Title: When Your Church Needs to Build
1When Your Church Needs to Build
- United Methodist Foundation of the Texas Annual
2A Building Project Can Be a Real Blessing
3A Well Conducted Building Program Can
- Generate excitement
- Raise the commitment level of members
- Create interest in the church
- Unite the church in a common goal
- Spiritually strengthen the congregation
4A Church Should Have Three Master Plans
5Three Master Plans
- A master plan for its mission and ministry
- A master plan for facilities
- A master plan for funding the mission ministries
and facilities
6Master Plan IVision and Ministry of the Church
- Develop a mission statement
- Define your community
- What are the needs of your community?
- What are your mission and ministry objectives and
7Master Plan IIFacilities Plan
- What kind of environment do we need to accomplish
our objectives? - What facilities are most needed?
- What is the timeline?
- Will planned facilities accommodate future
growth? - Will future growth support the planned facilities?
8Master Plan III Financial / Stewardship Plan
- Operating Income Growth
- Stewardship Education and Development
- Capital Funds
- Development of Permanent Endowment Funds
- Loan needs and debt management
9Plan Your Work and Work Your Plan
- It will take time and effort for study and
discernment - Be intentional and proactive
- Prayerfully ask the question What is God
calling this community of faith to do at this
point and time in our history?
10Summary of Book of Discipline Requirements and
- The requirements are listed in Paragraph 2543
11Step one The church establishes a study
12Duties of the Study Committee
- Analyze the needs of the church and the community
- Project membership and attendance
- Write up the Program for Ministry (Paragraph
201-204) - Present Program for Ministry report to Charge
13 Church receives the written consent of the
Pastor, and District Superintendent and submits
the data to the District Board of Church Location
and Building
14 District Location and Building reviews and
15Charge Conference authorizes the project and
elects a building committee of no less than three
16The Building Committee
- Estimates the facilities needed
- Determines the cost of properties to be obtained.
(If applicable) - Develops preliminary architectural plans
- Ensure that all facilities contain handicapped
accessible provisions
17- Estimate Construction Costs
- Development a preliminary financial plan
- Submit a statement of need for proposed
facilities, preliminary architectural plans and
preliminary financial plans to the District
Committee of Location and Building
18District Committee of Church Location and
Building reviews and approves preliminary plans.
19Pastor with written approval of the District
Superintendent calls a Church Conference to
recommend the project and the preliminary data.
20Church Conference reviews and approves the
preliminary data from the Building Committee
21Church Conference authorizes a fund raising plan
to underwrite the cost of construction
- Members are asked to commit financially to the
building plan - Often a building campaign commitment (pledge)
will last 3 years (156 weeks)
22Capital Fund Campaign results will determine a
realistic budget
23After Capital Fund Campaign Conclusion the
Building Committee Continues their work
- Obtains detailed plans
- Obtains detailed cost
- Obtains loan commitment (if needed)
- Submits these to District Committee on Location
and Building for approval - Submits these to a Charge Conference for approval
24District Committee reviews and approves the final
building and financial plans
25A Charge Conference reviews and approves the
final plans
26Let the construction begin!