Title: Pr
1Advanced Hardware Technology In ALMA Back End
And Correlator
- Fabio Biancat Marchet (1) fmarchet_at_eso.org
- Alain Baudry (2) Alain.Baudry_at_obs.u-bordeaux1.fr
- European Southern Observatory (ESO), Munich,
Germany - Observatoire Aquitain des Sciences de lUnivers
de Bordeaux, Bordeaux, France
2The ALMA Project Atacama Large Millimeter Array
ALMA is an international astronomy facility. It
is an equal partnership between Europe and North
America, in cooperation with the Republic of
Chile, and it is funded in North America by the
U.S. National Science Foundation (NSF) in
cooperation with the National Research Council of
Canada (NRC), and in Europe by the European
Southern Observatory (ESO) and Spain. ALMA
construction and operations are led on behalf of
North America by the National Radio Astronomy
Observatory (NRAO), which is managed by
Associated Universities, Inc. (AUI) and on behalf
of Europe by ESO.
- ALMA will provide unprecedented performances in
the sub-millimeter range for the study of cold
objects, representing the natural complement of
the next generation of ground and space based
facilities operating in the optical-infrared
- ALMA full operation is planned for 2011
- The observatory is designed to operate for 3
decades - It will be composed by gt50 12m Antennas
- The overall collecting Surface will exceed 5000
m2 - The Antennas can be relocated among gt 170
locations to accommodate different types of
observations with - A compact Configuration 150m diameter
- An extended Configuration 14km diameter
3The Site
- Atacama Desert, Northern-Chile
- Plateau de Chajnantor at 5000m altitude
- Observation Window 30GHz, 1THz in 10 bands
- Example Band 9 602 720GHz
- Band 10 787 950GHz
- Location selected for the extremely good
Atmospheric properties - Drawbacks low air density (lt50), lack of
oxygen, remote - Consequently Operations at site severely limited
impose - High Reliability (proven technologies, low
thermal stress) - Line Replaceable Unit (LRU) approach
- Remote diagnostics
4The Instrument
Frequency Down-conversion
BE/Correlator Custom Developments
Sampling Quantization
LO Photomixers
Digital Filtering Correlation
Digitizer ASICS
Correlator ASICS
5The Instrument
Antenna Side
Technical Building Side
Front End
Back End
10 Cryogenic Cartridges
Back End
Front End
Cryogenic Vessel
- Cryogenic Receiver (one cartridge for each band)
- Conversion into the 4-12GHz band, two
polarizations - Digitization Transmission of the data to the TB
- Filtering
- Correlation
- Post-Processing
6BE IF Processor
- Input 8GHz Band split in 42-4GHz sub-bands (two
7Data Transmission System (DTS)
- Digitization 4Gsamples/s, 3 bits 8 Channels
- Each channel De-multiplexed to 3 16-bit
parallel streams _at_250 MHz - Further formatting converts to 1210Gb/s serial
streams - Each driving a laser emitter with different
color (DWDM) - All 12 light beams mixed in one single fibre
- Net data rate from one Antenna 96Gb/s (120GB/s
8The Photonics Local Oscillator
- Interferometric Operation of the Array requires
extremely accurate phase reference. The Reference
shall be distributed synchronously to the
Antennas with a phase stability within 50fs. - Two laser beams are phase-locked and distributed
by a single fibre to the Antennae - At the Antenna the beams are mixed to obtain the
frequency-difference signal (in the range
27-142GHz) as Local Oscillator source for the
Heterodyne Receivers - In order to compensate for Fibre length
variations an interferometric Line Length
Corrector is implemented that measures the
round-trip time and acts on a Fibre Stretcher to
compensate for length variations
9The Photomixer
The key component performing the conversion of
the incoming light beams in a signal whose
frequency is the difference is the Photomixer
Block The Photomixer Block is based on a
commercial photodiode which is thinned/cut to
match the high frequency requirements and
packaged in a precisely machined case that
provides the optical and electrical connections
and the output waveguide/filter. The device has
been designed and manufactured at Rutherford
Appleton Labs (UK).
10The Digitizer Assembly
- The Digitizer assembly within the Data
Transmission System digitizes - a pair of 2-4GHz input signals at 4GHz sampling
rate with 3-bit resolution. - Each bit stream is then de-multiplexed into one
parallel 16-bit stream at 250MHz - There are 4 Digitizer assembly in each Antenna
- Sampling/Digitization is performed by the custom
Digitizer chip VEGA - De-multiplexing is performed by the custom
De-multiplexer chip PHOBOS
11ALMA VEGA the Digitizer
- Flash Architecture 7 comparators, 8 levels, 3
bits - Technology BiCMOS 0.25µm SiGe (2.5V)
- Input 2-4GHz (Gaussian noise)
- Sampling clock 4GHz
- Output differential (LVDS)
- Output Gray code
- Self clock feature for easy test
- Power dissipation 1.5W
- Bandwidth ripple lt0.5dB
- Packaging is an issue
- Special High Frequency with low thermal
resistance and thermal drainVFQFPN 44 7x7x1mm - Ball-bonding
- Parasitic elements
- Bonding inductance 1nH/mm
- pad capacitance 0.3pF
12ALMA PHOBOS the De-multiplexer
Basically a shift-register that De-serializes 4
Gb/s into 16 bits _at_250MHz Simplified block
Diagram (14)
- Same technology as VEGA, more complex layout, but
less critical being full digital - BiCMOS 0.25µm en SiGe (2.5V)
- Input LVDS)
- Clocks 4GHz et 250MHz
- 16 differential outputs _at_ 250MHz
- Power dissipation 1.5W
Packaging Difficult at the beginning suitable
package unavailable direct bonding on PCB tried
but yield rather poor (60) Then VFQFPN 68
10x10x1mm became available
13Digitizer Chips Development
- The ASICS have been fully designed at UB
(Observatoire and IXL labs) - Synthesis, analysis and simulation tools provided
by STm - Sample production with Multiple Project Wafer
service to reduce costs - Three Digitizer and two De-mux test versions
before the final fully engineered ones - Overall cost 1.6 MEur (50 for NRE)
- Development time 3 years
- Series production complete (1000 ADC and 3000
Demux produced)
14Why ASIC?
- Operation speed and power consumption required a
custom development for both chips, not existing
on the market any device fully matching the
requirements. - The most critical one is the Digitizer, the
market offers devices with comparable
performances in terms of speed/resolution,
however not in the required combination (as an
example 6GHz-1bit or 1GHz/10bits). But in all
cases the power consumption is much higher. - In order to rank the various flash ADC the figure
of merit - M 2NF/P (N resolution in bits, F sampling rate
and P power) has been used - VEGA shows M gt 21 GHz/W while similar commercial
devices (anyway not meeting all requirements)
have M around 1GHz/W
15The Digitizer Test Bench
To Test and qualify the 4Gs/s Demux assembly a
test equipment was developed at IRAM. It is based
on a scaled-down version of the Correlator that
extracts the most significant parameters
Scaled Down Auto-correlator
16Digitizer Test Results
17The ALMA Correlator
- The core of the ALMA instrument, it performs the
pre-processing on the raw scientific data
received from the Antennae at a rate of 96Gb/s
per Antenna. - The basic operation is simple multiply and
accumulate samples from different Antennae. - But must be performed quickly (125 MHz) and for
all the possible Antenna pairs - Huge parallel and modular custom processor
- Installed in the Technical Building at 5000m low
power - high reliability - Building block custom chip that contains 4096
LAGs, each consisting of a 2-bit x 2-bit
multiplier whose output is integrated in an
accumulator. - Total amount of Correlator chips is 32768.
18The Correlator Chip
19The Correlator Chip
- Well established CMOS 0.25 micron technology
- 2106 Gates
- 212 LAG blocks
- Clock 125 MHz
- Voltage supply 1.8V
- Power dissipation 1.6 W
- Package Standard 240-pin PQFP
- Total need 215 chips
- Specification defined at NRAO
- Design, Prototyping and Production by a
Specialized company - The process took three years
20The ALMA Correlator
- 34109 Millions of op. per second (Integer, low
resolution) - 170 kW Power dissipation
- 32 Full size cabinets
- 16000 cables on the backplane (50 km)
21The ALMA Tunable Filter Bank
The Tunable Filter Bank band-pass filters the
rough data before they are processed by the
Correlator. Each FIR Filter is implemented as two
stage Real/Imaginary architecture. The second
stage can be configured both to tune the centre
frequency and the bandwidth The data rate is
- The TFB design is a shared effort between
- Université de Bordeaux - HW/Firmware design
- Osservatorio Astr. di Arcetri Algorithm design
- ASTRON Test Software
- Prototypes based on FPGA are currently under
test. - Each board implements 32 filters in 16 chips
- 512 boards are needed
22ALMA Tunable Filter Bank ChipASIC or FPGA?
- The high complexity on one side and the
relatively low amount of parts required (8192)
does not justify the investment for a complete
ASIC design. - On the other hand implementation through FPGA is
expensive and not efficient from the power
dissipation point of view - Solutions under investigation/comparison
- Semi-custom design using the Hard Copy process
to convert the FPGA configuration on Si, provided
by the FPGA manufacturer limited NRE, lower unit
price, lower dissipation. Important limitation
frozen design. - Next Generation of FPGA, smaller and less power
Remote access, harsh environment and long
operating life call for well established
technologies. On the other side the extremely
demanding technical requirements can only be met
with innovative approaches. Finding the proper
balance between the two opposite aspects is one
of the challenges of ALMA. All the presented new
developments have been successfully tested in the
lab and tests on sky at the Antenna Test Facility
in Socorro New-Mexico (2000m) are under
preparation. Only the final operation at the
site, facing the actual environmental conditions
will confirm whether a right trade-off between
innovation and reliability has been
satisfactorily achieved.