Title: D
1DV in the under 5s Dr. Victoria Lloyd GPVTS
- 1 to 3 illnesses per child per year lt5years
- 500 000 consultations per year lt5 years
- 16 of all hospital medical presentations
- 18000 lt5s admitted for diarrhoea yearly
- Crowley 1997 Communicable Disease report 7
- Tompkins 1999 Communicable disease and Public
Health Report 2
3DV. Hes been ill for a week now. Is that normal?
- Average illness lasts 8.6 days
4DV. Hes not drunk anything today.
- How dehydrated?
- Gold standard assessment of dehydration
weight loss. - Mild 3, Mod 5, Severe 10
- WHO 1990
- Assess severity on basis of patients age and
frequency of watery stools and vomiting - no data on frequency related to outcome.
5DV. Hes not drunk anything today.
How Dehydrated?
Duggen 1996. J Paed Gast Nutr
6DV. What do you think has caused it?
- Viral 87
- Ferson 1996. Med J Aus
- Some unreliable pointers
- Viral - preceded by URTI.
- Bacterial - blood mucous in stool.
7DV. What do you think has caused it?
- Antibiotic induced.
- Toddler diarrhoea.
- Other systemic infection.
- Traveler's diarrhoea.
- Intussusception, HUS, Surgical abdomen, PMC.
- Factitious.
- Chronic bowel pathology.
8DV. Could this be food poisoning?
- V difficult to confirm food link.
- Stool culture negative in 50-66
- DOH executive summary.
- For every 1000 cases of IID, of those 160 that
consult GP 45 have stool culture sent and 10 are
positive. 7 need reporting to CDSC PHLS.
9DV. Ive heard flat Coke is good.
- Pop is hyperosmolar. May cause osmolar
diarrhoea. - Home made salt and sugar drinks not advised.
- If mild symptoms increase in fluid intake only.
- Dioralyt, Diacalm, Rehidrat etc if dehydrated
- Am Acad Paed 1996
10DV. How much do I use?
- Initial fluid replacement over 4 hours.
- Estimate dehydration (i.e. mild/mod 3-8
30-80ml/Kg) given little and often - Armon 2001. Arch Dis Chil
11DV. But he just vomits it back?
- Keep going with small amounts and often.
- 5-10ml every 5 minutes and increase volumes once
tolerating. V time consuming. - Continue until rehydrated.
12DV. What then?
- Maintenance feeds any fluids approp.
- 100ml/Kg/day first 10Kg
- 50ml/Kg/day next 10Kg
- 20ml/Kg/day for the rest
- replace ongoing losses 10ml/kg for each stool
with extra feeds or ORF.
13DV. Weight.
- Age 4 x2 weight in Kg.
- Age 5 20Kg 1.5L ( 200ml)
- Age 3 15Kg 1.25L ( 150ml)
- Age 1 10Kg 1L ( 100ml)
14DV. Should I starve him?
- Early feeding i.e. After 4hours of ORF, is assoc.
with a better outcome than waiting until
gt24hours. Does not worsen symptoms or produce
lactose intolerance - Sandhu 1997. J Paed Gast Nutr
- Are bland foods better to start?
- No evidence.
15DV. Should I stop giving him milk and yogurt?
- Malabsorption of lactose may occur for a short
period after IID because of mucosal damage and
lactase deficiency.In Europe continued lactose
deficiency is uncommon. - Meta Analysis showed lactose free diet rarely
necessary. - Brown 1994. Paed.
- Should not stop breast feeding.
- Who 1993.
16DV. Is there anything you can give him?
- There is no evidence to suggest that
anti-diarrhoeals are effective. - BMJ 1984
- No role in IID and unacceptable SE.
- Murphy 1998
- Pepto Bismol may reduce amount of diarrhoea but
not recommended. - Antiemetics are not indicated.
- WHO 1993
17DV. Should he have antibiotics?
- Most bacterial IID does not need antibiotics.
- Is indicated if Shigella.
- Is indicated if Salmonella and lt2yr or
immunocompromised. - Murphy 1998
18DV. What to do and when.
- See if not improving after 48hours
- See if not settled after 10 days
- Send stool culture if above and if recent travel,
blood /- mucous in stool, suspect food poisoning
or systemically unwell. - If persistent diarrhoea after reintroduction of
feeds, evidence for lactose intolerance should be
sought. - Refer if
19DV. Does he need to go to hospital?
- Severe.
- Social set up.
- Uncertain diagnosis.
- No sig. difference between oral and IV
rehydration. Prefer IV if shocked. - Murphy 1998. Arch Dis Chil.