Title: French Undergraduates
1French Undergraduates
- Researching Your Assessed Essay
- (Tutorial 2 Searching in the MLA International
2In this Tutorial you will be shown how to
- Find your way to a menu of relevant data-bases on
the Library web pages - Conduct some searches on MLA
- Distinguish between bibliographic and full-text
results - Operate an e-link (WebBridge) between a
bibliographic record and a full-text source
3Pitching my search correctly
- Am I using a few general terms so that I am
including too much? - Am I using too many narrow terms so that I am
excluding some useful results? - Am I remembering to juxtapose helpful variant
terms to cover my topic (ie fiction or novel,
women or feminine)?
4From the Resources page, select from the Subjects
5Click here for a menu of vital databases
6You can now open the MLA
7To get the best from MLA, go to Advanced Search
8Quite a choice! A good general purpose default is
Note Author means author of a document, not a
literary writer
9Your topic is
- You are looking for some material on Epistolary
aspects of Joachim Du Bellays - Les Regrets
10Limit the search to basic keywords
You can add/subtract as many rows as you want
You have set these defaults
11Thanks to MLAs indexing, you are also finding
You can open a full-text link here (to JSTOR)
12Scroll down to read
13Here you are!
14Your next search topic
- You now want some material on The politics of
friendship in French sixteenth century literature
15This time you need not only keywords but to
specify the literature and the period
Note how MLA expresses the 16C century this
will catch all the records
16Click on Title to see the full record
17Note the descriptors which increase the power of
your search
18Now click on WebBridge to see what links are
19No full-text this time, but you can open
Warwicks catalogue
20WebBridge is over-scrupulous, but you can see
Warwick holds this title
21In this case we dont have the 1989 volume. You
might be able to use Document Supply (but only
with your supervisors permission
22To find out more about Document Supply, click here
23Now open this screen
24You can download a form but note the permission
25So remember the strategy for finding article
- First investigate whether a full-text link is
available (via WebBridge or by searching our
catalogue) - If not, check if Warwick holds a print set
- If not, find out whether your tutor will give you
permission to use Document Supply (a free service
to you)_
26You next search is for
- French twentieth-century women writers and the
role of memory
27Here are your key terms
Note that the term role has been omitted as not
distinctive enough remember to drop all
unnecessary words or phrases
28MLA tells you the type of records retrieved
15 records found scroll on down
29Tick in the boxes
You want to save 2 records for your bibliography
30or go for output right away
You can add to a list here continue searching
31Note what the records are about select a biblio
style from a menu
32You can now email or save
To check which records you have, click here
33Make sure the records format have the information
in them that you want
34Back on the French Library page there are many
more products you might like to scan
35The Bibliotheque Nationale can be opened here
36Useful links here
News of current research here
A selection of e-texts
37(No Transcript)
38If you are still a bit unsure
- Go through the Tutorial once more
- Look carefully at how searches are set out on
the screen - Practise some live searches of your own
- Ask for further help
- Contact peter.larkin_at_warwick.ac.uk
- or Lindsay.Green_at_warwick.ac.uk
39(No Transcript)