Title: The Worm Caenorhabditis elegans
1The WormCaenorhabditis elegans
2008-09 DB3002
2C. elegans as a model organism
- Simple anatomy
- Comprehensive description of development at
single cell resolution - all cells visible throughout lifecycle
- Ease of genetic analysis
- Mutant screening is rapid and can be automated in
some cases - RNA interference is highly effective
- Simple anatomy
- Small size and egg shell make embryo difficult to
study by microsurgery - But it can be done!
- No cell lines for cell culture analysis
3Adult anatomy
4Him and Her
- Males arise via X-chromosome non-disjunction
(they are XO hermaphrodites are XX) - This occurs naturally at a low rate (0.1-0.2),
but can be increased by certain muations (high
incidence of males him mutants)
6Embryonic Development
7Embryonic Development
8The Cell Lineage and The Nobel Prize
91 cell
959 cells
10A cell lineage of the early embryo
fertilised egg
t i m e
11The Cell Lineage
12Early embryogenesis of C. elegans the founder
13Polarity in the early C. elegans embryo
- sperm entry determines A-P axis, by providing
centrosomes - the maternal and paternal pronuclei meet and
migrate to midpoint of A-P axis - p-granules become localised to posterior
- mitotic spindle becomes displaced posteriorly
- embryo divides unequally to produce AB and P1
14Polarity in the early C. elegans embryo
- sperm entry determines A-P axis, by providing
centrosomes - the maternal and paternal pronuclei meet and
migrate to midpoint of A-P axis - p-granules become localised to posterior
- mitotic spindle becomes displaced posteriorly
- embryo divides unequally to produce AB and P1
15Polarity in the early C. elegans embryo
- sperm entry determines A-P axis, by providing
centrosomes - the maternal and paternal pronuclei meet and
migrate to midpoint of A-P axis - p-granules become localised to posterior
- mitotic spindle becomes displaced posteriorly
- embryo divides unequally to produce AB and P1
16Polarity in the early C. elegans embryo
- sperm entry determines A-P axis, by providing
centrosomes - the maternal and paternal pronuclei meet and
migrate to midpoint of A-P axis - p-granules become localised to posterior
- mitotic spindle becomes displaced posteriorly
- embryo divides unequally to produce AB and P1
17- Anterior-Posterior Axis
- Sperm entry point determines future
anterior-posterior axis - P granule localisation correlates with
- posterior of the embryo
- germline cell fate
- Germline, P cells express PIE-1 TF
18Polarity in the early C. elegans embryo
- sperm entry determines A-P axis, by providing
centrosomes - the maternal and paternal pronuclei meet and
migrate to midpoint of A-P axis - p-granules become localised to posterior
- mitotic spindle becomes displaced posteriorly
- embryo divides unequally to produce AB and P1
19Germline cell fate determination during early
- At each division of Pn cells, one daughter
becomes a somatic cell, the other, posterior
daughter inherits P-granules
- Most early gene products are provided entirely by
the mother - Mutations in these genes show a strict
maternal-effect - homozygous mutant progeny of heterozygote mothers
are viable - progeny of homozygous mutant mothers all arrest
21Maternal effect mutations
All progeny viable
All progeny arrested as embryos
22The Par mutants
- Kemphues et al screened for maternal effect
embryonic lethal mutations - Identified par (partioning defective) mutants
which show defects in AB and P1 cell fates
23par-3, par-6, pkc-3 mutants
- Mutant Phenotype
- AB spindle same orientation as P1
- In absence of PAR-3, PAR-6 or PKC-3 both cells
behave like P1 - All three proteins localise to AB cell
par-3 mutant
24par-1 mutants
par-2 mutants
- Normal AB and P1 cells
- P granules fail to segregate to P1
- both cells same size
- P1 spindle same orientation as AB
- Both cells behave like AB cells
25Polarity in the early embryo is controlled by the
PAR proteins
- PAR-3,-6 and PKC-3 define the anterior region of
the cell - PAR-2 defines the posterior region of the cell
- PAR-3 localisation is dependent upon PAR-2
function, and vice-versa
26MEX-5/-6 regulate cell fate in the early embryo
- mex-5 and mex-6 encode almost identical proteins
- mex-5/-6 double mutants misexpress posterior
proteins in anterior cells
27PAR-3, PAR-2 and PIE-1
28MEX-5 expression
- MEX-5 expression is highest in the somatic
daughter of Pn at each cell division, i.e. the
reciprocal of germline proteins
29Summary Model
- In response to sperm-entry point PAR proteins
ensure the proper segregation of MEX-5/6 proteins
and thereby ensure proper partitioning of cell