Title: Gerald Cai
1Hands-on Session of
Gerald Cai Pearson Education
2What is MasteringPhysics?
3Why Mastering Physics?
Teachers Challenge
MPs Solution
- Thousands of calibrated questions.
- Spend too much time preparing
- Spend too much time grading
- Unable to track students performance
- Individualized remedial and tutoring
- Automatic grading, (85 coverage)
4How to use MasteringPhysics?
- Registering an Account
- Creating a course
- Creating Assignments
- Evaluating Students Performance
5Step 1.1 Selecting your text
Go to www.masteringphysics.com and click on cover
of Adopted book
6Step 1.2 Registering on Website
Click on Register
7Step 1.3 Access Information
Click on New user
Type in your access code here. Example USYGC
Zip Code, Example 117542
8Step 1.4 Account Information
Create your login name using your NRIC number or
any format specified by your teachers. Example
9Step 1.5 Confirmation
- Congratulations! Registration is complete!
- You now have 2 years access to the
- learning resources in MasteringPhysics.
- Click on Log In Now
10Step 1.6 Logging into Website for the first time
Login with the ID you have registered
11Step 1.7 Inputting the Course ID
Insert Course ID Provided by your
Teacher. Example OnlinePhysicsOlympiadTest
12Step 1.8 Saving Settings
Click on Save and then Back to Home You are now
ready to access MasteringPhysics!
13Step 2.1 HomePage of MP
Click on Class List
14Step 2.2 HomePage of MP
Create a New Course ID. Your students would
need it to enroll for your course
15Step 2.3 Course Settings
You can change properties of the course
from here. Notice that it your course is still
not open for students enrollment.
16Step 2.4 Edit Class Properties
Change properties accordingly and click on Save.
17Step 3.1 Assignment List
Go to Assignment List from either left hand menu
or top right corner menu bar to see list of
current assignments. Note The Intro to
MasteringPhysics is a good start to get familiar
with the system.
18Step 3.2 Viewing Assignments
Instructors can preview questions from a
students perspective. Try Intro to Symbolic
Answers on the left
19Step 3.3 Viewing Specific Questions
Questions are calibrated based on difficulty
level and average time take to solve it.
MasteringPhysics recognised mathematical symbols
and various input permutations!
20Step 3.4 Creating New Assignments
Go to Assignment List from either left hand menu
or top right corner menu bar to see list of
current assignments. Click on Create
21Step 3.5 Editing Assignment Properties
Edit properties and Click on Add Problems
22Step 3.6 Selecting Questions
SB Skill Base STP Self Tutoring Problems EOC
End of Chapters
Click to select question
Color coding shows Percentage of successful
23Step 3.7 Confirming Assignment
Go back to Edit Assignment Properties Scroll
down to bottom and Click on Save.
24Step 4.1 Viewing Students Results
Click on Gradebook
25Step 4.2 Gradebook (Overview)
26Step 4.3 Gradebook (Charts)
27In Summary
Teachers Problem
MPs Solution
- Thousands of calibrated questions.
- Spend too much time preparing
- Spend too much time grading
- Unable to track students performance
- Individualized remedial and tutoring
- Automatic grading, (85 coverage)
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