Tomatoes at the Fairview, KY Produce
16Tomato Shipping and Movement
17High Tunnel Tomato Results
- Electricity
- Fan
- Condensation
- Air circulation
- Pollination
- Heater
- Water spout and fertilizer injector
21Problems Encountered
- Malformed fruit
- Related to cool weather during pollination
- Genetic Mt. Spring
22Problems Encountered
- Scaly Fruit
- Thrips?
- Cool weather during flowering
- Physical damage when young
23Problems Encountered
- Plant at least two weeks earlier
- Need to start picking prior to October 15
- Some recommend seeding date of July 4, planting
no later than July 20 - Use a fan for better air circulation
- Leave plastic sheeting over door to hold in more
heat - Black plastic vs. white plastic mulch
- Have alternative ideas of where to sell produce
25High Tunnel Useful Information and Resources
- The Center for Plasticulture Penn State
http//plasticulture.cas.psu.edu - American Society of Plasticulture
http//www.plasticulture.org - Rutgers Cooperative Extension (Grower Resources
High Tunnel Construction Information)
http//rutgerstomato.org/grower - Penn State University Ag-Alternatives
(Information on Marketing and Production)
26High Tunnel Useful Information and Resources
- Hightunnel.org (USDA Web site for Great Plains)
http//www.hightunnels.org - High Tunnel Project Vegetable Program College of
Ag, University of Saskatchewan
/vegetable/vhightunnel.htm - NC State University High Tunnels.
topics/topics-pages/HighTunnels.html - ATTRA Season Extension Techniques for Market
Gardeners http//www.attra.org/attra-pub/seasonext
27High Tunnel Useful Information and Resources
- Martins Produce Supplies (greenhouse and
vegetable supplies) ph 606 787-9389 - 5627 S. Fork Rd.
- Liberty, KY 42539
- Deerfield Supplies (greenhouse and vegetable
supplies and equipment) ph 270 265-2425 - 2825 Stringtown Rd.,
- Elkton, KY 42220
- Rain-Flo Irrigation (irrigation and vegetable
equipment) - 884 Center Church Rd. ph 270 265-2425
- East Earl, PA 17519