Title: Chapter 4. Partition
1Chapter 4. Partition
- (2) Multi-layer Partition
Ding-Zhu Du
2Intersection Disk Graph
Consider n points in the Euclidean plane, each
is associated with a disk. An edge exists between
two points if and only if their associated disks
have nonempty intersection.
3Maximum Independent Set in Intersection Disk
Given a intersection disk graph D, find a
maximum Independent set opt(D).
Suppose the largest disk has diameter 1-e. Let
dmin be The diameter of smallest disk. Fix an
integer k gt 0. Let
Put all disks into m1 layers. For 0 lt j lt m,
layer j consists of all disks with diameter di,
5Partition P(0,0) in layer j
6Partition P(0) in layer j and layer j1
7Partition P(a,b) in layer j
8Layer j
Layer j1
9A disk hits a cut line.
At each layer, a disk can hit at most one among
Parallel lines apart each other with distance
In partition P(a,b), delete all disks each
hitting a cut line in the same layer. The
remaining disks form a collection D(a,b).
Maximum Independent set opt(D(a,b)) can be
computed in time
Why use it?
by dynamic programming.
11Dynamic Programming
j-cell is a cell in layer j.
For any j-cell S and a set I of independent disks
in layers lt j, intersecting S,
Table(S,I) maximum independent set of disks
layers gt j, contained in S, and
disjoint from I.
opt(D(a, b)) US Table(S, ?) where S is over all
cells in layer 0.
12Recursive Relation
For j-cell S and I,
13 of Table(S,I)
of S too large
How do we overcome this difficulty?
Relevant cell
A j-cell is relevant if it contains a disk in
layer j.
14Dynamic Programming
j-cell is a cell in layer j.
For any relevant j-cell S and a set I of
independent disks in layers lt j, intersecting S,
Table(S,I) maximum independent set of disks
layers gt j, contained in S, and
disjoint from I.
opt(D(a, b)) USTable(S, ?) where S is over all
maximal relevant cells.
15Children of a relevant cell
16Maximal relevant cell
A relevant cell is maximal if it is not contained
by Another relevant cell.
17Recursive Relation
For j-cell S,
18 of Table(S,I)
of relevant S n.
of I
of Table(S,I)
19 of I
of Is
20Computation Time of Recursion
of S
of J
Running Time of dynamic programming
21 of J
Choose k ?.
Compute opt(D(0,0)), opt(D(1,1)), ,
Choose maximum one among them.
- Consider an optimal solution D.
- For each partition P(a,b), let H(a,b) be the
collection of all disks hitting cut line in the
same layer. - Estimate H(0,0)H(1,1)H(k-1,k-1).
Each disk appears in at most two terms in this
There exists i such that H(2i,2i) lt 2D/k.
25Performance ratio
Opt/approx 1/(1-2/k) 1 2/(k-4)
We obtain a (1e)-approximation With time
26Thanks, End