Title: A High Latitude Convective Cloud Feedback
1A High Latitude Convective Cloud Feedback
- Dorian S. Abbot
- PhD Oral Exam
- August 25, 2008
Future Climate
Equable Climates
- Motivation what is an equable climate?
- Convective Cloud Feedback high-latitude warming
leads to convection, leads to convective clouds,
causing more positive cloud radiative forcing,
causing further warming - Onset and Strength of CC Feedback
- CC Feedback and Maximum Seasonal Sea Ice at High
CO2 - Future Work
3Equable climate warm poles, mild winters
- High global mean temperature
- Very high polar temperatures
- above freezing winter temperatures _at_ 60N,
interior of N. America (now -30C) - No significant ice
- Warm deep ocean 15C
- Weak high-lat seasonality
- Tropical SSTs gt modern
- Low Equator-pole temperature difference 25C
(now 45C).
4The good news? State-of-the-art fully coupled
GCMs cannot reproduce Eocene (50Myr) proxy
observations? When some of them get close, the
mechanism is not clear
Coupled GCM study of Huber and Sloan, 2001, for
example. Uses best guess Eocene
- Bathymetry
- Topography
- Land Surface
- Vegetation
- CO2 (560 ppm)
Sheillito et al 2003 AGCM at 2000 ppm gets
closer, mechanism not clear
5In SimpleIntermediate Models, CC Feedback
Mechanism Leads to High Latitude Warming and
This positive feedback supports 2 states (1)
Equable (high lat deep convection, high clouds
warm) (2) present-day-like, deep convection only
at equator
warmer surface ? unstable air column ? deep
convection ? high clouds ? greenhouse effect
warmer surface
6Onset and Strength of CC Feedback
- Critical CO2 of ONSET determines if feedback
- was active in past and if could be in future
- TS increase caused by feedback (STRENGTH)
- helps to establish relevance
7Simple Two-Level High-Latitude Climate Model
Free Troposphere
Pressure Pa Emissivity ?a?0??
SurfaceBoundary Layer
8Onset Critical Emissivity
9Strength Surf. Temp. Increase
10 NCARs Single Column Atmospheric Model
Results are confirmed in SCAM
11SCAM Confirms Main Two-Level Model Conclusions
- Roughly Modern
- Heat Transport
- CO22000 ppm
Polar Night, 2 States, Initial Conditions ONLY
12CC Feedback and Maximum Seasonal Sea Ice at High
- Evidence for CC feedback in IPCC AR4 GCM runs
- CC feedback may help determine maximum seasonal
(spring) sea ice in these runs - CAM snapshot sensitivity runs establish
importance of CC feedback
13CC Feedback Active During Winter in GCMs
NCAR GFDL 3D CPLD O-A GCMs, x4 CO2 minus
Cloud CRF up/ unchanged
Convection up/ unchanged
Srfc Temp up/ unchanged
Sea ice gone/ unchanged
14CC Feedback in Arctic for all IPCC Models
CC Feedback associated with winter sea ice loss
Effect of feedback on spring sea ice?
?March Sea Ice
?NDJF Sea Ice
15CAM runs to Compare CC OHT Feedback
- Increase CO2 to 1120 ppm
- and do four runs
- 1. LO OHT and LO CRF
- 2. LO OHT and HI CRF
- 3. HI OHT and LO CRF
- 4. HI OHT and HI CRF
16BOTH Feedbacks Needed to Eliminate March Sea Ice!!
17Future Work
- Using Modern Observational Evidence
- to Constrain the CC Feedback
- 2. CC Feedback and Continental Interiors
18Evidence for CC Feedback in Modern Climate
Winter Arctic CRF seems tied to sea ice in
modern climate
Yearly sea ice anomalies tied to yearly CRF
Can this constrain feedback so that models are
more useful?
19Speculation on continental interiors
Continental interiors not addressed in our
study. Speculation Drifting moisture high
clouds from above-ocean convection may provide
greenhouse effect over continental interiors
weaker eddies in equable climate ? less drying by
vertical eddy motions.
20? in CAMs DJF Climate Per CO2 DoublingCRF
Increase Over BOTH Ocean and Land
CO2 Doubling
21Important Increase in Moisture Transport
Vert. Int. Cond. At 60N W m-2
Is transport zonal or meridional?
Land Fraction
Thanks to Gabriel Bousquet!
22Central Conclusions
- Main Point Found a simple, interesting
unexpected convective cloud feedback on
high-latitude climate change high-latitude deep
atm convection high tropospheric clouds result
in an equable-like climate - Onset of CC feedback depends strongly on heat
transport - magnitude and vertical distribution. Strength
does not. - x4 CO2 3D state-of-the-art coupled ocean-atm IPCC
runs and - CAM sensitivity runs indicate CC feedback will
help determine - future maximum seasonal (spring) sea ice
- Remaining Work observations and explicit
mechanism for continental interiors
23Thanks useful conversations John Dykema, Ian
Eisenman, Kerry Emanuel, Brian Farrell, John
Higgins, Peter Huybers, Zhiming Kuang, Richard
Lindzen, Dan Schrag, Jacob Sewall, Chris
Walker For helpful reviews Rob Korty, Adam
Sobel, Richard Seager.
24Thanks Especially to Professor Superman!