Title: Faith In Our Future Capital Campaign
1Faith In Our FutureCapital Campaign
- Blessed Trinity Parish
- Sheboygan Falls, WI
- 2009-2012
2Faith In Our Future
- An experience of Biblical Stewardship within the
Catholic community - Not the amount or even the thought of time,
talent or treasure - but
- the conversion experience that reminds us
everything we have is a gift from God and
originates with and belongs to God
3Not equal gifts,but equal sacrifice.
- Biblical Stewardship
- Sacrificial giving
- The goal of biblical stewardship is to reach the
tithing practice - A tithing (the first tenth) of ones time, talent
and treasure given back to God
4Faith In Our Futureat Blessed Trinity Parish
- Religious Education and Lifelong Faith Formation
- Blessed Trinity Religious Education
- Saint Marys Parochial School
- Catholic School and Religious Education in the
Archdiocese of Milwaukee
5Archdiocesan benchmark
- One years income (envelopes and offertory
collections) over three years - Continue regular donations to parish, CSA and
global collections - 60 stays in parish
- 40 goes to Faith in Our Future Trust to be used
for parish, global and archdiocesan needs
6Blessed Trinitys Goal
- Twice the recommended benchmark of one years
collection and envelope income over a three-year
period - Why? Our buildings are at an age where critical
maintenance is required and we need to expand our
current educational programs to meet needs of the
future - What? 960,322 of which 648,218 stays here
7Case 1Church and School Infrastructure
- Our Church building is 43 years old
- No major repairs or interior painting have been
done to this point - It is necessary to update several areas
- The school building needs maintenance and repair
- Another Capital Campaign in the next few years
would not be good stewardship
8Why the buildings first?
- If the infrastructure (buildings) isnt repaired
first, any programs utilizing the church and/or
school buildings will be limited by the space
currently available and the present condition of
those areas - Good stewardship necessitates proper upkeep of
all parish facilities - Fresh look helps us move forward
9Needed repairs
Recognize needed repairs
10Shingles on roof of church
11Masonry work, water damage
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20Some things already done
New fence for daycare
21New gym floor St. Marys School
22We need unity to work togetherfor a noble
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25Case 2EndowmentsProviding a Viable Future
- Religious Education
- Pre-School through Post-Confirmation
- Adult Formation
- Saint Mary School
- Child Care
- Pre-School through Eighth Grade
- Youth Ministry
26Faith in action
27First Eucharist
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29We helped to mold a future Priest
Matthew Widder ordained Transitional
Deacon April 25, 2009
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33Childrens religious education
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35Saint Marys School
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37Our Faith in action with youth
Mission trips Our Faith reaches out beyond
Blessed Trinity St. Marys Church.
38High school religious education
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40Catholic Heart Work Camp
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42Service to the community
43Lifelong Faith Formation
44Liturgical ministries
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53As a result of who we are becoming
- We grow in our faith through worship, faith
formation and service - We also experience a deepening sense of community
and friendship through the time we share together
and the events the parish provides to deepen our
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56And so
- The Faith In Our Future Campaign hopes to deepen
our commitment to God who has given us life and
established us as a community of believers
striving to grow in a lifelong response to the
invitation to love our families, the community
and the world of which we are part
57Archdiocesan benchmark
- One years income (envelopes and offertory
collections) over three years - Continue regular donations to parish, CSA and
global collections - 60 stays in parish
- 40 goes to Faith in Our Future Trust to be used
for parish, global and archdiocesan needs
58Blessed Trinitys Goal
- Twice the recommended benchmark of one years
collection and envelope income over a three-year
period - Why? Our buildings are at an age where critical
maintenance is required and we need to expand our
current educational programs to meet needs of the
future - What? 960,322 of which 648,218 stays here
592 Corinthians 97-8
- Each must do as already determined, without
sadness or compulsion, for God loves a cheerful
giver. - Moreover, God is able to make every grace
abundant for you, so that in all things, always
having all you need, you may have an abundance
for every good work.
60As of June 9, 2009
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