Title: Scintillate Consulting
1Scintillate Consulting
"Work is about a search for daily meaning as well
as daily bread, for recognition as well as cash,
for astonishment rather than torpor in short,
for a sort of life, rather than a
Monday-to-Friday sort of dying." (Studs Terkel,
social historian and author, 1912 2008)
We challenge individuals to engage more with
their work and provide them with motivation,
challenge, as well as the technical skills,
concepts and tools to both do their job better
and enjoy it more. We enjoy teaching with
passion and we know that enthusiasm is
infectious. We work with clients on a range of
issues including strategy development, effective
commissioning, social marketing solutions, and
developing soft skills such as
negotiation. chris_at_scintillate.eu
john_at_scintillate.eu sayhello2_at_scintillate.eu
2John Hattam
- John has spent 25 years in senior commercial
roles in the private sector, encompassing sales,
marketing and operations in a wide variety of
organisations. - He now works mainly in the health sector
providing training and consultancy to a wide
variety of clients including GOs, SHAs and
individual PCTs. - He sits on the Board of a local NHS Trust as a
non- executive director and therefore has good
insight into the challenges faced by both
commissioners and providers! - He also works as a trainer in the private sector,
specialising in negotiation, leadership and team
building and has delivered training in these
subjects in the UK, France, the United States and
the Far East.
- He works with empathy and humour to help teams
and individuals make a difference and enjoys
helping them arrive at Eureka moments - His interests include exploring France, long
distance walking, badminton, competitive
backgammon, wine, and playing the piano.
3Chris Holmes
- Chris experience spans political advocacy,
social and commercial marketing, sales
management, recruitment and training, global
brand management, communication planning, public
relations, advertising development, new brand
development and new business development - He has extensive experience of what if business
modelling, including application of complex
software modelling in the area of logistics and
supply chain. - He was Associate Director for the National Social
Marketing Centre, where he was responsible for
establishing the UKs first regional social
marketing unit in the health sector - The London
Social Marketing Unit
- He enjoys working with a variety of public and
private sector clients in - consultancy and training recent clients include
DH NW and Physical Activity Alliance - He is also in demand for lecturing, most recently
at the European Congress on Obesity, - and has also enjoyed guest lecturing in Marketing
and Logistics at the Universities - of Ripon and St John, Loughborough, Cranfield and
Heriot-Watt. - He is personally addicted to fresh air, mountains
and rivers and a variety of ways - to experience them, including fly fishing,
mountain biking, hiking, skiing, - mountaineering, white water rafting and sailing