Title: Elevation
1Elevation and GPS
2Or Why doesnt my GPS elevation agree with other
measurements of elevation?
3The Earth is not a perfect sphere.
4The Earth is slightly flattened at the poles, and
bulges slightly at the equator.
5In addition, the surface of the Earth, even at
sea level, is not flat and smooth.
6Axis of Earths Rotation
The Geoid represents the global, mean (average)
sea level (The actual Earth at sea level)
The Geoid (Exaggerated)
Earths Center
7The ellipsoid
We mathematically represent the Earth in a
theoretical model called the ellipsoid (a solid
Center of the ellipsoid
8This model of the Earth is stored in your GPS
9Axis of Earths Rotation
The Geoid (Exaggerated)
The Geoid and the Ellipsoid do not necessarily
The Ellipsoid
Center of the Ellipsoid
Earths Center
10In current models, the differences between the
Geoid and Ellipsoid range from -106 m to 85 m.
11The Geoid
Surface measurements (made by surveying) give our
height above the GEOID, while GPS measurements
give our height above the ELLIPSOID.
The Ellipsoid
12What Do We Measure?
GPS measures our height above the Ellipsoid.
Surveying measures our height above the Geoid.
Earths Surface
13The difference you see between your GPS
measurement of elevation and that determined by
other methods depends, in part, on the local
difference between the Geoid and the Ellipsoid.