Title: Consumer motivation
1Consumer motivation experience Culture
Consumption 19.09.07
- Creolization - examples
- Motivation
- Consumer motivation in context
- Maslows hierarchy of needs
- Motivation in view of culture
- Experiences experience economy
- on the political, business research agenda
- what is it?
- linear evolution or not?
2Motivational Dynamics(Arnould et al. p.266)
3Consumer Motivation in Context (Arnould et. al
Macro-environmental factors Global
context Consumer culture Cultural production
Local Context/Social Networks Family sign.
Others Organisations communities Economic
social structures
Consumer as Interpreter Personal
history Circumstances Life themes values Life
Current concerns
Consumption goals
Consumer involv. / goal-striving
Brand / feature prefs.
4Self- actualization Ego Social Safety
Security Physiological
Maslows need hierarchy Arnould et al. p.270
5Consumer motives in view of culture
- Independent vs. interdependent goals
- Achievement motive
- individually vs. socially oriented
- Power motive (to control/influence)
- primary vs. secondary control
- Uniqueness/novelty motive
- integration vs. standing out
- Affiliation motive
- important in all cultures but interpreted
differently - Self-esteem motive
- self-enhancement vs. self-restraint
6Experience economy on important agendas
- Politics
- White paper
- Research funds
- Business
- Product development
- Consultancy firms
- Research
- Centres at CBS, RUC, AAU
7What is an experience / exp. economy?
- Experiences are personal, subjectively perceived,
intangible, continuously on-going (ODell) - Creating frameworks for experiences
(experience-scapes) - holitistic solutions based on well-defined themes
- believable memorable experiences
- Putting the customer in focus
- Involving the customer mentally, emotionally,
sensuously - The customer as co-producer not receiver
8(Pine Gilmore 1999 p.6)
Active Participation
Passive Participation
(Pine Gilmore, 1999 p.30)
10Further readings
- Pine Gilmore (1999) The Experience Economy.
Work is theatre every business a stage. Harvard
Business School Press - ODell Billing (2005)(eds). Experiencescapes.
Tourism, Culture and Economy. Copenhagen
Copenhagen Business School Press